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Happy New Year Wishes from Kenyabittertruth

As we usher in the new year,I pray to the Almighty,all Faithful and Able GOD to grant you peace and joy,fulfil your heart desires and bless you beyond measure.Wishing you a prosperous 2015!!!

Hon Duale CRIES, his COUSIN EXECUTED by ‘POLICE’ for alleged TERROR link, SECURITY LAW to blame?

Jubilee coalition top operatives are having it hard to deal with the sad news that Majority leader in Parliament Hon Aden Daule lost his dear cousin due to the coming into effect of the newly enacted ‘DRACONIAN’ Security Law. Sheikh Mohamed Ali Kheir alias Sheikh Dawara who went missing three days ago from Garissa near post office was found dead last evening in Embu. Sheikh Ali is a cousin to Hon Aden Duale. According to relatives of the Sheikh, “the killing is a pure case of extra judicial killing as result of the newly passed draconian law.” The leader of Majority in parliament, Aden Duale has also taken to Twitter to complain about the killing even going as far as demanding action o the police whom he claim might be responsible for his cousin’s summary execution. My condolences to the family of sheikh Dawara whose body was found in Embu. The killers must be brought to book even if it's the police — Hon. Aden Duale (@HonAdenDuale) December 29, 2014 Are the chicken coming home to ...

Why you should remember your family during this chirstmas

You have budgeted Ksh. 100,000/- for Christmas while your mother who years ago slept hungry but still suckled you will go on empty stomach this day. Your dad who slept on a cold floor guarding a village posho-mill to fend for you is still sleeping under a grass thatched leaky roof while you pay Ksh. 30,000/- as rent in Nairobi. The land your parents agreed to sell so that you could go to secondary school has never been recovered despite your six figure basic salary and five figure allowances. Your brother is unable to proceed with college education yet you spin a fuel guzzler. Your wife tells you to hate your sister yet she was not there when your sister gave out her 50cts she had kept to buy you panadol when you fell sick. You hate it when your people come visiting while treat your friends generously. You sleep on a master-bed worth a fortune while your mum who fought with a neighbour when her son beat you is still sleeping on a mat on the floor. Your fridge is full of all types of me...

Why you should remember your family during this chirstmas

You have budgeted Ksh. 100,000/- for Christmas while your mother who years ago slept hungry but still suckled you will go on empty stomach this day. Your dad who slept on a cold floor guarding a village posho-mill to fend for you is still sleeping under a grass thatched leaky roof while you pay Ksh. 30,000/- as rent in Nairobi. The land your parents agreed to sell so that you could go to secondary school has never been recovered despite your six figure basic salary and five figure allowances. Your brother is unable to proceed with college education yet you spin a fuel guzzler. Your wife tells you to hate your sister yet she was not there when your sister gave out her 50cts she had kept to buy you panadol when you fell sick. You hate it when your people come visiting while treat your friends generously. You sleep on a master-bed worth a fortune while your mum who fought with a neighbour when her son beat you is still sleeping on a mat on the floor. Your fridge is full of all types of me...

Merry Christmas

May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours; And may the coming year be filled with happiness.


The time has come to look at “social enterprises”—a form of capitalism that includes social and environmental objectives in addition to the profit motive. More than a century ago, Henry Ford asserted that “a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” The world is now overrun by such “poor businesses.” The heedless pursuit of financial gains may produce happy management teams and shareholders, but it also results in an unhappy planet for businesses to operate in. The solution is not for these businesses to give some money to charity, or to get employees to play “builder” or “teacher” for a day as part of so-called “corporate social responsibility” initiatives. The solution is much more complex and requires a radical shift in business practices. Charity alone cannot meet all the needs of the world and businesses that depend on philanthropy and government aid are vulnerable to changes in the economic climate. However, there are many ways to make sustainable investments. Th...

Hague factor in Kenya

MUTHAMA JOHNSTONE "CORD will call for a General Election to send Uhuru/Ruto parking and install Raila Odinga as President" JAMES ORENGO "we will install RAILA ODINGA as the PRESIDENT when UHURU and RUTO go the Hague next year" OTIENO KAJWANG “If for the next 12 months Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto will be in the Hague, who will be in charge of this country? Kenyans may be forced to put Raila on the throne because the presidency is not a personal property" JOHN MBADI "Cord is preparing a motion to Impeach the president" WETANGULA MOSES "Raila Odinga Will Be The President If Uhuru Fails To Go The Hague"


Cord coalition either lost or was rigged out in kenya's general elections which were held in march 4th 2013,it all depend on which side of political divide one subscribes to.Either way cord 'lost' to jubilee alliance.The question which still remain unanswered is what steps the coalition has taken so far to prevent the repeat of 2013 come the next general elections.The electronic results transmission system which could have guarded against votes inflation in favour of one of the candidates failed, but who said we can't have a repeat of the same in future?Unless a tamper proof results transmission system is realized am sorry to say, we will have a repeat of 2013. In the meantime rather than cord coalition pushing for early procurement followed by vigorous testing to achieve a tamper proof system, the coalition is busy with unnecessary bickering only calling for disbandment of Iebc which in my opinion won't assure them a win if all other factors are held constant come ...

Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama Assaulted In Parliament

Senator Muthama of Machakos County was this morning hurt after a brawl broke out in parliament. Hon Muthama had joined Kakamega senator Dr Bonny Khalwale and Siaya senator James Orengo at the parliament’s speaker’s gallery to witness the motion on the controversial security bill.

scene outside Kenya parliament calm under heavy security presence

Why Kenyans from all walks of life must oppose the security bill

Expanded Powers, New Offenses Articles 62 through 66 of the bill amending the National Intelligence Security Act broaden the powers of security officials to arrest and detain people and could violate due process rights. The bill expands the powers of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) to stop and detain suspects, search and seize private property, and monitor communications without a court warrant. The bill seeks to significantly expand the powers of intelligence officers. Such powers had been withdrawn in the 1990s after the then-Special Branch, now the NIS, was accused of the torture of political activists and of detaining them for several years without trial. Article 62 authorizes NIS officers to “do anything necessary to preserve national security” and to detain people even on suspicion of “engaging in any act or thing or being in possession of anything which poses a threat to national security.” Other amendments that propose alarming changes to current legislation include: . ...

Eighty years of man's life

On the first day, God created the dog and said: ‘Sit all day by the door and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.’ The dog said: ‘That’s a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I’ll give you back the other ten?’ So God agreed. On the second day, God created the monkey and said: ‘Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.’ The monkey said: ‘Monkey tricks for twenty years? That’s a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?’ And God agreed. On the third day, God created the cow and said: ‘You must go into the field with the farmer all day long , have calves and give milk to support the farmer’s family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.’ The cow said: ‘That’s kind of a tough life to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I’ll give back the other forty?’ And God agreed again. On the fourth day, God cre...


what a shame from black to white

Jubilee Evolved Into Worse Dictatorship Than Kanu

koigiwamwere.png Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can clearly see that Jubilee government is slowly but surely metamorphosing into a dictatorship that may turn worse than Kanu under both Kenyatta and Moi. Why is dictatorship enveloping the land without protest? Kenyans have forgotten cruelties of dictatorship and are embracing it again. Unfortunately, Kenyans have worse memories than warthogs. Two, dictatorship has life and abhors death. Since it lost power, it has been fighting to regain power and now it has. Three, Kenyans have allowed the political children of Kenyatta and Moi to inherit power and with it their dictatorships. Four, we have forgotten the warnings of traditional wisdom that “the young of a leopard claws like its mother” and “the young of a snake is also a snake.” When the son of Haitian dictator Papa Doc inherited power from his father, he became Baby Doc or baby dictator. Leaders sired by political dictators can only become dictators. Frankly, Jubilee rule is...

Uganda President Yoweri museveni plays the commoners by saying europeans are stupid

Whenever I see Museveni talk, about how Uganda is independent and the West are cons, I remember when he commissioned his presidential jet to take his daughter to London to deliver. Then, I see hypocrisy, of the highest order. He doesn't trust Mulago Hospital, or even Nairobi hospital. But, he can play the commoners by saying how stupid Europeans are.Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni Friday said he will mobilise African leaders to quit the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing it of being used as a "tool to target" the continent. Museveni was cheered as he spoke at Kenya's 51st Jamuhuri Day celebrations at the Nyayo Stadium, Nairobi. His sentiments come shortly after the ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda withdrew crimes against humanity case against President Uhuru Kenyatta. "I will bring a motion to the next sitting of the African Union to have all African states withdraw from the court and then they can be left alone with their own court," Museveni said....

Business lessons you should learn from Bruce-Lee

First became a fan of his movies by his physical brilliance, outspoken personality and took the world by storm becoming a cult hero for many. Here’s a tribute to this incredible human being who’s inspired me, not only in martial arts but to appreciate my body and soul, and bring out the best in myself to make a difference. Eight Lessons I’ve learnt: 1) “Circumstances; Hell, I make circumstances!” Rather than being hampered by adversity, Bruce would always look for solutions to break through any barrier and become a stepping-stone. He was once bed bound for six months due to a horrific back injury but he created an opportunity for himself to spend that time wisely, by compiling his thoughts and training methodologies into volumes of writing material. Every single one of us will have problems to overcome. By being aware of the situation and knowing how we could turn it around would be a greater learning curve than only complaining over a problem. 2) “Talking and listening” It is very rar...

Happy,Healthy couples

1. They cherish their differences. Have you noticed a happy couple together? They aren’t fiercely independent or pathologically dependent. They’ve struck a healthy medium. I think of it as interdependence. They can agree to disagree on the little things. Sure, they’re aligned on the big things like life goals. But they don’t feel that they have to like the same music and share a favorite color. They don’t expect their partner to approve of all their choices. Each partner stands in his or her own power and respects the other’s opinion. Each partner is a happy and successful person in his or her own right. 2. They keep their assumptions in check. We go into most situations with certain assumptions — based on our life experiences. Let’s say one partner grew up in a touchy-feely family and the other didn’t. The one who did grow up in a touchy-feely family is likely to interpret the other’s behavior as distant or indifferent. The incorrect assumption? To express affection, we must be touchy...

Please Assist This Boy

no-title5.jpg Parents of a sixteen year old boy from Mahoma village in Bunyala south location in Busia County are calling for help so that their son who has a head complication access medication. According to,the father, Mr. Chrispinus Adundo and Mrs. Wilikister Mukudi Adundo,the mother, say their son John Bwire Adundo’s problem started last year when he was in form two at Kericho High school where the principal called them togo and take him to hospital as he was seriously ill “When I went there, the boy was very sick and his clothes had blood strains which they said he was injured after falling down,” explained the father. Mr. Adundo says the son told him that he saw a vision in the evening while he was going to sleep in his dormitory upstairs, “The boy told me when he was climbing the stairs to go and sleep when he saw in a vision a form one boy carrying a basin of water standing on his way but he didn’t have a human face. My son called Jesus two times and the student in vision dropp...

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime

Tips which will make your life beautiful

This story contains some “tips” that may bring you a beautiful life. Read them, live by them more fully, and I promise you will experience a beautiful life! Take a 10-30 minute walk every day and while you walk, smile. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, “My purpose is to … today.” Live with the 3 E’s: Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy, and the 3 F’s: Faith, Family, Friends. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6. Dream more while you are awake. Try to make at least three people smile each day. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn, pass all your tests. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No...


“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale If your miracle creating mind subconscious is well programmed regarding your dream goals smartly and wisely then it will makes you a living magnet and finally you can land in the life filled with abundance, prosperity, happiness and peace. You cant achieve anything in life if you lack strong self belief, as you yourself is best architect of your destiny and nobody else gonna eat for you, dream for you, believe for you, breathe for you as well as act for you. So if you believe in yourself from within that you can achieve your dream goal then nobody else gonna stop you as you will be simply unstoppable in the arm of universe who loves you and wants you to live quality life with purpose. If you doubt on yourself then the universe will doubt on you as believing is sending an spiritual email to the universe for your drea...

Raila set to APPOINT Moses Kajwang’ the DIRECTOR of ICT in Orange House.

With reports that ODM has settled on the county delegates to nominate their candidate, the race has now been reduced to the groundsmen vs the moneyed. For the moneyed, three billionaires are in the race, namely, Fred Rabongo, Phillip Okundi and Caroli Omondi. The groundsmen are Silas Jakakimba, a former aide to Raila Odinga; and, Moses Kajwang’, brother to the late Otieno Kajwang’. For Moses, who has already been endorsed by the Kajwang’ family, the race pits him with an equally youthful candidate Silas Jakakimba, both from Mbita. However, it is believed that Moses may end up at Orange House as the ICT director, because of his IT background and lack of proper profile to fit the senate. Unlike Jakakimba who was a firebrand at University of Nairobi’s Parklands campus and has worked as private secretary to Prime Minister Odinga for almost 7 years is considered senate material. The need to have a strong candidate in the senate who can take on Jubilee’s Murkomen and Kithure Kindiki is the r...


Dear Kenyans; On the eve of our nation’s 51st independence anniversary, our country is on the verge of being taken back to the dark past that we thought we had put behind us forever. Our freedoms are on the verge of being rolled back and our rights taken away in significant ways. There is clear evidence that evil minds, geniuses in inventing the past, are at work in Jubilee and we need to remain alert and active. As we meet here, a regime hell bent on reinventing the past is rushing through our National Assembly an amendment Bill that if passed, takes us back to the 1980s, although its consequences could be much worse. That Bill is a major assault on democracy and fundamental rights. It also presents a major abuse to established Parliamentary procedures. We can tell when danger is coming our way. We can tell when excuses are being invented to limit our rights and freedoms and institute dictatorship and personal rule. That moment is with us now. With the Security Laws (Amendment) Bill, ...

Aljazeera feature on Kenya anti terror unit

Al-Jazeera Media Network Sponsoring Terror by Attempting to Stoke Muslim-Christian Conflict in Kenya through Popular Journalist Mohamed Ali December 8, 2014 7:45 am by: David Goldman Category: Intelligence News, Military Intelligence, Terrorism & War Updates A+ / A- Doha, Qatari based and owned international media company Al-Jazeera is poised to air a film documentary on Kenya security intelligence services and the East African powerhouse anti- terrorism operations at 8.00pm East African time. Al-Jazeera television network is set to air a 47.30-minutes video about Kenya anti-terrorism operations today at 8.00pm local time. Intelligence reports confirm that the film is a catalyst to stoke religious sentiments in Kenya. The primary aim is to project Kenya government anti-terrorism operations as targeting Muslims not terrorists. The film was facilitated by a local popular journalist, Mohamed Ali who regional intelligence networks warn is being used to act as a media coordinator for th...

Could Bensouda have broken chain that held Jubilee camps together?

By Macharia Gaitho ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda did the inevitable in taking a very strong hint from the presiding judges and withdrawing the crimes against humanity charges facing President Uhuru Kenyatta. What she might not have factored in her capitulation is that by freeing President Kenyatta while Deputy President William Ruto is still in the dock, she might be playing an inadvertent role in shaking up the Kenyan political equation. Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto have been bound at the hips by the common thread of the court’s indictment for crimes against humanity. They were on opposite sides during the 2007 elections — Mr Kenyatta supported President Kibaki’s re-election on the PNU ticket while Mr Ruto backed the ODM challenge fronted by Mr Raila Odinga — and were subsequently charged with crimes against humanity for allegedly directing and financing combatants on their respective sides during the bloody post-election violence. The indictment (initially against six suspected key perpet...

Ababu Namwamba team what Raila odinga to rest

After resolving a 9 month political crisis in Kenya’s largest political party, ODM, the newly endorsed leaders want ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga to take a backseat and allow them reorganize the party’s campaign machinery. The leaders want Odinga to ‘rest’ from the daily ODM affairs as they reorganize it ahead of the 2017 elections. “We want to allow him now rest. That doesn’t mean he exits the public space as everything we are going to do will have to have his wisdom and blessings, but it is us to do it. It is us return the fire. It is us ressurects the grassroots. His time will come,” said one of the leaders, exuding confidence they will turn around the prospects of the Orange Party. Yesterday during the National Governing Council (NGC) meeting at Bomas of Kenya, the incoming leaders hinted to the delegates their plan to ‘relaunch’ the Orange campaign machine immediately till the next general elections, saying they have all reasons to take over political governance in Kenya from the ...

Best entrepreneurship advices

Barbara Corcoran | Shark Tank Investor, Business Expert Image Credit: Best Advice? “You will never succeed without me!” My boyfriend and business partners prediction when I ended our business partnership, after he announced he would marry my secretary. Biggest Failure & Lesson? My fabulous new idea to put all our apartments for sale on videotape so customers wouldn’t have to go out to see them. I pissed away my first profit of $77,000 and it was dead on arrival. In an effort to save face, I put them on this new government thing called the Internet. It was 1989. We had two sales out of London in the first week. I registered all of my competitors URLs under my name. One by one they called. Definition of Success? Feeling proud of yourself got trying. Guy Kawasaki | Chief Evangelist at Canva, Co-Founder of Alltop Image Credit: Best Advice? Never ask people to do something I wouldn’t do. This is a very good test for how you treat your employees and customers—as...


What Kenya's President Uhuru kenyatta had to say after ICC prosecutor withdrew his case

I have learnt that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has withdrawn the case against me. I am excited by this news, which I have awaited ever since the day my name was announced to the world in connection with the case. I am also deeply relieved by this decision, which is overdue by 6 years. I have repeatedly declared my innocence to the people of Kenya and the whole world. I repeat this even now: as relates the incidents comprising the Kenyan cases at the ICC, my conscience is absolutely clear. It has always been my position that the Kenyan cases at the ICC were rushed there without proper investigation or preparation, and sustained by a strong interest to stigmatise accused persons. As an institution of the international community, victims of serious crimes and people around the world had a right to expect the Court to dispense justice with integrity and without undue considerations. For the Prosecutor to sustain an obviously deficient case for so long demonstrates be...


To live and love with you and be one forever. To be near you so I can reach out and touch you. To make love with you, laugh with you, cry with you, talk with you. To hold you close every night, waking up to you each morning. To share my secrets with you and be honest with you. To understand and respect you accepting you for you. To find shelter in you when I am afraid and hold you close when i need warmth. To be with you through all the seasons walking with you in the sunshine and cuddling with you in the cold. To care for you when you are ill and be joyful when you are happy. To grow old with you and be with you until the end of time. With you and only you, I would do all these things. To you and only you… all my love.

Unbelievable!!!What Senator Johnstone Muthama Told mourners During Kajwang's Burial Ceremony

Johnstone Muthama. "Watu wa South Nyanza, mlikuwa na Thomas Mboya na akalishwa risasi, mlikuwa na Oyugi akadungwa sindano mbaya, leo Kajwang amelala hapa anaelekea kaburini na hatujui ni nini imemmaliza. Tunafanya uchunguzi tujue nini imemuua ndio tupambane na hii serikali_ ‪#‎ UhuruKenyatta‬kazi yake ni kuzururazurura na kazi imemshida. Tuko na uwenzo wa kumfuta kazi. Inchi ya Kenya iko na makabila arobaine na mawili lakini serikali imekuwa ya kikuyu tupu. Mkuu wa Majeshi Kiambu, mkuu wa sheria Kiambu hiyo haiwezekani. Tutaongoza watu kutoka Mandera, mpaka Machakos, hadi Mombasa tufunge barabara gari zisitembee hawa watu wajue tuna nguvu"

The reality of free energy

Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little?It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources. It’s funny how the same group of shareholders that own the energy industry also own corporate media. This seems to be both another fear tactic and another excuse to create conflict. How can there be a lack of resources when we have systems that can provide energy without any external input? This ...

Funny facts about women

1. Woman is the last thing God created and the only thing he did not plan to create. 2. Woman is the first creature to disobey God. 3. Woman is the cause of all the problems, troubles we are having in the world today. 4. Woman is easily used by the devil. 5. Woman is like alcohol, if you take it too much, it will destroy you. 6. Woman is like cell phone, any day you press the wrong number, you will not make calls. 7. For woman marriage is business. 8. Woman is naturally wicked. 9. Don’t take it for granted when a woman threatens you.

Please Stop crying

:A Boy and a Girl Loved each other very much. Unfortunately the Girl Died.. Boy was Upset so much; and he couldn't Stop his Tears. He kept on Crying Day and Night.. Many People gave Sympathy, but no Argument could Stop His Tears. One Night He Slept and had aDream; He saw the Girl in Heaven with so many Girls of Her age. He felt Relax.. But He Noticed that every Girl was in Fairy Dress; and had a Lightened Candle in their Hands, but his GF had a Candle which was not Lightened..! He asked Her: "Y Ur Candle is not Lightened?" She said: "Whenever I enlighten My Candle; Ur Tears fall on it..! Please Stop Crying

The art of persuasion

Persuasion… If you throw a frog into boiling water, it’ll jump straight out. However, if it’s placed in cold water and the temperature gradually increased, it’ll be found dead without any attempt to escape. We’ve all experienced that subtle death. Neuromarketing takes advantage of that vast blind-spot beyond our conscious awareness; leveraging psychological phenomenons in subtle ways to lead us into certain decisions. Here are 10 subtle neuromarketing strategies to start leveraging: 1. Give me one reason. The classic “Xerox copy” study by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer demonstrates the power of simply giving an explanation. The set-up was a student attempting to cut in line for the copier. In the first scenario, she asked “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” Sixty percent allowed her to cut-in line. In the second scenario, she asked, “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” Compliance shot up to 94 percent with the ad...