Former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, has threatened to expel all rebel CORD members, who are working with the Jubilee administation to oppose the looming referendum Speaking during the launch of a countrywide sensitization campaign for Okoa Kenya issues at Bomas of Kenya on Thursday, Raila said all CORD members must support the referendum or be expelled from the coalition. Raila seemed to have pointed a finger at Nairobi Governor, Dr Evans Kidero, and Machakos Governor, Dr Alfred Mutua, and a number of Coast MPs, who have publicly opposed the referendum. “It is either you are with us or with the enemy,” Raila said adding that the constitution is clear on those who go against the coalition principles. “if you are not supporting the referendum then it means you are supposed to be expelled because CORD coalition is supporting the referendum,” Raila said amid cheers from thousands of MCAs and MPs who attended the function
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