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Showing posts from January, 2014

Why kenya most corrupt top cop in history was declared fit to continue serving

There is nothing more disheartening than having faith in something and then seeing that faith being ruthlessly crashed right before your very eyes. Imagine a lover whom you trust with the whole of your heart. Before them you are an open book and then one day you discover them naked with somebody else on your own bed. Naturally you would be devastated. That kind of describes what those Kenyans who have suffered in the hands of a certain top cop and had a lot of faith in the ongoing police vetting exercise are feeling this morning after he was declared fit to continue serving yesterday. At least those who have been reading my raw notes alerts here have been somewhat cushioned to this terrible news. They would know for instant that a recent directive from the office of the president that the Police service commission vetting the senior officers clears their decisions with the OP before going public was very suspicious indeed and those suspicions were confirmed yesterday because the verdi...

Before you Speak, Listen

“Before you Speak, Listen. Before you Write, Think. Before you Spend, Earn. Before you Invest, Investigate. Before you Criticize, Wait. Before you Pray, Forgive. Before you Quit, Try. Before you Retire, Save. Before you Die, Give.”

Attorney General Githu Muigai’s Wife Nominated as Judge of the High Court

In a stunning move that can best be described as pushing nepotism to the highest level, Attorney General Githu Muigai’s wife has been nominated as a Judge of the High Court.The Judicial Service Commission on Friday recommended the appointment of 25 new judges of the High Court.In a statement signed by Chief Justice Dr Willy Mutunga who is also the chairman of the JSC, it was revealed that 193 applications were received out of which 76 candidates were shortlisted and interviewed for the positions.The names were sent to President Uhuru Kenyatta who appoints all judges in accordance with the recommendation of the JSC.LIST OF RECOMMENDED APPOINTEES: 1. Onguto Joseph Louis Omondi 2. Mutungi Charles Kariuki 3. Margaret Waringa Muigai 4. Riechi Stephen Nyangau 5. Sewe Olga Akech 6. Aburili Roselyne Ekirapa7. Bwonwong’a Justus Momanyi 8. Winfrida Adhiambo Okwany 9. Enock Chacha Mwita 10. Otieno Patrick J. Okwaro 11. Robert Kipkoech Limo 12. Nagillah Crispin Beda 13. Anthony Kimani Ndungu 14. M...

Should Raila apologise?

Last weekend, during a public rally in kisumu, which was attended by all cord principals,Cord leader Raila odinga told the gathering that the jubilee alliance used the military during the march 4th general to rise to power he termed it a military coup.This comment has illicited some bitterness both from Iebc and the goverment whereby the cord leader has been required to apologise and withdrawal his earlier statement.Whether he will apologise or not only time will tell.Its undebatable security organs of any goverment should never be involved in politics.In kenya context, the question we the general ought to ask before we criticize Raila or not is,did the military help jubilee alliance to rise power?Unless the truth of this is known, apologies won't make any difference.This is a serious issue which should be addressed fully,rather than just burrying it by the name of apology.unless this is done next general elections remain a doom.

positive thinking

DID YOU KNOW? When you think in the "positive:" You grow new neurons that boost your intelligence. Your "stress" levels go down. You think more clearly and deal with problems more effectively. You change your DNA (your genes) to work for you instead of against you. You are more capable of reaching your goals. You grow more "success" neurons in the left, pre-frontal cortex of your brain. "Positive Thinking" is no longer a self-help idea; it is a scientifically proven truth, and a good way to live.

BEST Business Quotes To Help You Succeed

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely game. The road to business success, both online and offline, is a long and bumpy one, often littered with pitfalls before success comes knocking. You need to be willing to spend long hours learning and applying new information when you’d rather be spending time having fun with family and friends. It can take several attempts and wrong turns before you hit on the right business model that not only works but also fits in with your life plan, vision and goals. The truth is, once you decide to leave the safety net of your day job to build your own business, you are stepping onto a crazy rollercoaster rideAmongst all the fun and excitement of being your own boss, there will be days when you feel scared, alone and confused. Deals you were banking on fall through. People you thought you could trust let you down. Products you thought would be home-runs, flop embarrassingly. During tough times like these there isn’t much you can do, other than keep the faith an...

MEru County Leadership,Resources , stakeholders & Governance

By Lau-rence Generali Baimungi When we talk of Meru County everybody who understands the geographics of the place. Will always talk of the Governor as the highest authority in the jurisdiction. Nobody will ever think of the senator or the all are legislative & in Nairobi chambers. The Governors have fought for the most high title "His Excellency" meaning they were ready to Undertake all the challenges,merits , credit , pain & wars on the whole county. Munya was the loudest from day One with a big mouth on salary increase. I THOUGHT HE WAS TO WORK ALOT TO DESERVE THE BIG CHUNK. Resources under meru county are Nobody's private possession. They are not in any body's court. The county government is just a body that should facilitate the generation of more, equal division & using the resources for the wellfare of the people. Poor resource division is what gives birth to all forms of negativities in a land. In meru the situation will be talked of as it is ...

knowledge is power

During a robbery in a bank, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank: "Don't move, The money belongs to the State, Your life belongs to you. "Everyone in the bank lay down quietly. This is called "Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking. When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her: "Please be civilised! This is a robbery and not a rape!"This is called "Being Professional” Focus only on what you are trained to do! When the bank robbers returned home, the younger robber (MBA- trained) told the older robber (who has only completed Year 6 inprimary school): "Big bros, let's count how much we got."The older robber rebutted and said: "You are very stupid. There is so much money, it will take us a long time to count Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!"This is called "Experience.” Nowadays, experience is more important than paper qualification...

Making Your 2014 Vision Board

d1-ed-3449-vision-board-v.png When you can visualize the world you want to live in, you have taken the first step toward inhabiting it. Then, the fun begins. Can you be in the real world and behave as if the paradise of your dreams already exists? Actually creating what you envision requires you to imagine living there until it manifests in reality. One way to manifestthe world in which you want to live is to illustrate in reality what you see in your mind's eye. When you create a window into the landscape of your dreams, you actually make those dreamsmuch more real. From your construction, a clearer idea of what you want forms and the way to bring it into existence occurs. The universe will cooperate with your vision when you start describing just what it is that you desire. The cosmos understand more than one language and truly, a picture is worth a thousand words. There are many ways to put your vision up on a board for the world to see. Vision boarding is a tool for creating th...

Former Presidential aspirant Abduba Dida appointed to the Constituency Development Fund.

Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo has opposed the appointment of former Presidential aspirant Abduba Dida to the Constituency Development Fund. President sacked Ms Jennifer Nafula Barasa from the same position. The appointment flouts the CDF Act which stipulates the chair has to come from among the board members. “The President’s purported appointment of Dida to chair CDF Board shows scant respect for the law and we will oppose it strenuously.” For one to chair the CDF Board, Mr Gumbo said, he or she must be a board member nominated by one of the nominating bodies and be vetted by the relevant House team. “All board members must secure Parliamentary approval prior to gazettement. There’s no way our committee will allow such flouting of the law, far less letting a comedian chair such an important fund,” Mr Gumbo said. According to the CDF Act 2013: “The Cabinet Secretary shall appoint the Chairperson of the Board from amongst the four persons appointed in accordance with paragraph (d) of subse...

an accident. wiru-chogoria. God tuondolee huu mzigo wa vifo ...... ni mzito..

Six people die after a matatu they were traveling in burst its tyre and rolled severally at Wiru area along Meru-Nairobi highway.

True Love !!!

Husband comes home drunk and breaks some crockery, vomits and falls down on the floor… Wife pulls him up and cleans everything. Next day when he gets up he expects her to be really angry with him…. He prays that they should not have a fight.. He finds a note near the table… “Honey..your favorite breakfast is ready on the table, I had to leave early to buy grocery… I’ll come running back to you, my love. I love you. …” He gets surprised and asks his son.., ‘what happened last night..?’ Son told:” when mom pulled you to bed and tried removing your boots and shirt. You were dead drunk and you said: Hey Lady ! Leave Me Alone…I am Married !!!”Always stay loyal to those who love you, is the least you can do for them!