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Showing posts from December, 2019

say no to negative information

There was a time when people believed the Earth was flat. They had good reason to feel that way, given that scholars and the masses were in complete agreement. While that may seem foolish now, some things you believe today may prove to be equally false tomorrow. The cause is bad information. While you may  not  believe the Earth is flat, I can assure you that some of your thinking today is indeed flawed. It happens because you, like most people, often rely on  bad  information to shape your thoughts and opinions. As they say — garbage in, garbage out. The good news is that you can do something about it. You Can’t Believe Everything You Hear (or Read) You are bombarded with information every day. You search the Internet, obtain  advice  from friends and family, read product reviews, hear the news on TV, and the list goes on. Ask yourself how much of what you hear or read from friends, colleagues, leaders, and so-called experts is accurate, objective, fair, a...

ways to escape a victim mentality

Inner Peace — Be Cool, Calm, and Collected

What keeps you up at night? Maybe you regret something that you did or feel guilty about something that you failed to do. Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been honest with others or true to yourself. Or maybe your  conscience  is just trying to get your attention. In any case, have you ever wondered why some people are up all hours of the night, while others have peace of mind? The fact is, inner peace is a byproduct of how you choose to live your life. Quite likely, your habits are so ingrained that you never think about your behavior or the many choices that you make. You choose to live in the moment or to dredge up your past, see the glass half-full or see it as half-empty, and live with honor or turn a blind eye to unethical behavior. Those habits have a significant impact on your psyche as well as on your general well-being. Peace of mind begins with the right mindset. Inner Peace — Be Cool, Calm, and Collected If you’re yearning for peace of mind, give these 15 guidepost...

Romantic nail art ideas

Make money

Self confidence

“The Man Who Has Confidence In Himself Gains The Confidence Of Others.” – Hasidic Proverb If you are not  confident  in yourself, do you honestly believe that others should be confident in you? Well, they would want to believe that you have the full potential to accomplish great things but then sometimes their belief is eventually destroyed because of the lack of self confidence in yourself. I can remember when I was younger I would be so negative that I would say I won't be able to do this or that and persons would ask, "Why can't you start thinking positive?". Sometimes I would get the feeling that they are ready to give up on me but I was wrong. I sat and asked myself, "What is the point of others thinking that I will be great when I myself do not even believe that I can be.  I can tell you it was difficult changing my negative approach at life but I can say that positive things started happening when I started to gain self confidence. There is a fine line bet...


Substance Exposed Newborns Reporting and Notifications I Am Business or Service Provider Concerned about a Child's Well-Being Elderly Foster or Adoptive Parent Foster Youth General Public Looking for a Job Looking for Records & Information Looking for Training Parent Person with Disabilities Relative Caregiver Teacher or Professional Volunteer About Us Business and Service Provider Information Community Partners Department Programs Find an Office Hearings & Events Inside DCFS Licensing About Licensing Licensing Fees Residential Care Provider Information Residential Licensing Forms Residential Care, Special Population Licensing Mission Online Helpdesk Policy Management Public Records Requests Requests for Proposals Rulemaking Child Welfare About Child Welfare Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect How to Report Child Abuse/Neglect Background Checks Child Protection Investigation Mandated Reporters Substance Exposed Newborns Reporting Adoption About Adoption Adopt Louisiana Foster Chi...

Your Health, Your Wealth

Keeping fit and healthy helps a great deal in human body. Its always good to stay fit, do exercises and eat healthy foods always to stay healthy. Its always good and nice to eat healthy foods because they have to grease the functional parts of our body. Eating in an unhealthy environment are harmful to our health as we are liable to contact dangerous sickness from harmful organism that might have had their way into our foods, water or even cloths. Yes clothes! You might be imagining why I made mention of clothes, let me clear your doubts, when harmful organisms Like lice, cockroaches and others, live inside our cloths, caps or even shoes, what’s expected of us when bitten by such pests? We get infected with diseases through the bites gotten from those pests. Best tips on how to live a healthy life: The supposed topics to be discussed are listed below, take time read and apply the measures and Tips noted. 1 Eating (diet) 2 Physical activity and exercise 3 Avoid tobacco use 4 Avoid exces...


Part1 How easy it is to destroy the thing we love! How quickly a barrier comes between us—a word, a gesture, a smile! Health, mood, and desire cast a shadow, and what was bright becomes dull and burdensome. Through usage we wear ourselves out, and that which was sharp and clear becomes wearisome and confused. Through constant friction, hope, and frustration, that which was beautiful and simple becomes fearful and expectant.  Relationship is complex and difficult, and few can come out of it unscathed. Though we would like it to be static, enduring, continuous, relationship is a movement, a process which must be deeply and fully understood and not made to conform to an inner or outer pattern. Conformity, which is the social structure, loses its weight and authority only when there is love. Love in relationship is a purifying process as it reveals the ways of the self. Without this revelation, relationship has little significance. But how we struggle against this revelation! The ...

Tips on how to remain young

Its has been,  and is still the dreams of many people to look fresh,  younger,  healthier and smart than their age. There are simple but amazing ways and tips that would keep uou more younger and healthy. Its important to be mindful of yoir diets as it contributes to a healthy living. Many people uses skin bleaching products to keep them younger, but it have an adverse effect on the skin, and its way too expensive. The following are natural tips that can keep you younger than your  age: Happiness:     Happiness is an important element in human lives. Its a key factor to a healthy and your livelihood. Always be happy, Keep a smiling face, sad face attracts wrinkles earlier than supposed. Rest: Always take naps or probably, sleep from 6-8 hours daily,  it helps calms your nerves. Take a proper rest after the days work, avoid getting stressed out, iys not good for the body, bath regularly, eat healthy foods  to keep healthy, avoid eating too much of ...

Write me off at your own risk

Write me off at your own risk At the wrist of your arm is A riffle tied as hate in the heart It is the reason you hurt When you see my twist Of the eye at her But she loves it Because she doesn't frown at my gist Hate talk you say! Try your luck my brother I will not bother Whether you flourish at the try Mine is to fly up in the sky Up the tree I will sit And wait for the branch to break Her own bosom knows where it lies It knows where it's comfort I'm glad it hurts You when you sight me With her at the road Yes she holds my hands But where were you? Where were you when she was hurting? At the time when she was depressed And that day when she needed you most But she still needs you She needs you to tell her your sorry She needs you to listen to her She needs to tell you what she feels She needs you.


Some where like a homeless child My heart is crying in the cold It is still raining outside am told And back to the blanket I fold My arms and legs on bed I pity the beggars on the streets Helter-skelter they run What happened to the ten point program at down? The truth is dark under our eyelids The birds are silent,there is no one to ask The senior beggars are harvesting bags As the Juniors carry rags People are furious The mood is serious And I am curious Why are there trenches at home? Is the one question I pose.

Dress like queen ♕

Desire in a relationship

Understanding what desire means. What is desire? Does desire bring about clarity? In its field does compassion flower? If it does not bring clarity and if desire is not the field in which the beauty and the greatness of compassion flower, then what place has desire? How does desire arise? One sees a beautiful woman, or a beautiful man—one sees. There is the perception, the seeing, then the contact, then the sensation, then that sensation is taken over by thought, which becomes the image with its desire. You see a beautiful vase, a beautiful sculpture—ancient Egyptian, or Greek—and you look at it and you touch it; you see the depth of sculpture of the figure sitting cross-legged. From that there is a sensation. What a marvellous thing and from that sensation desire; “I wish I had that in my room; to look at it every day, touch it every day”—the pride of possession, to have such a marvellous thing as that .That is desire: seeing, contact, sensation, then thought using that sensation to c...