1.Turn your profile pic into an emoji you can use in chat. Type your username sandwiched between double brackets (like this: [[zuck]]) and enter it into chat to send your personalized emoji. 2.Share something with all of your friends except one person. *. *. *. *. *. Select "custom" in the "who to share this with" tab, then enter the name of the person you don't want to see the post. Simple as that! Facebook 3.Clean up your News Feed in just a couple minutes. *. *. *. *. *. Click on the link below while logged in to Facebook and you will be taken to a page full of friends you haven't interacted with in a while. Click all of the ones you want to see less in your News Feed. a<"https://www.facebook.com/friends/organize/> 4.Hide your online status on chat from people you don’t feel like talking to. *. *. *. *. *. Facebook has integrated its "lists" feature with chat, so you can make lists of people to whom you do and don't want to appear online. Learn how herea<"http://mashable.com/2012/02/24/hide-facebook-chat"/> 6.Back up and download all of your photos plus other people’s photos you’re tagged in. *. *. *. *. *. To Download the Pick&Zip app follow this link a<"http://www.picknzip.com"/>
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