Are you looking to top the list as the best candidate in the job market this year or the best employee of the year? If yes, then your personal brand needs an extreme makeover for you to succeed in your career. Here are effective and powerful Personal branding tips as laid down by experts: 1. Determine your unique value Laura Smith-Proulx, a Certified Career Management Coach cautions that you should examine your strengths carefully by asking yourself what type of work opportunity do you thrive on, what do you consistently deliver that others do not and what kind of tasks make your day fly by effortlessly. This specific type of information forms the core of a successful personal brand. 2. Gather Feedback From Others How others see you is a key component of your brand. Ms. Smith counsels that you list down the qualities your supervisors point out as assets and the regular response you receive from clients and colleagues about the quality of your work. This helps you get the idea of other peoples experience with you and what you represent as an individual. 3. Assess Your Competition “In your current role, do you have peers that are tasked with similar duties? Further, what personal style do you bring to the workplace that distinguishes your abilities?,” poses Ms. Smith “Another way to gauge your performance from a competitive standpoint is to measure your success against that of your predecessor in the same role. In addition, what have you accomplished in terms of the improvement or turnaround efforts? The answers here will help you to distinguish yourself from others,” she adds. 4. Brand Your Appearance “Brand yourself through your professional presence. First impressions count! What message are your clothes sending? Are you trendy, conservative, fashionable or outdated? What about your grooming?Your hairstyle, facial hair, scuffed shoes and too much cologne or perfume can speak volumes before you open your mouth,” says Valerie Sokolosky, president of the executive coaching and consulting firm Valerie & Company. 5. Follow the 3 Cs of Branding Peter Sterlacci, a Certified Personal Branding Strategist lists them as clarity where you are clear about who you are and who you are not. , consistency and constancy. “Consistently demonstrate your brand promise everywhere. This includes your social media profiles, your website, your business cards, your communications. Everything. It is not enough to be clear and consistent if you are not always visible to your target audience. Strong brands are constant. Be visible or run the risk of being forgotten!,” he adds. Let your personal brand speak for you.
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