Usually after the "mightiest prophet of the lord" holds a mega crusade in Nairobi, I receive video clips from many people that show a totally different face of the man.
Most of the guys sending me clips are former members. Many of the videos show someone openly breaking the same Scriptures he purports to preach. In one he tells a follower that he is admitting her to heaven!!!!!!
It is one thing to laugh at followers of cults and false prophets, it is a totally different game when one of your close family members becomes a member of a cult.
That is when you will know the pain and destruction caused by false prophets.
In the Book of Matthew 23 and 24, Jesus speaks extensively about false prophets, hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees. In fact chapter 23 is wholly dedicated to Christ openly attacking the two groups.
In chapter 24 verse 24 He says
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect"
Look at the emphasis Christ says " they shall show great signs and wonders".
I know of several people that follow the prophet Many come from families that are doing well. I know very prominent members of the society that religiously follow the prophet.
The damage the followers do to families is simply untold. I know a very wealthy man in Siaya who cries day and night after his wife was healed by the prophet, and became a fanatic. She spends nights in open fields and washes roads with Omo wherever the prophet goes. The man is cursing whatever made his wife go to the prophet. Yes, she was healed of Diabetes, and medical tests show that she was healed.... but the aftermath of the healing is extremely painful, go the extent that he prays that the Diabetes comes back.
He is is just one.....there are thousands of false prophets everywhere as predicted by Christ...
These false prophets have been using sections of the Scriptures that say " touch not the anointed " or the one that says " judge not, for judgement is for God alone ". Many have been threatened for speaking out.
However, looking at The Bible- Jesus Himself openly and publicly condemned false prophets.
First, many underestimate the impact of false prophets.... These people have spiritual powers. Many perform miracles, many operate in the spirit of divination i.e. they are able to see things in your past and see some in future..
Using such powers, they take control of minds of followers ( especially women) and totally destroy them, and misuse them.
There is a very dangerous false prophet operating from Dandora Phase one...the man from Samia, Busia has special powers of seeing the past.. I happen to know him, and when I first met him, about 10 years ago, I kept wondering where he was getting his money from, since a simple lifestyle audit revealed that the few members he had in his Dandora church could not support his expensive lifestyle. Kumbe the bugger specialized in misleading wealthy women using his ability to see the past. By manipulation, he takes their wealth after either causing divorce or death of husbands.
Someone also asked me the other day where prophet Owuor gets his wealth from, given the fact that he condemns giving. I highly suspect that the he does what the false prophet in Dandora does - spiritually hijack a few very wealthy people, fleece them - then condemn giving. Otherwise, where can one get cash to pay for all those high end cars and pay for the Police Protection? Yet his congregants are told not to give sadaka.
I strongly feel that it is time that all right thinking people gain courage to openly speak against these evil prophets. They do more harm than good. They wreck families, they cause pain.
Yes, they perform some miracles, but of is not worth it.
We need to raise up and speak up, lest they expand their influence.
You can read how the Ugandan Press is dedicating space to warn Ugandans against these false prophets, like the man from Samia, Busia.