If a Kikuyu, Luo, Kalenjin and Luhya were all to be employed on the same day at the same … organization E.G. Kenya Ports Authority, Mombasa and you visited them after 10 years, this is what you would find: KIKUYU -Living in his own house in Mombasa; family living in Mombasa; happily settled at coast -Has rental houses, matatu in Mombasa -Owns a small car 1300cc EFI -Meets a friend at a local cheap bar for nyama choma and one or two beers discussing business JALUO -Living in big expensive rented house. -Has a big car 4000cc petrol -Family living in Mombasa -No investments; Thinks of investing back home but fears being bewitched -Leader of KPA trade Union; Always complaining, agitating for fairness/ equitable distribution of resources -Meets ten friends in a pub with loud music each person has six beers waiting to be drunk and politicking. KALENJIN -Family living in Kericho while he works in Mombasa; wishes there was a Port in Kericho so that he could be nearer home -Has small car 1300cc which is in Kericho -Has bought small farm in Kericho -Believes Kikuyus are thieves; wishes they would be evicted from Rift Valley. -Drinks beer/choma alone or with fellow clansmen and usually less discussions LUHYA -Has 2 wives; one in Bungoma, other in Mombasa -Hopes to get a Luhya MD to give him promotion to ease burden of 2 families -No investments. Beer/Choma, Lingala music and a sweet sixteen girl are favorite. -Amazed by Kikuyus success
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