REAL COMRADES FORUM A MESSAGE TO ALL KENYANS FOR CHANGE. You are a Luo and am a Kalenjin .She is a Luhya and he is a kikuyu. Uhuru is the President, raila the opposition leader, Ruto the Deputy President while Wetangula is the Minority leader. By their standards, you are poor and I am poor. Each one of them is wealthy. They call each other "brother." Every time they meet, they hug. According to them, we have many things in common; Poverty, Ignorance, Stupidity, Blind Fanatics, Short memory and are willing slaves. The fact that I come from presidents turf does not make me better than you. Neither does coming from opposition region make you worse than me. We all face insecurity, Corruption, Unemployment and we all feel the pinch in the rise of cost of living. When we seriously fall ill, our families have no choice but to chose between death or going bankrupt. Whether in Nyeri, Kisumu, Machakos, Eldoret or Busia, Most families are struggling to choose between paying school fees ...