By Lau-rence Generali Baimungi When we talk of Meru County everybody who understands the geographics of the place. Will always talk of the Governor as the highest authority in the jurisdiction. Nobody will ever think of the senator or the all are legislative & in Nairobi chambers. The Governors have fought for the most high title "His Excellency" meaning they were ready to Undertake all the challenges,merits , credit , pain & wars on the whole county. Munya was the loudest from day One with a big mouth on salary increase. I THOUGHT HE WAS TO WORK ALOT TO DESERVE THE BIG CHUNK. Resources under meru county are Nobody's private possession. They are not in any body's court. The county government is just a body that should facilitate the generation of more, equal division & using the resources for the wellfare of the people. Poor resource division is what gives birth to all forms of negativities in a land. In meru the situation will be talked of as it is - The county government under munya has turned into a scheme of The rich. A members club only. A system of rewarding political allies, friends & a set up to ensure the rich get more rich & the poor poorer. This comes as munya & his close allies (if they are in touch with the reality & think well) know clearly of the influx in population with shrinking resources. Rather than stimulate the youths & general population with projects, guiding , incubating them & offering alternatives they ARE BEATING & DEMOLISHING WANJIKUS SMALL BUSINESSES. Results - the hungry have a right to break walls for God too does not allow death by hunger. Even birds that dont plant eat. Stakeholdership: Each & every human being from a foetus to the oldest creme is a stakeholder in the county. The myopic octogenarian thinking by Peter Munya cannot tolerate him know this. Anybody had a right to choose or reject him as those were elections. Every citizen has a right to air his grievances & get listened into. Instead Munya choose to see dissatisfied citizens who have looked for him or address from his office & ended up demonstrating as HOOLIGANS & FERRIED GOONS. What he fails to understand is He is as well telling us they are from Maua & Mikinduri. WHAT A POOR REASONING??? IS MIKINDURI & MAUA NOT PART OF MERU COUNTY??? He should be very much worried " Mjinga wa mashambani akierevuka mwerevu yu mashakani" He should now this a started revolution , his action will fuel it or brake it!! LEADERSSHIP & GOVERNANCE ; This is a blend of what we achieve when we are at the helm of guiding people. Leadership is not about dictating to people or Commanding them. Powerful authorities have been feel by a angry population- it just takes the oppressed to turn against the oppressor.That is what is happening in Meru! Masses waking up!! Leadership is about making the populace satisfied with the mannerisms of work and activities. MUNYA IS LACKING IN BOTH. His dont care attitude, his high profile of chase cars & white elephant projects has made the people loose faith in him & choose to see him as an enemy within. The other day his security detail was Harrassing some drivers e tc MY TAKE; Politics is a science of life you dont need to be an actuarial scientist to understand the basics. I know more than I need to know in politics & I can speak alot on the Meru Scenario. I know meru politics alot. How kiraitu has turned from the humble Moses we knew to a Snake with lethal venom. A man who wants everbody in his rule. It wont work. Not at any chamce. Infact to me his days are out! Meru people are the most uncooperative & seldom hold together fellowships. If you see them determined know someone has touched there groin. They wont rest until they achieve. We can show that by MWARIAMA , GENERAL BAIMUNGI , NKURARU icons who fought to the bitter end! People be sure things will get more ugly . -Businesses will keep shut -investors are marking it a red avenue. -distrust & more rebellions will build up. -patriots will die. -people will point each other -More animals leave along dogs will be used as effigies -The battle will be at the expense of development -Munya regime will fall with a thud!!! WHY? Munya is a political product of The Late Mwereria who died of some illness im told that I wont disclose. He left a legacy of being the first merian to vie for presidency. From there munya Won elections in Tigania East & he used the tactic of enslaving people to Govern them. He went ahead just as kiraitu & fough people who came up with people helping projects . A good example is the war between him & Father Nkanya of St. Masaimo parish in mikinduri. Munya ensured he cant move ahead with his projects. Who were Munya Cdf projects contrast it with his Current appointee in his seat - the county chief revenue Officer!! His dont care attitude wont act against the big population. WE ARE AWARE & WE ARE EDUCATING THE MASSES.LET HIM NOT LISTEN & JUST AS WE FIRED HIM WE SHALL FIRE HIM. WE DONT NEED A DICTATOR. We were voting for a manager & Joshua to deliver us to Israel. PEOPLE I SALUTE YOU.. FORWARD EVER. OUR RESOURCES , OUR VOICE !!! Our people must be listened to. With respect & Dignity!! Na mambo bado!!
By Dr.Paul Bundi Karau I arrived at Kanyakine High School on 18th February 1999 a small village boy. I had never been to a boarding school, and certainly this is the furthest from home I had ever gone. The boys who were assigned to escort me to Mungania dorm looked at my stunted height and loudly wondered how I would survive in Beast's school. "Who is Beast?" I asked in bewilderment. "You will know." Musyoki answered curtly. It didn't take me long to know who Beast was. The following day, as the 10 o'clock tea was being served, I heard a commotion, with boys leaving their tea and running helter-skelter towards the classrooms. I was a fresh mono, so I didn't know what was happening. I ran along the pavement, and came upon a mighty man, who appeared to be adjusting his trousers. He yanked his belt and thrust one whip towards me. I had encountered Beast himself. He was tall, imposing, burly and endowed with a thunderous voice that could re...