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Showing posts from June, 2019


THE POWER OF PASSING IT ON (By Dr. Myles Munroe) 🖋The Greatest Act Of Leadership Is Mentoring. 🖋If what you learn, achieve, accumulate or accomplish dies with you then you are a generational failure. 🖋 Mentoring is the manifestation of the highest level of personal maturity, security and self confidence.  ðŸ–‹An insecure person will never Train People, they will oppress people. 🖋Mature people create people greater than themselves.  ðŸ–‹Your assignment has a shelf life. 🖋You will die one day; so train your replacement. 🖋 Your Greatest Gift to the world is your mentee.  ðŸ–‹True leaders do not seek followers, followers are attracted to true leaders.  ðŸ–‹The Greatest obligation of true leadership is to transfer your deposit to the next generation. 🖋Leadership success is measured by the success of your successor. 🖋No matter how great you may have been, if you didn't produce a successor, you are a failure.  ðŸ–‹You preserve what you built through mentorship. 🖋 Legacy...


1. A stage is for performance; an altar is for worship. 2. A stage is for competition; an altar is for completion. 3. A stage is for personal applause; an altar is for God’s glory. 4. A stage is for wooing and elating the frantic crowd; an altar is to demolish and rebuild lives after righteousness, holiness, and Christlikeness. 5. A stage is for dishing popular sentiment; an altar is for delivering heaven’s edicts. 6. A stage is for selfish ambition; an altar is for selfless sacrifice. 7. A stage is owned and manned by man; an altar is owned and supervised by a particular deity to whom it is erected and dedicated. Our Church altar is owned and manned by Jesus so that the gates of hell will not overcome. 8. A stage is where everything must be perfect; an altar is where the imperfect are perfected. 9. A stage is where man ascends; an altar is where God descends. 10. A stage pushes professionalism; an altar stresses spirituality. 11. A stage is all about how to project the right image; an...

Eye Opening Article with Some Very Interesting Predictions ....

1-Auto repair shops will disappear.  2-A petrol/diesel engine has 20,000 individual parts. An electrical motor has 20. Electric cars are sold with lifetime guarantees and are only repaired by dealers. It takes only 10 minutes to remove and replace an electric motor. 3-Faulty electric motors are not repaired in the dealership but are sent to a regional repair shop that repairs them with robots. 4-Your electric motor malfunction light goes on, so you drive up to what looks like a car wash, and your car is towed through while you have a cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new electric motor! 5-Petrol pumps will go away. 6-Street corners will have meters that dispense electricity.  Companies will install electrical recharging stations; in fact, they’ve already started in the developed world. 7-Smart major auto manufacturers have already designated money to start building new plants that only build electric cars.  8-Coal industries will go away. Gasoline/oil companies ...


1. Always wash your vagina after sex to avoid odor 2. Drink plenty water everyday so as to wash bacteria and infections out of your body 3. Always massage your breast before bedtime or let your man suck it so as to avoid cancer 4. Don't wash your vagina with any kind of soap. Clean water alone is enough 5. If you're the type that likes giving her man # BlowJob, try as much as you can to brush your teeth/mouth morning and night and take a cup of lemon warm water every morning after brushing to avoid mouth odor/ mouth infection 6. Always shave your armpits and public hairs 7. As a lady, take lots of yogurts and pineapples because, it helps in making vagina healthy and sweet during sex 8. Use good pads during your period and change it when it full 9. Take your bath at least 2 times everyday especially when you're menstruating. 10. Change your sets of panties and bra always at least once three months .....YEAST INFECTION (VAGINAL) A vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginit...


1. IT REGULATES INTESTINAL TRANSIT PROBLEM The apple is a fruit rich in fiber, which facilitate intestinal transit and reduce the risk of constipation. For this, it must be eaten raw with the skin. In case of diarrhea, however, peel your apple. It will then have a radical effect. The pectin it contains is a soluble fiber that can hold up to 20 times its volume of water. 2. UT REDUCED THE RISKS OF CANCERT The apple is also an ally against cancer. It contains high levels of catechins and quercetin, antioxidants that work against the proliferation of cancer cells. These antioxidants are found mainly in the skin, so consider buying organic apples or wash them well before consuming them. 3. FIGHT BAD CHOLESTEROL Apples are able to significantly reduce bad cholesterol levels and slightly increase good cholesterol levels. It is thanks to pectin that apples prevent fat from clumping in the arteries. Squeezing the apple into juice would help fight bad cholesterol even more effectively. 4. THE ...


If you have spent enough money on ASTHMA and you still haven't got well, pls go and try this. There is something they called it (sponge gourd) Luffa Cylindrical in English KANHINKANHIN AYABA in Yoruba, Peel off the back and cut it into two and remove the seed in it. Then slice it into pieces, and soak with a very clean water. Start drinking it the second day. Just one shot NB: You will vomit those yellow stuff that's been killing you. You'll be grateful you come across this post and thank me later.


Your kidneys filter the blood and retain salt and toxins. Over time salt builds up in the kidneys and can cause serious problems. Parsley is known as the best treatment for cleansing the kidneys naturally. Here is a trick that will allow you to eliminate your toxins easily, without taking any medication or dietary supplement. HOW TO PROCEED; Carefully wash a bunch of flat parsley, if possible, cut it into small pieces, put the pieces in a saucepan, add 1 liter of water and boil for ten minutes, let cool, filter the liquid and pour it into a bottle, keep it in the refrigerator; Drink a glass cup every day, preferably in the morning. RESULT: You will notice all the salt and other accumulated waste coming out of your kidneys by urination and also you will be able to notice the difference in shape that you have never felt before. Parsley is known as the best cleansing treatment for the kidneys and most importantly, it is natural

Cancer and HIV

Cancer and HIV: There is a wide variety of claims by researchers that Red Jatropha, is a plant that cures the body of HIV AIDS and cancer! Here's the recipe: 1. Knead, grind or wash a few leaves in water to get a juice. 2. Filter the juice and drink 3 glasses a day (morning, noon and night) for one (1) month To accelerate the effectiveness, avoid any meal, at least 1 hour before drinking or after taking the treatment. Focus on alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables). Cut of mucus forming foods Goodbye AIDS, confirm with an HIV test. Credit: Herbs nation

Meru deserves DP position come 2022

Kathuri Murungi "A section of leaders from Meru and Tharaka- Nithi County have endorsed Deputy President William Ruto for president in 2022. They have, however asked the DP to pick National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi as his running mate." OPINION; 1. Meru deserves this position. We have the numbers (numbers don't lie) 2. Meru leaders (Church, elected, community etc) should consult widely and make a general consensus taking community interests at heart as the first priority 3. Meru debt should first be paid by Jubilee Government ie roads, water, stima etc before we negotiate what to do in 2022 ( # MumiruGakurira ) 4. We support the Government which we overwhelmingly voted for in both 2013 and 2017. We are very loyal indeed. Kathuri Murungi Kamashinani*