Our Penal Code was enacted in August 1930. Section 132 of that code says, any person who, without lawful excuse, utters, prints, publishes any words, or does any act or thing, calculated to bring into contempt, or to excite defiance of or disobedience to, the lawful authority of a public officer or any class of public officers is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years. Under our constitution a public o fficer is virtually everyone working for the government in its broad nature. This is the small law that is likely to send a number of us to jail. Lawyers will tell you that no matter how long a law stays in disuse it doesn’t go stale. You only dust it one morning and voila!!!! You use it to send a blogger to jail. So my question, should this piece of 1930 law be repealed?
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