1. Thinking About The Ex: If you are suddenly reminded about your ex, it is best for your boyfriend not be aware of it. This thought about your ex flame will only pierce his heart.
2. When You Miss His Family Functions: If you want to miss his family functions, never hesitate to tell him the truth as to why you want to bunk it. Being honest with your man is the key to a better relationship. Lying to him and skipping all those functions will only crush him.
3. When You Discuss Your Matters With Friends: One of the things your boyfriend should never know is the moments you spend with your girl friends, updating them on your sex life. No man appreciates his woman telling the entire universe about his performance in bed. It is something you should never let your man know about.
4. Snitching Through His Phone: Every woman has this nasty habit of going through their man’s phone at every little chance they get. This is a bad habit and you should never tell your boyfriend what you do, as it could prop up problems related to trust.
5. Stalking: If you have a habit of stalking guys, it is healthy as long as there is no sign of cheating on your man. Even so, this is one thing your boyfriend should never know as it can hurt him and crush his heart to a million pieces.

2. When You Miss His Family Functions: If you want to miss his family functions, never hesitate to tell him the truth as to why you want to bunk it. Being honest with your man is the key to a better relationship. Lying to him and skipping all those functions will only crush him.
3. When You Discuss Your Matters With Friends: One of the things your boyfriend should never know is the moments you spend with your girl friends, updating them on your sex life. No man appreciates his woman telling the entire universe about his performance in bed. It is something you should never let your man know about.
4. Snitching Through His Phone: Every woman has this nasty habit of going through their man’s phone at every little chance they get. This is a bad habit and you should never tell your boyfriend what you do, as it could prop up problems related to trust.
5. Stalking: If you have a habit of stalking guys, it is healthy as long as there is no sign of cheating on your man. Even so, this is one thing your boyfriend should never know as it can hurt him and crush his heart to a million pieces.