Please try to be a bit fair to Uhuru. The hard truth is that he paid Ruto upfront and the deputy presidency was just a bonus for him to use to convince "his" people that he was genuine. The truth of the matter was that power was Uhuru's and his fellow Kikuyus. And Ruto know it. That is why when he took Uhuru to Eldoret some time back after Alfred Keter had started complaining of being short changed, Uhuru told them in broad daylight that they should give him a chance to employ his people while Ruto awaits his chance after 10 years. The coded language in that statement was that Uhuru owed Kalenjins nothing in this government. Actually Ruto supported Uhuru for making that statement and they started twisting things ati Kalenjins should stop demanding every position since other tribes also need those positions. In fact, Ruto right hand man who has since gone mute, a Mr Murkomen, said that if Kalenjins demanded everything, the Karamojong would not get anything. Now they wanted to pretend that they were mindful of the Karamojong who everybody knows does not feature anywhere in Kenya's political lexicon. The truth is that Ruto had pocketed the money and now has to find ways of convincing "his" people that he was genuinely concerned about their welfare and believed that it could be best served under Uhuru/Ruto government. I am glad Kalenjins have smelt the coffee and voluble ones like Murkomen, Charles Keter, Kutuny and others have all gone mute. Let Ruto sort them out. Uhuru already met his part of the bargain. If Ruto conned "his" people, that is his own cup of tea. Not Uhuru's. By George Njoroge
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