Waiting and delay are some of the things that can test your character to the fullest.
Abraham was promised greatness through his seed, but got the longest delay.
His long wait led to an attempt to help God and at times, he had to lie that his wife Sarah was a sister.......
Waiting is challenging
Waiting is torturous
Waiting puts you in situations that only God knows how to explain.
However, waiting develops a character of understanding.
As someone who has gone through long periods of waiting, I always look back and thank God.
First, I took very long to settle down. As I shared in a previous 3am Thought, I had some mysterious job losses, in spite of having great academic papers.
After leaving your parent's home, it usually becomes difficult to return and become a dependent again.
So, one tries to make do with what life gives you. Things are made worse when people mock you.
There was a time we were riding on my bicycle after picking sweet potatoes with James Munyao when a black 4wd furious hooted as it passed. Since I was the passenger, I had time to look at the driver, and behold it was someone that was two years behind me in Campus. A young boisterous man known to look down on others. That was a very low moment for me. It compares to the time a former schoolmate from Maseno, who was working at Kplc and driving a white Toyota stopped in Mathare North when he met me and laughed out loud. My lips were dried, my shoes were dusty and all I wanted was Chipo ya 20 Bob in a place called Motherland. The guy from coast bought me, but gave me kisomo about being lazy and useless. I felt as many poor people do nowadays , I sat down as someone with privileges lectured me.
God usually has a reason for delay.
Delay develops a character that can never be bought. That is why many great companies are founded by people in their 40s and 50s.
That is why the best wives are those who have tasted loneliness and mockery from married women.
The best parents are those who have tasted being single parents. The best employees are those who have tasted unemployment.
Abraham is remembered all over the world due to his delay and his overcoming of it.
So, even if people mock you, deride you and make Posts about your situation. Hold on. Like Abraham, look at the Stars in a night like tonight with a full moon, and thank God for the blessings coming your way.