Since I started posting on the elections, I have come under a lot of attacks. I have heard to endure baseless claims that I am doing this so that Ruto can appoint me to his government. Or that I have been paid to write.
I have been blogging here for over ten years. I have always stood for what is true no matter who is the target. I have never received a cent from any individual or institution to post anything here. If anybody has paid me they can come out and dispute this.
I invested over 40 hours of my time to tally and validate the results IEBC was uploading. Using my data analysis skills, I was the first person in the country to come up with complete tallies for all the 290 constituencies on Saturday at 10 AM. When IEBC came up with its final tallies my figures turned out to be over 99.5% accurate. If this is not a verifiable election what is?
I have worked with data for over 20 years, almost ten of which as a systems analyst and computer programmer. I did that work as a public service. Surprisingly, those of us who took time to do such tallies aren't considered heroes of democracy. Our crime is that our final result was not favourable to the giants of democracy.
I am still waiting for someone to drop the rigging claims bombshell.
Why did the media stop updating their tallies as soon as one candidate was clearly in the lead? We have heard a lot of baseless rumours but no media house have told us why they stopped their tallies. This irresponsible behaviour by the partisan media is what is contributing to most of the confusion we are experiencing.
All the independent analysts I know who did their tallies arrived at a similar conclusion. Those who reject the results are yet to provide us with their tallies for scrutiny. What are they waiting for? Before rigging claims and evidence which should come first? Do you make rigging claims then look for the evidence?
My view remains that the elections were verifiable and credible. This will remain so until evidence to the contrary is adduced. IEBC did a great job. This should have been one of the proudest moments for the country and the continent. But it was defiled by hooliganism and violence by the so called warriors of democracy.
No one in Azimio has condemned the violence orchestrated by Azimio goons at Bomas.
Nothing in my view warrants dragging the country through a long period of political uncertainty as the economy bleeds and people suffer. The same people who call themselves democrats consider it a crime for me to hold this view. Everyone must agree with their decision with or without grounds.
The claims or insinuations that my work amounts to lobbying for a government job are absurd. I am over 40 years and have never been employed by anyone. Why do these people think I am now desperate for a job? Besides, working for government is not a crime. I have done work for governments in the region.
It is sad that we live in a sinfully materialistic world where some people cannot believe that one can serve their country without pursuit of monetary benefits. If I wanted a government job, I would have gotten one long ago.