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Showing posts from April, 2014

How to Stop Masturbation

Masturbation is sometimes called “self love” or “solo-sex”. It is a normal and healthy activity, and indeed is the way most adolescents discover what makes them feel good before they embark on an adult sexual relationship. Masturbation plays a big role in a normal sex life. Some of us discover it as children because it starts to feel so good between our legs. Others are shown by our friends.We continue to masturbate because it feels so good. It gets us ready for mature sexual relationships when we reach adulthood, and it helps us take care of those raging hormonal urges and surges when we are teenagers. Here are SIDE EFFECTS OF MASTURBATION • Lower back pain• Thinning hair / Hair Loss• Soft / Weak Erection• Premature Ejaculation• Eye floaters or fuzzy vision• Groin / Testicular Pain• Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone• Fatigue – Feeling tired all the time So how can one stop Masturbation addiction? Here’s how; Decide whether your masturbation is a cause for concern Mas...

Why Pio Gama Pinto Was Killed

At long last we are finally able to reveal, without batting an eyelid, why Kenyatta ordered the death of Pio Gama Pinto This is a riddle that has long denied solving, but finally our journalists pieced it together. This is what happened. Pio Gama Pinto (who was an appointed politician in the House of Representatives in 1964), discovered that “Kenyatta had allocated himself a total of 50 farms in Central province and Rift valley. Some of the farms had poor Kikuyu squatters who were to be evicted. Others were farms that had been owned by whites and sold back to the Kenyan government.Pinto was incensed by this and despite making overtures to Kenyatta not to go ahead with the evil he was doing, Kenyatta adamantly stuck to his guns. Pinto decided to move a vote of no confidence in Kenyatta. Kenyatta confronted him within the precincts of parliament and challenged him over the no confidence vote. When Pinto refused to back down Kenyatta called him a bastard to which Pinto immediately respond...


The screaming headline from most of our media and more particularly The-Star news papers is: WE CREATED 742,000 JOBS, SAYS WAIGURU. Below it is yet another eye catcher:TheUhuru administration yesterday said it had helped created 740,000 jobs last year, ……………planning Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru blamed the below target performance on depressed rains that reduced agricultural production, highinterest rates that limited borrowing by private sector and reduction in public expenditure during the transition year. – In theShort story Anthology: Half a day and other Stories,there is a story titled:On the Market Day, where the governmentthrough its radio station blames lack of rain on God.Well here our government is now blaming the very rain itself for not creating jobs that they so shouted about in 2013. Then you ask yourself how the private sector managed to create 84.4% of the total jobs created both y the government and private sectors! Of the three reasons above, I would not accept that ...


The boardroom supremacy wars between COTU and PUSETU takes its homestretch tomorrow. Ofcourse the one to host tomorrows' Labour day celebrations will take the day. I'm told PUSETU is a governmental strategy to kill off COTU. And this is my word,the government won't succeed in selling this PUSETU thing to the masses.The masses have their word too to make as regards to the one to present their grievances to the government of the day.And as always,the voice of the people is the voice of GOD. Atwoli has always been onthe forefront to champion for the workers' cries.Where has been Kambi for all this long? ‪#‎ Sitasimama ‬maovu yakitawala

5 Things You Should NOT Have to Give Up to Be Happy

1. Your God-given truth. There will always be people who refuse to respect you – the way you look, the way you talk, the things you say, the styles you enjoy, your beliefs, your interests, your loves, etc. In other words, they won’t support you in being true to yourself. The good news is, it’s up to you if you want to let them mess with your character, or if you would rather stand up for yourself and accept yourself just the way you are. I beg you to choose the latter. Do your best to be as good as you can be, and if that’s not enough for someone, it surely will be for someone else. You are not here to please everyone, and you are certainly not here to please them at the expense of your own truth. So care less about what they say and smile more about what you know is true. Live your life and be happy with yourself, without their judgments. 2. Responsibility for your own life. Sigmund Freud once said, “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and ...


“Corporal Okello is being victimized for no apparent reason at all and one with no grounds for this case. Let the police bosses not cast aspersions on her,” read a tweet from a Kenyan. Insights from a senior police officer in Kiambu have indicated that the summoning by the county commander was procedural. “let the woman be”, with these four words, President Uhuru Kenyatta may have yet again solved another ‘storm’ in his Jubilee Alliance government of jets, journalists and joblessness when he ordered the deputy Inspector of policewomen Grace Kaindi to ‘not interfere’ with the hottest police ‘girl’ in the former police force – now police service – of the republic of Kenya. From the time an ass-orgling photo-journalist took a mugshot of the rear of this police woman, already identified as Linda Okello, the whole police force force has reacted with haste, agility and alertness which beats both sides of the human logic. One may even be tempted to believe the Linda kept the Sh 27 billion pe...

6 Job Candidate Selection Criteria Most HR Managers Love to Use

By Mark Namaswa, “I have tried everything I know about applying for jobs,”writes one graduate. “But even when I’m called for interviews I’m afraid, I don’t get selected. What are these things employers look of when selecting candidates that I might be unaware of?” –Derrick, via email. To get around the other side of hiring managers in this fairly broad subject, we spoke to an MD and a HR manager.Here are some of their responses: “Even before we embark on looking for the most suitable candidate, we plan on whom we want to hire, and set down the specific requirements we would like them to meet,” says Farayi Ziswa, MD BTL Consulting. 1. Educational Background “In this case we begin with the basic requirements they must meet. If it is a managerial position, and we decide that the person must at least have a degree then we screen the applicants for the same. Those who fall below are often left out,” says Mr. Ziswa. 2. Working Experience According to Mr. Ziswa, experience too is another sele...

Heading to Africa

Message from Secretary John Kerry, U.S. Department of State One of the most fulfilling parts of being Secretary of State is the chance I get almost everywhere I go to meet young leaders as I travel around the world – to see and get to know firsthand the people who will shape the future of their countries. That’s why I wanted to let all of you know why I’m heading back to Africa this week. On this trip, I’ll visit Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. Thanks to the YALI Network, though, you can join us from anywhere. Be sure to follow @JohnKerry and use the #YALICHATon Twitter to be part of the conversation. As you know better than anyone, Africa right now is facing an important set of choices: in so many places on the continent, everything's moving from a land of great potential to one of realized promise, while a few other places are wrestling with the struggle to either ride that momentum forward or get pulled back into the old cycles of conflict. All of you will...


1.Turn your profile pic into an emoji you can use in chat. Type your username sandwiched between double brackets (like this: [[zuck]]) and enter it into chat to send your personalized emoji. 2.Share something with all of your friends except one person. *. *. *. *. *. Select "custom" in the "who to share this with" tab, then enter the name of the person you don't want to see the post. Simple as that! Facebook 3.Clean up your News Feed in just a couple minutes. *. *. *. *. *. Click on the link below while logged in to Facebook and you will be taken to a page full of friends you haven't interacted with in a while. Click all of the ones you want to see less in your News Feed. a 4.Hide your online status on chat from people you don’t feel like talking to. *. *. *. *. *. Facebook has integrated its "lists" feature with chat, so you can make lists of people to whom you do and don't want to appear online. Learn how herea 6.Back up and download all ...


Over the past several months, the Somali military, in cooperation with local, regional, and international forces, has managed to put the Islamist militant group al Shabaab on the run. Nearly every week, there is a new report of another Somali town winning its liberation. Officials in Mogadishu have aimed to completely annihilate the group, and they predict that soon the al Qaeda–affiliated organization will no longer have any significant presence in their country. But if al Shabaab is losing its foothold in Somalia, it is working assiduously to gain another one next door. Kenya is on its way to becoming the world’s next hotbed of extremism as a result of al Shabaab’s active and growing presence there. And so far, the Kenyan government has been its own worst enemy in attempting to reverse this trend. Al Shabaab’s membership is still primarily Somali, but the group has long wanted to export its ideology to Kenya and establish a physical presence there because of the country’s geographic...


The security operation, which began on April 5th 2014 is still ongoing countrywide. We have made good progress in the operation as we have managed to arrest several aliens and suspects in Nairobi, Mombasa and other counties. On 25th April 2014, Police Officers acting on information confronted a wanted terrorist criminal who had undergone military training in Somalia. When challenged to surrender, he opened fire on the officers, prompting a shoot-out which led to him being killed. A Beretta pistol and three unexpended rounds were recovered. On the same day in Nyeri, police officers intercepted three suspects in a motor vehicle who had earlier committed a robbery in Karatina. These suspects defied an order by the officers to stop and instead opened fire to the officers resulting into exchange of fire, leading to the three suspects to be fatally shot. An AK 47 rifle and 3 rounds of ammunition were recovered. On a sad note, I want to express on my own behalf and on behalf of the National P...


Please try to be a bit fair to Uhuru. The hard truth is that he paid Ruto upfront and the deputy presidency was just a bonus for him to use to convince "his" people that he was genuine. The truth of the matter was that power was Uhuru's and his fellow Kikuyus. And Ruto know it. That is why when he took Uhuru to Eldoret some time back after Alfred Keter had started complaining of being short changed, Uhuru told them in broad daylight that they should give him a chance to employ his people while Ruto awaits his chance after 10 years. The coded language in that statement was that Uhuru owed Kalenjins nothing in this government. Actually Ruto supported Uhuru for making that statement and they started twisting things ati Kalenjins should stop demanding every position since other tribes also need those positions. In fact, Ruto right hand man who has since gone mute, a Mr Murkomen, said that if Kalenjins demanded everything, the Karamojong would not get anything. Now they wanted...

Record Heroin Seizure Raises Serious Security Questions

Yesterday, the Australian authorities announcedthat they had seized heroine worth USD314 million just twenty-one nautical miles off the Kenyan Coast. It means that the biggest record seizure of hard drugs in Africa was well within Kenyan territory. An Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is an internationally recognized offshore zone that extends up to two hundred (200) miles from the baseline within which states enjoys coastal rights in relation to natural resources and related jurisdictional rights. The announcement for the seizure was made without any reference to Kenya. It means a foreign military that was policing Kenyan territory made a surprise arrest that has far reaching impact on global drugs trade. This development also makes a damning indictment on Kenya’s coast guard capabilities. Not only the Kenyan Navy with its radars and newly acquired warships expected to keep watch, the marine administration police with it’s newly acquired speedboats and helicopters are expected to ensure n...

Kikuyus Being Chased From Everywhere as Uhuru Looks On Helplessly

Kikuyus are being chased and no help seems to be forthcoming. Yesterday, there was a lot of MAYHEM, ETHNIC VIOLENCE IN going on in LODWAR TOWN. Mugo wa Wairimu a prominent blogger was heard crying: “As I write this, it’s all mayhem in Lodwar Town where angry Turkanas have broken into the Lodwar District Hospital Morgue and ransacking the bodies. Rioting and looting of shops and businesses owned by Kikuyus currently going on in Lodwar town. The violence is in reaction to the shooting dead of a Turkana by Turkana OCPD(a kikuyu)” As we went to press, help has not reached Lodwar and Kikuyus are panicking and running. Meanwhile in Somalia, the Somali people have retaliated against the Kenyan government which sent away their people.Kikuyus are being targeted in Somalia and are running back to Kenya in droves. Trouble for Kikuyus in Somalia started when Kenya ordered all refugees living in urban areas to return to their camps in a bid to end attacks by armed groups carried out in retaliation ...

Things to Stop Doing During Hard Times

1. Hiding from the truth. Most people, at the first sign of distress, would rather deny the hard truth than face it. But the truth does not cease to exist when it is ignored. When you try to ignore it, you will find yourself living a lie every day as the truth haunts your thoughts every night. Don’t do this to yourself. Face the facts. You simply can’t get away from your truth by moving dishonestly from one place to the next. The truth will set you free, but first it may tick you off for a while, and that’s OK. It’s always better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie. Because the truth hurts only once and then gradually fades, but a lie hurts just as bad every single time you remember you’re living it. (2). Gripping tight to the fantasy of a pain-free life. Pain is a part of life, and life’s pains have many shapes and sizes. There’s the cold feet pain of moving on ‒ graduating, taking the next step, walking away from the familiar and into the unknown. There’s the sharp growin...

IEBC performance in 2013 was much worse than that of ECK in 2007.

According to the Form 36 for the election of Governor for Meru County, the total valid votes cast were 423,247. Of these, the Form 36 says, Peter Munya got 184,273 votes while Kilemi Mwiria got 180,837 votes, making the difference between the two candidates 3, 436. The Form 36 also indicates that the total votes cast were 428,273. According to the results subsequently published by the IEBC, pursuant to the Political Parties Act, and posted on the IEBC website, the total valid votes cast in the gubernatorial election for Meru were 420,520. Of these, Peter Munya got 184,273 votes while Kilemi Mwiria got 180,273 votes, making the difference between the two candidates 4,000 votes. The results subsequently published by the IEBC also indicate that the total votes cast were 425,807. As regards the senatorial election, the results subsequently published by the IEBC indicate that the total votes cast were 421,272. The same results (subsequently published) indicate that the total votes cast in t...

Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

1. Pain is part of growing. Sometimes life closes doors because it’s time to move forward. And that’s a good thing because we often won’t move unless circumstances force us to. When times are tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. Just because you’restruggling doesn’t mean you’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there. Good things take time. Stay patient and stay positive. Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually. Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you. When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow. 2. Everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you get hurt, you heal. After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but still you often forget, and instead choose to believe that the n...

Ways to Become Wealthy

The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money. Start building real wealth today by doing the following: 1.Realize that the small things are really the big things.– We are always looking for something better that we sometimes fail to realize that we already have the best we could hope for. When you get something small, you want more. When you get more, you desire even more. But when you lose everything, you realize the small things were really the big things. 2.Cherish your relationships.– Sometimes people are beautiful, not in looks, not in what they say, just in who they are and what they do. Remember, you will never fully appreciate all of the things someone does for you until you find yourself doing the same things for yourself. So be grateful for the people who make your life a little brighter. They are the charming gardeners who help your soul blossom. 3.Be okay with the fact that you can’t control everything.– When you’re younger, you exha...

Sexy Character Traits of Happy People

“Sexiness is a state of mind – a comfortable state of being.” ―Halle Berry The Up-Close-and-Personal Principle Have you ever seen someone across a crowded room you were immediately attracted to, approached them and got to know the person up close and personal, and then couldn’t remember for the life of you how you ever found them attractive? On the other hand, have you met someone who had no particular appeal at first glance, and then after getting to know them you suddenly discovered pure sexiness oozing from their pores? Deep, moving sexiness is more than mere physicality and more than swaying hips and pouty lips. It’s more than broad shoulders and six pack abs. The most enduring form of sexiness is the most endearing trait and the clearest mirror of the human soul: happiness. It’s time we elevate happiness to its proper place in the sexiness pantheon by learning and applying these seven character traits of happiness (and therefore sexiness): 1. Moral Courage Happy people stand up fo...

Some Of Conversations You Need To Have With Yourself Starting NOW

What can you tell yourself that you don’t already know? A whole lot. In the privacy of your mind you constantly talk to yourself. Your inner monologue might seem pointless at times, but the truth is the act of talking to yourself can help you learn and maintain a positive lifelong trajectory. Therefore, collected below are six effective topics for self-talk, so the next time you talk to yourself you will know exactly what to say. 1. What you love. When it comes to lifelong labors and dreams, lukewarm is no good. Hot is no good either. White hot and passionate is the only way to work and live. Invest your thoughts and time in the things you love. Don’t wait around for too long to get involved in something that moves you. Realize how important it is to be an enthusiast in life. If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, explore it. Get up and go after it. Embrace it, hug it, love it, and above all, let your passion flow freely. The most important decision you will ever ma...


THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON BY PRESIDENT OBAMA June 14, 2012 Nearly 3 years ago, I remarked in front of the Ghanaian Parliament that Africa is a fundamental part of our interconnected world. Since that time, we have partnered with leaders, youth, and civil society in Africa to deepen the principles of democracy and human rights, to expand economic opportunity, and to support those who seek peace where war and deprivation have plagued communities. Africa and its people are partners with America in creating the future we want for all of our children future that is grounded in growth, mutual responsibility, and mutual respect. As we look toward the future, it is clear that Africa is more important than ever to the security and prosperity of the international community, and to the United States in particular. Africa's economies are among the fastest growing in the world, with technological change sweeping across the continent and offering tremendous opportunities in banking, medicine, p...

Don’t Wait to be Happy

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when they are. After that we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire. The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. If not now … when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It’s best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza … “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it da...

Let’s change our vision

There was a millionaire who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted so many physicians , consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But the ache persisted with great vigour than before. At last a monk was called for who understood his problem and said that for sometime he should concentrate only on green colours and not to fall his eyes on any other colours. The millionaire got together a group of painters and purchased barrels of green color and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted in green colour just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him after few days, the millionaire’s servants ran with buckets of green paints and poured on him since he was in red dress, lest their master not see any other colour and his eye ache would come back. Hearing this monk laughed said “If only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles, worth just a few dollars , you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all ...


There is no body count for the city of Bentiu in South Sudan, perhaps because there are too many to count. The news from the United Nations’ mission in South Sudan only describes “piles and piles” of bodies. Other reports speak of streets “littered” with bodies. A mosque was filled with hundreds of bodies. More inside the Catholic church. Bodies in the hospital. “A strong stench of decomposing remains filled the air, while vultures and dogs ate off limbs, scalps and abdomen flesh,” said one report. There are so many that they’re being collected by bulldozers and dumped into mass graves, the White House said last night. “Accounts of the attacks shock the conscience,” said a statement Tuesday night from the White House press secretary. It’s an “abomination.” Bentiu is the capital of the South Sudanese state of Unity, routinely described as “oil-rich.” But to call it “rich,” and, indeed, to call the state “Unity,” seems absurd -- and the tragedy has pushed South Sudan, the youngest count...

President Obama Skipped His Aunt Zeituni Onyango Funeral And Went Golfing Instead

President Obama did not attend the funeral of his late aunt Zeituni Onyango. Instead, he went golfing. The New York Timesreports: After Zeituni Onyango, the woman President Obama once called Auntie, died in a South Boston nursing home this month, her closest relatives gathered her belongings at her nearby apartment. There, framed photographs of her with the president covered the wall. Weeping before a polished wood coffin at her wake this past Saturday, they described Ms. Onyango, the half sister of the president’s father, as “the spirit of the Obama family” and talked about raising money to send her body back to Kenya. Mr. Obama helped pay funeral expenses and sent a condolence note, Ms. Onyango’s family members said, but the president did not attend, as he was golfing. The paper notes that the president has kept his distance from his family: As president, Mr. Obama has kept his distance from, and even failed to acknowledge, members of this eclectic clan. In the time-honored tradition...

Condoms: the science of sensitivity

Penises are less sensitive with a standard latex condom on, according to the latest US research. That’s the bad news. Condom-bashing guys will surely say they didn’t need scientists to tell them that. But there is good news: not all condoms are built the same.Condoms can make it harder to stay hard. But getting an erection is both physical and psychological. And the good news is that less sensitivity with certain condoms doesn’t have to get in the way of great sex. Up to 28 percent of guys have trouble getting or staying hard when they use a condom and a loss of sensation is one of the most common complaints they have. But are the problems at least partially in their head or is decreased sensitivity to blame? The answer could be both, the researchers say. The study was the first to look at both the physical and psychological sides to getting an erection and using a condom. The researchers used an instrument that measured how much vibration guys could feel on their penises with and wit...

Solve One Of These Problems And Stand A Chance Of Becoming A Billionaire

The real challenge, and the greater value and more lucrative pursuit, would be to come up with the solutions to problems that have befuddled engineers for decades or more. These are: 1. Wireless Power Digital devices have become so small that it can be cumbersome to plug them into a power source. Longer-lasting batteries? Nope — Apple iPod God Tony Fadell says pursuing greater efficiency in batteries is a trap. The key is to find ways of squeezing more efficiency out of the devices' other parts — and stealing power from what's around you. University of Washington engineers, among others, are at work on harvesting existing TV and cellular transmissions and turning them into a power source. "This novel technique enables ubiquitous communication where devices can communicate among themselves at unprecedented scales and in locations that were previously inaccessible," they say. 2. Rural, Remote Internet Everyone agrees this is a priority. But there appear to be a hard way...

Vybz Kartel Lizard Murder Video Leaked Online

Vybz Kartel just filed his appeal but it already looked like it will be a uphill battle for the embattled dancehall deejay as the video footage from the alleged murder scene just leaked online. An anonymous source sent Urban Islandz several video footage, some of which allegedly played in court during the high profile murder trial.In the video, you can see several me in a house that sources say is Kartel’s house by Havendale where the murder took place on August 16, 2011. One of then men was seen with a pick axe, while another man has what appears to be blood stain on his shirt. The language in the video is very chilling. “Yow hear weh mi a say.. mi want yo hold him with a knife and stab him in a him neck and slow him down…,” one man said in the video. “Hold down and make mi cut him throat,” another man said in the video. “You affi swing it hard and no mek it ketch mi,” one man told the man with the pick axe.To watch video follow this link a

Jubilee Should Quit And Kenya Hold Fresh Polls

Jubilee government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto should resign because it has no legitimacy. The Supreme Court led by the Chief Justice Willy Mutunga should also follow suit if it is true that it made unjust ruling on a presidential Election petition by the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) party on last year’s general election where President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner by the Independent Electoral& Boundary Commission (IEBC) The report by (Jicho Pevu) of the Kenya Television Network has actually confirmed that the Supreme Court under Chief justice Willy Mutunga did not conduct through investigation before making the ruling on the petition to declare Uhuru Kenyatta as the legitimated elected president of Kenya. The investigative report has also confirmed previous claims not only by the opposition party Coalition for Reforms and Democracy- CORD party but also by some local and international analysts, critics and observers that the elections were r...


Controversial prophet, David Owour, has been a subject of discussion for a long time with many people doubting his miracles and prophecies. One man, who was once his close friend and a personal assistant in his Ministry, has found him and his miracles wanting. Having dined and wined with the self-confessed “Mighty Man of God”, he has a lot to tell on his private life. Read his shocking confessions (Long but worth reading). Sometime in 2006, we took a 3 day fast with a now famous Kenyan prophet. I was by then doubling as one of his assistants in ministry and I suggested we take a fast and retreat to recharge for the next crusades we had lined up. We had been to Eldoret, Kitale, Kakamega, Oyugis and many other towns and fatigue was catching up. We were also very drained ‘spiritually’ so I suggested we take a three day fast. We agreed on a venue after consultation with close team members and off we drove to The Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha – a very posh place. We booked in at about...