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Showing posts from February, 2014


By Lau-rence Generali Baimungi Im one analyst who believes in keeping my observations open! Joining a political party in any sober mind should be based on the ideologies,composition & laid out strategies of running a nation. Political parties remain the powerhouse that powers a nation forward or backward. That is what a nation with competitive parties forms good democracies. Speaking as a staunch member of Odm I must express my happiness of what the party has achived, my complaints & dissatisfaction! However-the Much hyped Orange party & the largest party in kenya is slowly but sure drifting into a miserable situation. A situation that the only remedy might be its death. Odm is greatly an architect of wanting to bring out the democratic space in this republic(oDM). The lacking space that has resulted into this country being run through underhand methods, formation of cartels & a money syndrome politricking. This D for democracy is quickly becoming silent! Today with the...


Kenya needs a total reform of the security sectors which is resisting change. I don’t believe the solution lies in reporting your neighbour. It requires radically reforming our security sectors, equipping them with the necessary skills.When children are learning under trees, do they need a rooftop or a laptop?Millions of Kenyans are asking; does the government stand on our side or on our way? No government created wealth by taxing everything and everyone.Adding an insult to an injury president UHURU KENYATTA can afford to bring South Sudan to a standstill with his CONVOY ..... LOOK at it President Uhuru Kenyatta landed in Juba yesterday and the following was the composition of his convoy 1 BMW X6 10 outriders on motorbikes 7 Toyota Land cruisers V8 5 4*4 Mercedes 6 saloon V6 American cars 3 Toyota pickups full of soldiers each with a gun and each car mounted with a sub machine gun 1 ambulance. No wonder kenyans will continue to struggle to make ends meet.

MACHAKOS GOVERNOR IN A MESS _MUTULA KILONZO’s family now denies ever receiving sh2.9 million from ALFRED MUTUA for burial – he LIED and has EMBARRASSED the family

The family of the late Makueni Senator, Mutula Kilonzo, has denied allegations by Machakos Governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua, that he gave it sh2.9 million for the burial the late Kamba hero. Speaking yesterday, late Mutula’s son, Mutula Kilonzo Junior, who is also the current Makueni Senator, noted that he was not aware of any money that Governor Mutua gave to his family for the burial of his late father and so did his family. Mutula Jnr said his family was shocked to learn from the media that Governor Mutua gave out sh2.9 million for the funeral and called upon whoever authorized and received the money to personally account for it. However, he said there are no receipts to indicate the money was received and how it was expended but if indeed the Governor gave out, then the family did not get it. Even though he acknowledged receipt of sh1 million for a PA system, he maintained it did not come from Machakos County Government as claimed by Governor Mutua. He said Mutua’s allegations have caus...

bin Laden's 'letter to America'

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, "Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory" [Quran 22:39] "Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. Satan). So fight you against the friends of Satan; ever feeble is indeed the plot of Satan."[Quran 4:76] Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' These articles have generated a number of responses, some of which adhered to the truth and were based on Islamic Law, and others which have not. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him. While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions dire...


President Uhuru should not fault the judiciary for injuncting the senate on the impeachment of embu county governor. Both the senate and county assembly of embu earlier ignored a court order barring them from proceeding with impeachment of the governor.Afterwhich the highcourt reinstated him to continue serving until his case is heard and determined.Lately ten governors have ignored a summon Call by the senate to answer to claims of resource misappropriation in their counties and opted to sort for a constitution intepration from the highcourt on whether they should be summoned by the senate or not.Instead of the president giving judiciary time to Perform its mandate,he has gone ahead and claimed that the governors must honour the summon.where was the president when the senate ignored a court order?it isn't because he really believes in accountability as he want us to think!No Never! He is furthering the notion that devolved governments are untenable/unsustainable and that the judi...

"Hands Off The Court" Statement by Hon. Raila-

Developments around the quick impeachment and then reinstatement of the Governor of the County of Embu Martin Wambora, and now the support of Parliament by the President of the Republic of Kenya against the Judiciary, indicate that the rule of law in Kenya is in tatters . Kenya is going through a willful , premeditated , deliberate and shameless corruption of the system of justice , with the highest ranks of the Jubilee government supporting this assault on law and order . We are witnessing unilateral and illegal decisions and statements that show disregard for the separation of powers and a taste for the old ways in which the Judiciary was an extension of the presidency and a tool of the ruling political elite . It is a continuation of the pattern I warned of in November 2013 , that the Jubilee government is determined to bring an end to all autonomous institutions in the country . A pattern of a return to repression is taking shape . What is being attempted currently is to establish...

Marriage is a marathon & not a sprint

ring.png : Its not about speed but all about endurance & perseverance to cross the finish line. We are not racing to catch up with those ahead & neither are we racing to outpace those behind us. We strive not to lead but to finish the race; to cross the finish line & to fight until the final round. Keep running until you outpace your past & catch up with who God wants you to be. You've gone to far to quit now. Victory is in sight. Bleeding, hurting or maimed, continue to “fight the good fight, finish the race & keep the faith.” 2 Tim 4:7. We're more than conquerors. Ever onward, ever forward! Press On!


Democracy was initiated in kenya with the hopes of improving the welfare of the citizens but it has now turned into a plaque, perhaps even absolutism because, our elected leaders operate the government antipodal to democracy. Leaders obsessed with cultivating power and advancing their selfish interests and agendas have ignored the important tasks of deepening democracy and improving the circumstances of the citizens. Despite the establishment of constitutional democracy, our leaders continue to exercise power in unprincipled and pernicious ways, using the machinery of government to harass opponents while enriching themselves and their cronies. Our leaders are yet to acquire the mien or even the gravitas to advance and consolidate democratic ideals. A great majority of them are terminally corrupt, invertebrate and focus almost exclusively on cultivating power and amassing wealth, often at the expense of the democracy and the welfare of the citizens. Vastly diminished, perhaps pliant leg...

how to text 'HER'

So you finally got the number of that lady you’ve been chasing for a while and now another challenge looms. How do you text her in a way that she’ll see you as really cool? Whether it’s through WhatsApp or normal SMS texting, the first few texts are very crucial. They can determine the kind of relationship the two f you will have. They can determine whether you’ll have her n your bed the next weekend, whether you’ll have a long lasting relationship, whether you’ll be ruled out or whether you’ll be put on the friend’s list. Here are a few tips on how to go about texting a lady you like. 1. Go ahead and text her….don’t hesitate Don’t overthink it. You’ll get tensed hence end up saying stupid things, When a lady gives you her number, she wants you to communicate, so do so. Say whatever is on your mind but avoid irrelevant things or common questions like, “What you upto?” Make sure you keep your text message short, sweet and structured in a query way. By query way I mean that it should not...

HOW TO TEXT A GIRL AND WIN HER So you finally got the number of that lady you’ve been chasing for a while and now another challenge looms. How do you text her in a way that she’ll see you as really cool? Whether it’s through WhatsApp or normal SMS texting, the first few texts are very crucial. They can determine the kind of relationship the two f you will have. They can determine whether you’ll have her n your bed the next weekend, whether you’ll have a long lasting relationship, whether you’ll be ruled out or whether you’ll be put on the friend’s list. Here are a few tips on how to go about texting a lady you like. 1. Go ahead and text her….don’t hesitate Don’t overthink it. You’ll get tensed hence end up saying stupid things, When a lady gives you her number, she wants you to communicate, so do so. Say whatever is on your mind but avoid irrelevant things or common questions like, “What you upto?” Make sure you keep your text message short, sweet and structured in a query way. By query way I mean that it should not really be a question but it should be put in a way that she’s obligated to respond. Some ladies hate being asked too many questions, especially by guys they don’t know so well. So avoid multiple questions. A simple text won’t just let her know that you are thinking about her and her well-being, it will make her fond of you. 2. Make her miss you Don’t be that guy who tests all the time….you’ll become a boring puppy and a nuisance. After the two of you have been texting or WhatsApping each other for a while, go MIA. Stop replying to all her messages or take time before you reply. If she’s a little angry when you get back to her, apologize and tell her about something cool you had to do. Her anger will soften into soft admiration. And you know what they say, there’s no better way to woo a lady than to give her mixed emotions.. 3. Employ emotions Tell her about something crazy or sad that just happened to you but you were able to handle it. She will sympathise with you and feel some sort of emotions gearing towards you. Do not tell her about something you were unable to handle because she might see you as weak or in desperate need of help. And ladies don’t like guys who come with loads of problems.. 4. Timing is key Know the appropriate times to text her depending on what she does for a living or depending on the kind of person she is. Texting her when she’s busy will only make her more disinterested. If you are dealing with a busy lady, evenings are the best times to text. Evenings are usually the times when single ladies desire affection the most. Tell her sweet things that she can fantasize about. Make her laugh, then don’t text again until the following evening. Not unless she misses you and decides to text sooner

Don't Cheat on your partner

A driver was driving his boss to theairport, the boss noticed that he forgot ani mportant document at home, so he wentback home, his wife was bathing with asoap on her face, the husband tip-toed andtouches boobs, the wife responded, you'vedropped my stupid husband so fast? Dontrush we've the whole weekend to spendtogether, am praying for him to have aplane crash so that I can enjoy you till theend of my life! She noticed the person wasquiet she washed her face and saw herhusband standing in front of her. IF YOUWERE THE HUSBAND WHAT WOULD YOUDO? AND IF YOU WERE THE WIFE WHATWOULD BE YOUR REACTION?

part of the Auditor-General’s report which implicates machakos gorvernor Alfred mutua

Mutua bought Subaru outbacks for 26 million which are registered under personal names and not the county Govenor Alfred Mutua walked into his office with 156 staff without having done human resource audit or engaging CPSB. Gov Alfred Mutua paid 500K forsomething called -expenses for French investors & mobile toiltes & tents worth 258,500. no receipts attached In 3 months # MachakosCounty had 14 million Ksh irregular payments. 500K was used to ‘decorate’ the Governors lawn in #Machakoscounty Auditor-Generall says there is no supporting documentation Governor Alfred Mutua purchased # Subaruoutbacks totaling 26 miillion Ksh, they are registered under personal names and not the COUNTY. Between April-June 7.5 million Ksh were withdrawn as -CONFIDENTIAL VOUCHER-Auditor general says the county has not accounted for that. The auditor general report say Machakos County runs 6 ’confidential accounts’ the Governor has a budget line-CONFIDENTIAL Voucher.

success secret

when i give attention to the present moment I am part of all I see When i give stillness to what i see i am able to feel the changes on earth when i gave gratitude to the earth i am supported in all i do when i give love to all i do am success

This is what gives Mary Wambui a headstart in Othaya

By Wahome Thuku This is what gives Mary Wambui a headstart in Othaya and Nyeri at large. The lady has strategy. She has her touch and presence in virtually every situation. Very wise. When my parents passed away in 1991 and 2005 she suported my family and personally attended the burials being my villagemate and my sister's classmate. Infact if I was voting in Othaya in March I would have voted for her. She spends her own money and I think her family resources to do what she does. But on Parliamentary role so far she rates zero. So the question still remains, WHAT is an MP? Can Wambui secure military jobs for every youth in Othaya? Should she close her office in Parliament and live in Othaya villages dispensing cash like an ATM? Should MPs camp in our villages HELPING us? Is that what majority of the knowledgable Othaya people want? So if you dont get the military job or the cash would you still call her your MP? What will happen when the ATM is not there anymore? What would happen ...

The Jar of Life

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, y...

you are the only Power in your World

“We are all much more alike than we are different. I’ve always said that the most important thing to focus on is self love. Out of that miracles can happen both in your personal life, and in the lives of the people around you no matter where you live. Affirm to yourself: “I am the only power in my world, and I create a peaceful, loving, joyful, fulfilling life.” ~ Louise Hay

The Mafia Conspiracy that Keeps kenya down

By dikembe disembe00 SOLILOQUY. . . This afternoon, I sat for this exam unit: International Communication. The first question was this: Use examples from the African continent to discuss ways through which international communication has perpetuated media imperialism and dependency. Well, I had my day in the exam room. Then as I walked out of the exam to catch a bus back to my abode, along the avenues and roads of this city, I stumbled upon newspaper after newspaper – our “national dailies”. As usual, it was either ODM this or Raila that. I still had my exam paper in the hand; so I looked at the question again and tried to contextualise it to the Kenyan experience. You see, we can divided this country into two: North and South. In international communication, the North represents the developed world; the south the underdeveloped or the developing. Media imperialism as a phenomenon captures media hegemonistic tendencies of the north and how these tendencies affect the south. In simple t...


It's not April Fools and I am not pulling your leg. Washington and Colorado legalized weed then Uruguay. Kenya has followed suit. And that is no joke! Uncle Chim Tuna doesn't play with his weed. And I can finally say that because the Government of Kenya has legalized the herb. I came across a very interesting piece in The People that was actually done on the 2nd of January that reported that the government has allowed thousands of farmers in Murang’a County to commercial bhang farming. The pilot project will engage more than 3,000 farmers from the county to produce 1000 kilos of bhang each which translates to nine million kilos per season. Simon Mwaura the Chief Executive Officer of Hyaquip Kenya, says the project seeks to explore the positive side of bhang from being an illegal drug to a vital food supplement. Mwaura said this is now a reality after using an organic compound to remove the caffeine in the plant, leaving it with only minerals such as potassium and calcium which ...


THEY call the Third World the lazy man’s purview; the sluggishly slothful and languorous prefecture. In this realm people are sleepy, dreamy, torpid, lethargic, and therefore indigent—totally penniless, needy, destitute, poverty-stricken, disfavored, and impoverished. In this demesne, as they call it, there are hardly any discoveries, inventions, and innovations. Africa is the trailblazer. Some still call it “the dark continent” for the light that flickers under the tunnel is not that of hope, but an approaching train. And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day. “It’s amazing how you all sit there and watch yourselves die,” the man next to me said. “Get up and do something about it.” Brawny, fully bald-headed, with intense, steely eyes, he was as cold as they come. When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year’s Eve next to him on a non-stop JetBlue flight from Los Angeles to Boston I was angst-ridden....

Infidelity And The Social Media Revolution

AFRICANGLOBE– A few days ago, I switched on to a radio stations and came across an interesting debate on relationships and the use of social media. During the phone-in programme the radio announcer sought to know how many women or men would allow their partners to go through their messages on social platform WhatsApp, without flinching. The responses were rather shocking, to say the least. Men and women across ages, irrespective of their marital status, boldly declared that their spouses or their partners were not supposed to open, read or reply to messages on the social network because it is a private platform and should remain as such. The shocking responses were coming from married people who said their partners had no right to read their personal messages, arguing that being married does not mean one should cede his or her right to privacy. Inasmuch as they wanted to love and share with their partners whatever the contents of the social interactions, they argued that they also had ...

what capitalism means

A son asks his father, “What can you tell me about politics? I have to learn about it for school tomorrow.” The father thought some and said, “OK, son, the best way I can describe politics is to use an analogy. Let’s say that I’m a capitalist because I’m the breadwinner. Your mother will be the government because she controls everything, our maid will be the working class because she works for us, you will be the people because you answer to us, and your baby brother will be the future. Does that help any?” The little boy said, “Well, Dad, I don’t know, but I’ll think about what you said.” Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, the little boy was awaken by his baby brother’s crying. Upon further investigation, he found a dirty diaper. So, he went down the hall to his parent’s bedroom and found his father’s side of the bed empty and his mother wouldn’t wake up. Then he saw a light on in the guest room down the hall, and when he reached the door, he saw through the crack that ...


Its a known fact that the event itself does not cause the most damage but not having someone to talk to about it, keeping it stuffed inside for years and years will do the most harm. Stuffing your feelings can cause pay a major role on deterioration of health, anxieties, PTSD, cancers and as far as causing psychosis, neurosis and all kinds of mental illnesses. It is a long arduous path, one I recently had to take and am still dealing with after 2 years. What I found helped me was a journal, writing about the days what I did how I felt and acknowledgement and acceptance of my feelings whatever they may be and telling myself they are ok to have. I usually end off with a compliment to myself or a positive affirmation. It’s called positive psychology. It doesn’t always work, each day is different and sometimes I don’t believe my own bs but for the most part it is enough to bring me out of a dark place of emptiness. But, these are baby steps to overall healing process and I found once I rea...


I am in charge of my own being. I guard my inner world for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene. I may see it as a peaceful, deep quiet pool surrounded by green grass and tall, silent trees. I may feel it as white, billowy clouds upon which to lay and be caressed. I may hear it as flowing, delightful music soothing my senses. However I choose to experience my inner space, I find peace. At this center of peace, I am. I am the pureness and stillness of the center of my creative process. In peace I create. In peace, I love and move and experience life. Because I keep myself centered in inner peace, I have peace in my outer world. Though others may have discord and chaos, it touches me not for I declare peace for myself. Though there may be madness all around me, I am calm and peaceful. The Universe is one of great order a...