Kenya’s Director of Military Intelligence Major General Phillip Kameru is a tall lanky figure, athletic, and very good looking to the unsuspecting civies, but behind that good look, is the highly learned, experienced, and very intelligent director of Military Intelligence. Rising to the rank and having been the key mastermind of the success of Kenya Defense Forces in Somalia, Major Gen Kameru is a rare bird and little known around both military and civilian circles. The avid listener and a very meticulous strategist, the General is very fast in getting things done. He verifies intelligence with speed and provides leadership in a very professional manner. He has a penchant for facts and theories that can allow an intelligence production unit deliver desired products fast and reliably. The General is charismatic and has extremely good interpersonal skills. He is able to engage in a conversation during a briefing and provide rationale promptly. The director of Military Intelligence of Kenya Major General Phillip Kameru maybe the most important asset the Jubilee government can ever own to end the wave of insecurity across the country and the East African region. The man knows the Somali situation very well. He knows the actors in theater and using the resources at the disposal of the directorate of Military Intelligence has contacts who knows who is who in the terror networks across Somalia and the entire East African region. Taking up the position of the Director General of the National Intelligence Service would serve the Republic of Kenya very well besides allow the Jubilee government achieve the dream of a secure and geopolitically powerful Kenya. With such a background full of military glory, the General who has planned the war against Al-Shabaab, and offered leadership in shaping the current good stead of Kenya Military face, Maj. Gen Kameru is the ideal replacement for Maj Gen. Gichangi who left the intelligence service for a myriad of intelligence failures.
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