Run up to the last general election the man from budelangi, was an ODM diehard, an eloquent speaker in public rallies, a democrat, an equal of a general in a military command, a troubleshooter for ODM and a supporter of RAILA ODINGA.. But unknown to many is that ABabu was in constant touch all the time with URP leader known as DP today, whereby when the electoral body declared UHURU the president elect, Ababus mind and soul changed...from being the loyal ODM MP to a mole, serving the interest of his paymaster whom he reported claimed was personal friend going back to the days when Ruto was still in ODM, "this personal friendship" defense, is what he put forward when he was asked in an ODM meeting prior to the aborted party election. Reliable source, confided in me, that Ruto wanted to groom ABABU for 2017 presidential chessboard game...and( plan A )which they both agreed on was to take over the ODM by any means possible, plan (B) was to use secretary general position to position himself as the sole voice of luyhia community. plan (C) Ruto, would appoint ABABU as his running mate 10 months to the general election of 2017. And it is on this basis that ABABU was seen several times visiting Ruto's office at the hight of party elections and thereafter staging a very expensive campaign to woo delegates like no other before with signs of choppers every where leading to the question, who was bankrolling Ababu's campaign and for what reason? Even if "MEN IN BLACK" disrupted the elections how many contestants were vying apart from ABABU? Why have they not attacked Raila? Did they not spend in the campaigns ? Is it possible the paymaster wants to see the fruits of his money and so Ababu has to betray his principles?
By Dr.Paul Bundi Karau I arrived at Kanyakine High School on 18th February 1999 a small village boy. I had never been to a boarding school, and certainly this is the furthest from home I had ever gone. The boys who were assigned to escort me to Mungania dorm looked at my stunted height and loudly wondered how I would survive in Beast's school. "Who is Beast?" I asked in bewilderment. "You will know." Musyoki answered curtly. It didn't take me long to know who Beast was. The following day, as the 10 o'clock tea was being served, I heard a commotion, with boys leaving their tea and running helter-skelter towards the classrooms. I was a fresh mono, so I didn't know what was happening. I ran along the pavement, and came upon a mighty man, who appeared to be adjusting his trousers. He yanked his belt and thrust one whip towards me. I had encountered Beast himself. He was tall, imposing, burly and endowed with a thunderous voice that could re...