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Showing posts from January, 2020

The two brutal letters

I forget my pride my self-esteem deprive to walk up to you telling you,revealing my feelings You are my breath the king to my heart empire strength to my elbow,who give me air to breath my salvation,thinking about you makes the sun always shine the sky always blue you are the battery to my phone you are my food the way Amala is to Yoruba Miyan kuka to Hausa Akpu to Igbo You make me see the vast universe and stars l love you but all i got in return is OK?

Anxiety: Does The Modern-Day World Make People Anxious?

Along with depression, anxiety is one of the most common mental, as well as emotional and physical, problems in today's world. Emotional and physical was used above as both  depression and anxiety  is not always just a mental problem. Like depression, anxiety is often something that affects someone's whole being, not merely their mind. So if someone doesn't struggle with anxiety, there is a strong chance that they know someone who does. A Lot of Exposure But even if they don't know anyone who does, there is the chance that they will have heard about people that do. Through using social media, for instance, one may have come across a number of people that have anxiety problems. Along with this, they may have heard a lot about the help that is available  and what someone can do, if they do suffer from anxiety, whilst watching TV or listening to the radio. Undoubtedly, it is a lot easier to find support for mental and  emotional problems  than it was in the past. A...

Deconstructing Ruto William's lies.

1. Ruto is not from a poor or peasant family as he would like people to believe. We do know that Ruto comes from Kericho where his father owned big chunks of land in Kapsoit where they grew sugarcane and other farm produce . 2 That a poor man cannot move to Uasin Ngishu and buy a big chunk of land as Ruto father did by moving from Kericho to buy land in Sugoi. There are landless people who have served this country without scandals! 3. That Ruto is called "Samoei" . We do know that Samoei is the name of legendary Nandi leader Koitalllel arap Samoei. Ruto has plagiarised the name "Samoei" while his name is Kipchirchir to create an aura of dynasty while fighting dynastie! 4. That Ruto hates dynasties and promotes young leaders ..We do know that Charles Keter is Ruto's first cousin and that is how & why he promoted him from Kericho Senator into a Cabinet Secretary for energy . 5. That Kericho Sanator Aaron Cheruiyot is a nephew to William Ruto and pa...

Tips on how to get a soft heel

Hi, today we're going to discuss on tips on how to get a soft heel. The following are tips gotten from research and compiled to help you on how to get a soft heel. Read also:  remedies for cracked heels. 1. Mix an egg yolk with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of potato starch. Apply the mixture to steamed heels. Hold it until dry, then rinse with warm water and lubricate heels with fat cream. 2. Take aloe leaf, grind it, put the pulp to the problem areas, cover with polythene and wear cotton socks. Leave it over night. 3. Grind half an onion and cabbage leaves (1:1), mix it with grated boiled potato, take two packets, put the mixture in the packets and put your feet in it. Leave it on your feet for an hour or two, then rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream. 4. After the soap-soda or herbal footbaths put a compress on the heels of fresh onions. Heat small onion several times with boiled water, cut it in half, and apply onions to your heels, wrap with polyester, ba...

Understanding what pleasure really is

One has to understand relationship, because that is life. We can’t exist without relationship of some kind. You can’t withdraw into isolation, build a wall around yourself, as most people do, because that act of living in a sheltered, secure, isolated state of resistance only breeds more confusion, more problems, more misery. Life is, if one observes, a movement in action, a movement in relationship, and that is our whole problem: How to live in this world, where relationship is the very basis of all existence; how to live in this world so that relationship doesn’t become monotonous, dull, something that is ugly, repetitive. Our minds do conform to the pattern of pleasure—and life is not mere pleasure, obviously. But we want pleasure. That is the only thing we are really seeking deeply, inwardly, secretly. We try to get pleasure out of almost anything, and pleasure, if one observes, not only those it isolates and confuses the mind, but it also creates values which are not true, not act...