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Showing posts from August, 2014


Today Hon. Ababu got a good platform and a great opportunity to push his case for ODM Elections. I have asked an MP who also attended the meeting and he's told me the man was ever on his phone, on his facebook, on his WhatsApp; making inboxes and sending messages. Recently, in a soliloquy in the Standard entitled 'In the Face of evil, silence is not golden', Hon. Namwamba laboured to prove to his readers that there is no award in playing safe politics. He invited his readers to his world, from the King of Syria to Machiavelli to Robert Green. Essentially, Mr. Namwamba was driving a very important point home: That it will be his way, or, God forbid, the highway. Many of us in ODM, especially we 'young people', still do not agree with the reasons often peddled by top party honchos for bungling the Kasarani Elections. We have reason to put a brave face and tell off other political outfits in Kenya (some which are more sacco-like than parties) to mind their own business...


By mukanda mukisu And if you want to be insulted, you tell Jubilee the truth. So here is some few truths. First, UHURU’s case at the HQ is being terminated tomorrow for lack of witnesses and evidence to sustain it. This means that the lobbying by Kenya’s foreign Ministry for postponement, deferral etc. and lobbying the UN Security Council will come to an end immediately. This will also mark the end of AG Githu Muigai’s trips to the HQ. There is likely to be celebrations across the Country for UHURU acquittal. On the other hand, 5 new witnesses have been lined up to testify against one William Ruto starting from Monday next week. In fact Ruto should be in the HQ latest by Sunday evening, failure to which ARREST WARANTS will be issued. The 5 new witnesses had declined but somehow, the government managed to cajole them to accept to go and testify. They are eye witnesses and their work is to corroborate the story as filed by NSIS. This is to strengthen the aspect of Murder, forcible transf...


The main objective of Luhya unity is to aid Uhuru to remain in Control of power at the expense of those who are currently in opposition.The truth is even if Luhyas unite they must form an alliance with other tribes in order one of them to ascend to power .Therefore the proponents of Luhya unity have only two option i.e to either to negotiate with Jubilee or Cord . What the proponents of Luhya unity are not telling people of Murembe is that even if they negotiate with Jubilee the chances of a Luhya becoming the flag bearer do not exist .For example the number of the registered Luhya voters do not even exceed 2 .6 m.While registered voters supporting Uhuru are over 3. 5 m and those supporting Ruto are over 3 m Countrywide. Therefore there's no way Uhuru as a sitting president and Ruto as the Deputy president can step down for a Luhya Candidate in 2017 . Second there is no guarantee that all Luhyas will vote for one Candidate .This is because out of the 2 .6 m Luhya registered voters ...


The members of the Orange Democratic Movement Parliamentary Group today met at the party headquarters at Orange House under the chairmanship of the Party Leader Rt Hon Raila Odinga to deliberate and agree on how to take the referendum campaign to the grassroots during the recess. . The meeting which was also attended by the members of the Committee of Experts of the Okoa Kenya movement led by chair Mr Paul Mwangi took members through the procedure of signature collection and briefed them on the legal requirements and how they have been addressed. Mr Mwangi clarified the issues that will be included in the Draft Referendum Bill. He also took the members through the issues that will be the contents of the Draft Bill. The members agreed as follows: 1. That as a party, we fully support the Okoa Kenya initiative to spearhead the process of the referendum to fix all the loopholes in the constitution for the good of the country and cushion it from further bastardisation. 2. That this being a ...


1. Pretending like everything is OK when it isn’t. – Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like giving up? There’s honestly no shame in it. You are not a robot; and even if you were, you’d still need to stop for maintenance sometimes. There’s no shame in admitting to yourself that you feel exhausted, doubtful, and low. This is a natural part of being human. The simple fact that you are aware of this means you are able to turn things around. It’s okay to fall apart for a little while. You don’t always have to pretend to be strong, and there’s no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. You shouldn’t be concerned with what other people are thinking either – cry if you need to – it’s healthy to shed your tears. The sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to smile again. 2. Letting pain from the past devastate the present. – I am stronger because of the hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because I have known sadness. The same is true for you. Every diffi...


With CORD’s referrendum quest now on course,Odinga knows very well that it’s outcome could have serious ramifications for his 2017 presidential aspirations.With every passing day,it is becoming increasingly clear that the potential that things could go haywire for him is no longer a remote possibility but a very real prospect. Just when he thought he had the bipartisan gubernatorial support,referrendum-averse jubilee operatives beared down full-throttle on their governors forcing a bulk of them(jubilee governors) to distance themselves from this push.Known pro-establishment hawks led by Kindiki Kithure,Aden Duale,Beatrice Elachi and Moses Kuria threatened them with a barrage of career-threatening consequences and used all manner of unsavoury epithets to describe referrendum boosters from their side.Kiambu governor in the full glare of camera’s unabashedly said,”If my president says yes,who am I to say no,” in capitulation to TNA’s anti-referrendum posture.URP,a major jubilee alliance p...


People, we must tell Prof Nyong’o that the County Development Boards they created in senate is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. We are bashing Ababu Namwamba over ‘party affairs’ but seem to have forgotten that people like Nyong’o are also political opportunists to whom the letter and spirit of the constitution ends when their interests sets in. We must reject County Development Boards as much as we reject county commissioners. The constitution is not just threatened when it is Jubilee/Mumbilee doing it, actions by CORD elected leaders can also threaten it. One of the 10 points that the Isaac Rutto led referendum push has proposed is to give senators real powers so that they stop hovering around governors like pit latrine flies. Senators should strengthen national institutions and make laws which give life to devolution, not power and relevance to themselves. Senators who feel they are doing too little should wait till 2017 and vie either as governors or as MPs. One would have expected people like N...

Renowned political analyst of the ''Tyranny of numbers'' fame, Mutahi Ngunyi take on Budalangi legislator Ababu Namwamba and CORD leader, Raila Odinga

Speaking on K24, Ngunyi described Namwamba as the rising star in Luhyaland and Kenya as a whole who will eventually deliver the people of Mulembe to Canaan. He likened the fiery legislator to DP William Ruto who ignored retired president Daniel Arap Moi and went on to be his own man thus the second most powerful person in Kenya at the moment. He said that DP William Ruto knew his time was up to get out of the shadow of Moi and he said Ababu too must do the same otherwise his overstay under Mzee Raila Odinga will cost him just like Musalia Mudavadi. He noted that Namwamba had all it takes to silence Mzee Raila Odinga in Western since he has proved capable of uniting Luhyas to speak in one voice something that has never happened since time immemorial. At the same time Ngunyi rubbished Senator Moses Wetangula’s political clout in Luhyaland saying unlike Ababu Namwamba who is a self made politician Senator Wetangula is a test tube baby who has no roots on the ground and as such he can nev...

Letter to Soul mate

Dear Soul mate, I don’t know where you are, but I know you exist. I feel you in my heart and I see you in my dreams. Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness wh...


For those of us who have not yet experienced that one deep love that all humans wish for, know that in this world there will be many opportunities to meet that right person. We have all lost in the name of Love, by that a relationship that did not turn out the way we wished it to, for what ever reason, yet what ever has gone was not meant to be and if it is, it will fly straight back to you like a boomerang, if you let it go with ease. If it does not come back to you, have that faith within you that there will be a bright future ahead of you, allow your self that time to heal and get over whatever situation you have just come away from. Keep hope in your heart for a better future and try not to allow the past to distract you, while you focus on that you will loose the gift of the present which is the here and now. It matters not how we perceive our external selves to be, as that well known saying goes ” Love is in the eye of the beholder”, your personality will be enough to get you whe...

Major Gen Phillip Kameru, Ideal for Kenya Intelligence Director General

Kenya’s Director of Military Intelligence Major General Phillip Kameru is a tall lanky figure, athletic, and very good looking to the unsuspecting civies, but behind that good look, is the highly learned, experienced, and very intelligent director of Military Intelligence. Rising to the rank and having been the key mastermind of the success of Kenya Defense Forces in Somalia, Major Gen Kameru is a rare bird and little known around both military and civilian circles. The avid listener and a very meticulous strategist, the General is very fast in getting things done. He verifies intelligence with speed and provides leadership in a very professional manner. He has a penchant for facts and theories that can allow an intelligence production unit deliver desired products fast and reliably. The General is charismatic and has extremely good interpersonal skills. He is able to engage in a conversation during a briefing and provide rationale promptly. The director of Military Intelligence of Ke...


The late Jomo Kenyatta was a great man and is acclaimed as the founding father of Kenya. Despite everyone, or most, knowing him as the first president of Kenya there are some things that you may not know about him. Here is a list of ten things you probably didn’t know. 1. Jomo Kenyatta was born Kamau to parents Moigoi and Wamboi and became Kamau wa Ngengi after being adopted by his uncle Ngengi when his father passed on. 2. At the age of 10, he ran away from home so he could become a resident pupil at the Church of Scotland mission in Thogoto, studying amongst other subjects the Bible, English, Mathematics and carpentry. He paid the school fees by working as a houseboy and cook for a nearby white settler. 3. In August of 1914 Kamau was baptized at the Church of Scotland mission, initially taking the name John Peter Kamau, but swiftly changing it to Johnson Kamau. 4. To avoid being forced to into work by the British authorities he moved to Narok, living amongst the Maasai, and working ...


5-2.png A 29-year-old woman has died in an Indian hospital after donating a kidney to her ailing uncle, who survived the operation. Rehema Kanini died on August 7, three days after a successful operation on his uncle, whose name is withheld on the family's request. Her bother Fadhili maina said when the doctors at Apollo Hospital in New Delhi did a postmortem on Kanini, they found a blood clot that had blocked her main artery to the kidney and suffocated other main organs such as the brain, heart and lungs. Maina said after the operation, which gave her uncle lifeline, Kanini was transferred from the theater to the recovery room and then the Intensive Care Unit for a closer observation. "She was overwhelmingly happy that she was able to save her uncle's life. However, after three days, she complained of chest pains and dizziness. Doctors were called for check up,” Maina said." After a few hours, her situation worsened. The doctors tried to resuscitate her, but they fa...


Run up to the last general election the man from budelangi, was an ODM diehard, an eloquent speaker in public rallies, a democrat, an equal of a general in a military command, a troubleshooter for ODM and a supporter of RAILA ODINGA.. But unknown to many is that ABabu was in constant touch all the time with URP leader known as DP today, whereby when the electoral body declared UHURU the president elect, Ababus mind and soul changed...from being the loyal ODM MP to a mole, serving the interest of his paymaster whom he reported claimed was personal friend going back to the days when Ruto was still in ODM, "this personal friendship" defense, is what he put forward when he was asked in an ODM meeting prior to the aborted party election. Reliable source, confided in me, that Ruto wanted to groom ABABU for 2017 presidential chessboard game...and( plan A )which they both agreed on was to take over the ODM by any means possible, plan (B) was to use secretary general position to posit...


Of the sh. 8 billion unaccounted for by the Office of the President, and which is subject to audit queries, sh. 2 billion was transferred on MARCH 14, only two days before the filing of the Presidential Petition at the Supreme Court. Raila Odinga filed his petition on MARCH 16. Here is even the most queer thing. March 14 2013 was a Thursday. On Monday, March 11, General Karangi, NSIS chief Michael Gichangi, Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo, Head of Public Service Francis Kimemia and Provincial Administration PS Mutea Iringo all went to 'brief' President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta. On the same day, several African ambassadors stationed in Nairobi continued to 'pour', literally, their president's congratulatory messages. Museveni had already called in from Uganda! On Tuesday, March 12, after days of demanding documents from IEBC to expediate its filing of the petition which Odinga had indicated the same day IEBC declared Uhuru President-elect (March 9), CORD filed...


TNA is busy recruiting 5million 15-16yr old children into their vote basket for 2017 elections.The ODM/Opposition brigade is busy collecting 5million signatures from already registered voters,nearly all of whom probably voted for them in the last elections,osten sibly to "liberate" the country through a referendum that even Raila himself knows they cannot win with all factors constant.In 2017 when the former will be romping to State Power,the latter will be streaming either to the "Supreme Court" with 9000 pages of "evidence" on how the elections shall have been rigged,or to the streets or both! We,the liberal members of the Opposition,do hereby kindly request that those not interested in State Power,GO HOME and allow those interested in State Power to take charge of the next phase of our struggle to liberate the Country! # OKOAOpposition with Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka. raila.png

Reflections on the True Meaning of Life

A young woman went to her mother and told her how things were so hard for her in life. She did not know how she was going to make it and was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that, as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes, she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out , eggs out , coffee beans out and placed them in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me, what do you see?” “Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” the young woman replied. The mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. F...

Do not leave Mau until RUTO apologizes to RAILA ODINGA - ISAAC tells KALENJINs

Deputy President William Ruto now faces a serious rebellion in Kalenjinland after embattled Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto,told Kalenjins to ignore him.Speaking at Emorijoi Africa Gospel Church in Narok County, the Bomet Governor told Kalenjins residing in Mau Forest not to leave as ordered by the Deputy President, until he apologizes to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for demonizing him during the Grand Coalition Government when he tried to evict Mau settlers to save the water tower. Isaac said Ruto is playing double standards by demanding for the eviction of Kalenjins from Mau when he vehemently opposed it at the time when Raila Odinga was doing it. He urged the settlers to stay put telling them not to allow the Deputy President intimidate them. “Ruto is the biggest hypocrite I have ever met, when Raila Odinga tried to evict people from Mau, he opposed and now that he is in Government, he wants to do exact same thing; this cannot be allowed and I want to urge you not to vacate the for...

13 Success Tips From The World’s Most Successful People

No matter how old you are, where you’re from or what you do for a living, we all share something in common—a desire to be successful. Each person’s definition of success is different, however, as some may define success as being a loving and faithful spouse or a caring and responsible parent, while most people would equate success with wealth, fame, and power. We all want to achieve success so we could live a comfortable life—have financial freedom, drive a nice car, and live in a beautiful house. However, although success can be achieved, it does not come easy. There are a lot of tips and strategies out there on how to be successful in life, but I am still a firm believer that there is no better way to succeed than to follow that footsteps of those who have already done so. Here are 13 success tips from some of the world’s most successful and renowned people: 1.Think big. From Michelangelo Buonarroti, Great Renaissance Artist: “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our...

6 Bad Habits That Prevent You From Achieving Success

You always imagined your career would be like a rocket ship shooting you straight to the stars, but instead you seem to be stuck in one place, already out of gas. Before you blame your company, your coworkers, or your boss, it’s time to take a good look in the mirror. Your bad habits might be the culprit holding you back from the corner office you’ve always dreamed about. We all have bad habits, but bringing your baggage along to the office can be the difference between soaring or stalling in your career. Below are six common workplace bad habits to break if you want to continue moving up the career ladder: Being a Lone Wolf Collaboration is the key to workplace success, but you prefer to work solo. While being able to work independently is a valuable commodity in any workplace, working alone shouldn’t be your only speed. If you are constantly ducking out of team projects or asking to tackle a task without any help, your coworkers will take notice. While those around you put their head...

The Beauty of Time

Time is a beatiful commodity.It is part of the hardware of life.What you do with it shapes,in so many ways,what your life looks like.And yet,while almost every one of us wishes for more time,we misuse the time we have.People who have the most time for fun are those who know how to plan and then use their time well,the people who feel stress the most and lead and make no time to set schedules,articulate goals and follow well thought out plans.Anxiety is caused by lack of control,organization,preparation and action.

The Beauty of Time

Time is a beatiful commodity.It is part of the hardware of life.What you do with it shapes,in so many ways,what your life looks like.And yet,while almost every one of us wishes for more time,we misuse the time we have.People who have the most time for fun are those who know how to plan and then use their time well,the people who feel stress the most and lead and make no time to set schedules,articulate goals and follow well thought out plans.Anxiety is caused by lack of control,organization,preparation and action.

Do A Clean Sweep

A clean sweep is a superb way to streamline, simplify and refocus your life.Most of us have a ton of baggage and clutter that we carry with us on this journey.The powerful idea is this:when you clean sweep these things-put them into order or delete what needs to be eliminated from your life-you will feel lighter,happier and your mind will exprience more peace.

Not All Leaders Are The Same

Know your role.Everyone needs to behave like a leader-no matter what they do.Everyone needs to demonstrate leadership traits-regardless of ther position.Thats means everyone needs to take responsibility for getting the results that they generate.Everyone needs to be positive and inspirational.Everyone needs to keep customers happy and protect the brand.Everyone is a leader.But not everyone is the same

Sell your desk

The best performers in business don't hide behind their desks.They know that business is all about connecting to people.when people like you know you and trust you,they will help you.just the way it is.human nature play..The best managers get out from behind their desk and have a rich meaningful conversations with their team.

Success isn't sexy

It's all about working the basics of excellence with a passionate consistency.Its amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough.most people give up too early.Their fears are bigger than their faith.

It's never too late to become the person you have always dreamed of being

AN extraordinary life is not something only available for the chosen few-people with perfect teeth and royal and i are destined for greatness.we are meant to live a specular lives.but we need to do our part to make it happen.choice by choice.step by step.small gains eventually yield truly does want us to win.we only need to do our part.stop being a prisoner of your past and become an architect of your future.

How Jomo Kenyatta’s Land Buying Companies Conned Kenyans

Going back,…. (down memory lane)….. in the immediate post-independence era, the moment, the Seroneys and Ogingas started crying foul, and their sentiments went unheard,then this is the time Kenya started entering a dangerous phase of its socio-political path that lasts to date. The political leadership of Kenya began carving out into two distinct groups. The pro-Kenyatta land beneficiaries, sycophants and apologists where Tom Mboya, Daniel Moi, Paul Ngei and others trooped towards,….and another force RESISTING the greedy post-Independence governance by Kenyatta which was led by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, and included several former KADU operatives like Ronald Ngala, Jean Marie Seroney, Masinde Muliro, Martin Shikuku and others. Kenyatta soldiered on with his grabbing. He concurrently went ahead with the help of Tom Mboya to change the constitution to give immense imperial powers to the Presidency. He further began using such powers to allocate more land to his cronies and sycophants. His ...

5 EASY Ways How To Turn Your Side Hustle Into A Money Making Machine

“Raise your hand if you have a side hustle which you want to make some ‘serious’ money out of…..”that was a question recently posed to a room full of Kenyans thirsty for knowledge on how they can turn their side hustles into money making machines. And the response to this question you ask? All hands went up. And who better to give that kind of advice than Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja, Farzana Khubchandani, Head of Marketing for Google Kenya and Patricia Mbatia, CEO of Game Changer a Marketing and Events Company. Back to you, do you have a side hustle? Here are all the tips you need to make that venture worth your while. 1.Go for what excites you I am sure you’ve heard of this little but quite powerful piece of advice before. “You need to venture into something that you would do with your eyes closed,” advices Patricia Mbatia the CEO for Game Changer who once worked as the PR and Corporate Communications Manager for Multichoice/ DSTV. She adds that “You should be so passionate about your...

Official PRESIDENTIAL speakers at the US-Africa Summit:

From Africa, these are the official PRESIDENTIAL speakers at the US-Africa Summit: • His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda • His Excellency Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal • Mr. Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa • His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania • His Excellency Mohamed Moncef Marzouki, President of the Republic of Tunisia. You will note that President Kagame and President Kikwete are East African Presidents. Kenya is in East Africa. In East Africa, we currently chair both EAC and IGAD, yet 'our' President isn't listed among leaders who will address this auspicious gathering. Not only is this a diplomatic slap on our faces, it is hard blow. That tells you something about our diplomacy, or how our neighbours are relating with us and the world. Our diplomacy may not be as 'powerful' as DAILY NATIONand Capital FM puts it, afterall, thanks to Onyango Oloo...

The Real Land Grabbers In Kenya

The Jubilee Government should stop playing populist politics with the land equation.Having lost the support of the Muslim community and failed to gain foothold in the coast Province despite attempts at artificial development initiatives,President. Uhuru Kenyatta has now resorted to futile populist public utterances aimed at not only hood winking Kenyans but also diverting the attention of Kenyans from the Referendum. The President no longer has powers to allocate land or revoke any titles,which is the preserve of the National Land Commission.There can be no short cut to arriving at a solution to the land equation.The remedy is full implementation of the Ndungu Report and the ORIGINAL TJRC report. The history of land grabbing is well-documented and already lies in the public domain.The real land grabbers are well-known. It starts with Jomo Kenyatta and ends with William Ruto.


Prior to the president's action on Lamu, land reform in Kenya was treated as an initiative of popular revolution. During the campaigns in 2013, Cord, said land reform was a campaign issue and was going to be a problem for the next administration. Jubilee responded that it was emotive, divisive and should not be an issue. Yesterday, President Kenyatta acknowledged land is an issue but appeared to blame the predecessor. Cord wishes to state that blaming the predecessor is not what people are looking for in their president. It is not going resonate for long, if it does at all. Kenyans are looking for somebody who’s not blaming somebody but is going to solve their problems. Now, it's the President, who comes from a family that is a major land owner and publicly accused of acquiring most of it illegally, that has started canceling titles of allegedly illegally acquired land. Land reform is therefore no longer about land revolution. It is now a matter of justice, recognized and endor...

Lamu land grabbers

These are the beneficiaries whose title deeds were revoked. Brick Investments was registered on 9/12/2011 under certificate No. CPR/2011/62444 Directors are; Alice Masaa 1 share Margaret Kavulani - 1 share Brick Investment Limited was registered on 5/08/2011 under certificate No. CPR/2011/53032 Directors are; Lars Jonas Geke 500 shares Timothy Kuria ,500 shares Dynamic Trading Company was registered on 9/9/2011 under certificate No. CPR/2011/55975 Directors are; Alice Masaa 1 share Margaret Kavulani, 1share Mat International was registered on 15/03/99 under certificate No. C.84842 Directors are; Twalib Ali Mohamed Hatayan-620 shares, Abdicated Hagi Yarrow 380 shares Shanghai Africa Investment Limited was registered on 4/11/2013 Certificate No. CPR/2013/121805 Directors are; Daniel Mwangi, Simon Wanjohi, Burton Maina, Michael Kariuki, Jeremiah Gikonyo John Gitu Kiarie, Peter Njiru, Peter Mwangi, Fincorp Investments Limited was registered on 6/08/2011 Certificate No. CPR/2011/54278 Direc...

Why Asian girls love blacks

Timothy Khamala 25 and and Sarika Patel 24, two lovebirds in a remote village in western Kenya are not the first lovers of African and Asian ancestry to to get intimately and romantically involved. In 2007, Clement Olunga and Hapreet Syan hit the headlines when they defied stigma and openly declared their love for each other. The racial and cultural divide between Kenyan Asians and Africans is so blunt that those who dare sharpen it with love brewed in an African pot via marriage face hostility and isolation. Kisumu East Member of Parliament Shakeel Shabbir is a Dholuo-speaking Asian married to a Luhya. He reckons there are many sexually frustrated Indian women in Kisumu. “This is because their fathers have locked them in the house and they don’t interact with men,” says Shabbir, adding that this prompts Indian girls to turn to their drivers, houseboys or gardeners to satisfy their sexual desires. “I have seen a lot of that happen in Kisumu. The girl then gets pregnant and her parents ...