By mukanda mukisu And if you want to be insulted, you tell Jubilee the truth. So here is some few truths. First, UHURU’s case at the HQ is being terminated tomorrow for lack of witnesses and evidence to sustain it. This means that the lobbying by Kenya’s foreign Ministry for postponement, deferral etc. and lobbying the UN Security Council will come to an end immediately. This will also mark the end of AG Githu Muigai’s trips to the HQ. There is likely to be celebrations across the Country for UHURU acquittal. On the other hand, 5 new witnesses have been lined up to testify against one William Ruto starting from Monday next week. In fact Ruto should be in the HQ latest by Sunday evening, failure to which ARREST WARANTS will be issued. The 5 new witnesses had declined but somehow, the government managed to cajole them to accept to go and testify. They are eye witnesses and their work is to corroborate the story as filed by NSIS. This is to strengthen the aspect of Murder, forcible transfer of populations etc. Let me confess that our interest is to see JUSTICE DONE to Suspects and VICTIMS at the same time. It pains us KENYANS to know that YOUNG CHILDREN, DISABLED MOTHERS AND other Kenyans were locked in a church in KIAMBAA and set ablaze. Something must be done urgently. Lastly, Kenya is not pulling out of ICC, and you can take this to the bank. Henry Kosgei knew where the truth was, he never accused Raila and that is how he was advised and he is off the hook. The President is a humble man, seeking reconciliation. And CORD MPs have no problem helping UHURU complete his term in office, and Raila has no problem working with UHURU. But if you call yourself a leader and you are facing INTERNATIONAL CRIMES, yet you call internationally respected leaders with GLOBAL recognition as LEMINDET……you can only blame yourself. Bring some more pop corns and FWANDA ORANGE…..
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