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By Dr Paul Bundi Human beings are endowed with remarkable resilience, which can only be broken when they choose to give up. Says Viktor Frankl in his seminal book, Man's Search for Meaning; ''it is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future-sub specie aeternitatis. And this is his salvation in thd most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.'' Man's life is primarily driven by the desire for future, the unshakable belief that the future holds promise. We invariably cease to live when we think we have hit a dead end, or that there's nothing more to be had by living. Theoretically, there is no limit to man's achievement, and that is what drives men to wake up and strive day after day. The opposite is spiritual, psychological death, which manifests way ahead of physical death. Lesson? Losing today doesn't mean losing always. You can lose 10 times and win the 11th time. Or, you...

When you are dating an educated and civilized woman who has class and ambition, you get texts such as these

1. Morning my dear. Hope you had a wonderful night. How are you today? Wake up get ready for work. Don't forget to apply for that vacancy I showed you yesterday.
2. Yes darling. I miss you so much. Anyway, have a nice lunch, I am heading out for lunch. Talk later. Take care of
yourself. Love you.
3. Yes Dear I'm at the shop now. What should I buy for you ?
*But when you are dating these gold-digging, Shida-thirsty divas in town, whose only asset is their looks as well as being trendy with fashion, you get texts such as these:
1. Morning baibe, share me credit, plz bae.
2. Hello sweet babez I am coming for pizza Steers over lunch? And Someone is selling nice perfumes can I take one
plz. Luv u xoxoxo much.
3. Hey hundsome, Share credit plz. Also wanted to tell you my neighbor is selling ma skinny jeans, nice shoes from USA and brazilian hair.You will let me knw when u r ready to get me these. Loving u lots, mwaa
