There is nothing more disheartening than having faith in something and then seeing that faith being ruthlessly crashed right before your very eyes. Imagine a lover whom you trust with the whole of your heart. Before them you are an open book and then one day you discover them naked with somebody else on your own bed. Naturally you would be devastated. That kind of describes what those Kenyans who have suffered in the hands of a certain top cop and had a lot of faith in the ongoing police vetting exercise are feeling this morning after he was declared fit to continue serving yesterday. At least those who have been reading my raw notes alerts here have been somewhat cushioned to this terrible news. They would know for instant that a recent directive from the office of the president that the Police service commission vetting the senior officers clears their decisions with the OP before going public was very suspicious indeed and those suspicions were confirmed yesterday because the verdict of the 3 who were cleared yesterday was put on hold while that of their colleagues was announced. Yesterday's statement read by the commission's chair Johnson Kavuludi sounded very familiar. Those could not have been his own words he was reading because it was the typical standard statement from the masters of impunity. "Members of the public have been cautioned from turning the police vetting exercise into a witch hunt and should not accuse officers without evidence. hahahahahahahahahaha! LOL!!!! hehehehehehehehehehe. That is really funny for one simple reason. The way this works is that members of the public submit their accusations and the vetting team with their access to personal bank accounts and all kinds of resources to investigate carry out their investigations to either prove or disprove the accusations. So what Kenyans were told yesterday was to carry out their own investigations and furnish the vetting team with solid irrefutable evidence otherwise what they say will be treated as a witch hunt with possible dire consequences. Only in the banana republic folks, only in the banana republic. Until now this has been working out as it should. The public complains about a certain officer and sure enough his bank account has millions and there is no credible explanation for this. The same officer also has lots of property scattered all over the country and most notably where he has been posted for long periods of time in the past. That is more than enough circumstantial evidence to dismiss the said officer. This is NOT a criminal trial but the vetting of a public servant in a position of responsibility where they can do plenty of damage so even the threshold for burden of proof does not need to be high. Mere suspicion is enough to at the very least suspend the said officer. However in this case the things we have heard during the vetting exercise are very close to being enough circumstantial evidence that is definitely above mere suspicion. How does a busy police officer also became a successful millionaire businessman without using his office in a corrupt? HOW??!!! Impunity won yesterday and it won big time. It means that Kenyans will need to continue living in great fear of criminal gangs. To find out why I have specifically mentioned criminal gangs and why the said officer was cleared,