Every woman desires to have a loving relationship that she can be proud of, these tips below would definitely help every woman have a wonderful relationship.
1. Don’t try to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be.
2. Every woman should know that if a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
3. If a man isn’t ready to listen to you and make any effort to meet your needs, don’t fully commit to him.
4. Look for someone who complements you and not someone who completes you.
5. Never be in a hurry to share too much of yourself and things about yourself. Trust takes time to develop.6. If your relationship isn’t good, do not stay because you think it would be better. You might regret that years after.
7. When starting a relationship, slower is always better.8. Don’t try to change your man because it just doesn’t work. The only person you can change is yourself.
9. Nothing can make your man stay if he doesn’t want you.
10. Never try to control your partner, the only person you can control in a relationship is you.11. Never make your man feel more important than you or less important than you.
12. Just because you love him and want him to stay doesn’t mean you should always compromise. Compromise should be two-way in a relationship.
13. Never be in a hurry to start a new relationship after a breakup. Give yourself time to heal so you don’t carry any baggage from your previous relationship into your new relationship.
14. Never date a man who has a girlfriend. If he cheats on his girlfriend with you, he will also cheat on you.
15. Avoid men who have lots of children with different women. If he didn’t treat the other women better, what makes you think he would treat you better?
Have a wonderful relationship ladies.