I am in charge of my own being. I guard my inner world for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene. I may see it as a peaceful, deep quiet pool surrounded by green grass and tall, silent trees. I may feel it as white, billowy clouds upon which to lay and be caressed. I may hear it as flowing, delightful music soothing my senses. However I choose to experience my inner space, I find peace. At this center of peace, I am. I am the pureness and stillness of the center of my creative process. In peace I create. In peace, I love and move and experience life. Because I keep myself centered in inner peace, I have peace in my outer world. Though others may have discord and chaos, it touches me not for I declare peace for myself. Though there may be madness all around me, I am calm and peaceful. The Universe is one of great order and peacefulness, and I reflect this in my every moment of life. The stars and the planets do not need to be worried or fearful in order to maintain their heavenly orbits. Nor does chaotic thinking contribute to my peaceful existence in life. I choose to express peacefulness, for I am peace. And so it is. Let’s affirm: When I find peace within, I create a peaceful world around me.
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