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Showing posts from October, 2017


By Boniface Mwangi On October 19, 2017, acting as free citizens of this democratic republic, we exercised our constitutional right to protest. At 11am, we took to the streets, unarmed and carrying harmless placards and crosses to symbolize the people who have been killed, as a result of police brutality, since 8th August. We had notified the police as required by law, not to seek their permission, but as a point of information. Picketing and protesting isn’t a right granted by the police; it’s a birthright. A birthright earned by virtue of being a Kenyan citizen. It is a right bequeathed to us by the many patriots who paid the ultimate sacrifice, during the rule of the one party state, to ensure that we could express our grievances in peace. We were in the streets to protest the unlawful police killings of unarmed citizens. In a now all too familiar script, the police have been unlawfully used by the state to prevent those dissatisfied with the government from protesting....


1. If Kenya erupted into full blown chaos today, how much would your tribe or political party matter to you? 2. How far to safety can your busfare, uberfare, airfare take you? And how much will your tribe or political party chip in? 3. As you celebrate or condemn the actions of those that "flee" from the hot seat to their second homes abroad, does it hit home that there comes a time when it's everyone for him/herself (not tribe or party) and God for us all? 4. What do you have in your emergency kit? Do you have one? Does it have a passport and sufficient funds (preferably in foreign currency) or just mosquito coils for keeping the bugs at bay in a future Kakuma refugee camp? 5. How is history and how are your grandkids going to judge you 50 years from now in the role you played towards healing our ailing nation? The late Prof. George Saitoti is quoted to have said that, "there comes a time when the nation is more important than an individual. My friends, that ...

Open letter to the jubilant masses

By Mugambi Paul Cds Observation of Kenyan political History. Reason we need to educate facebook digiatal analysts and facebook lawyers. what we are all missing to take cognisance of in this nation, is Raila Odinga’s fighting style; he is what is known in wrestling as a grappler; a position he loves assuming, especially when he seems to be losing. In this technique, the wrestler loves to lure you into a winning stance over them and they then take the opportunity to force you into a submission move. And when they do, be sure you will tap out. Raila is a grappler, be careful when you are about to win against him. In fact, I dare say there is no stronger position for him than to be at the bottom of the canvas, with limited options for that is when he shines. Judge Mativo seems to have struck at Raila’s jugular and we are all expecting to see the desperate kicks of a dying horse. I opine differently. This is when we must look at Raila with a cursory eye, and pose; will he ...


Fellow Kenyans, I am very pleased to lead the celebration of the 8 th Mashujaa Day; a day we have set aside to remember our heroes of the past. These are men and women of courage and patriotism, who chose service over self; men and women who have sacrificed themselves in one way or the other for the sake of peace and stability of this great nation. As their sons and daughters, we have a duty to remember them honourably.  That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what we gather to do today; this day is theirs. We also gather to give thanks for the progress we have made, on the political and economic front.  We are free to express our opinions without fear of retribution; we can move freely, live and work anywhere in the country without requiring a pass; and we can vote to elect leaders of our choice. I wish to remind you, Kenyans of African Origin could not vote until 1957. And even then it was for only eight seats in the legislature. Ndugu Zanguni, these rights are precious: We ...


Resignation Letter from Commissioner Rosylin Akombe

Resignation Letter from Commissioner Rosylin Akombe: Press Statement by Dr. Roselyn Akombe 17 October 2017, New York For many months now, I have questioned my role as a Commissioner at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. But I have soldiered on hoping that we could collectively find a way of addressing the crisis our country faces today. I have agonized over the decision to leave my committed IEBC FIELD staff and my country. My decision to leave the IEBC will disappoint some of you, but it is not for lack of trying. I have tried the best I could do given the circumstances. Sometimes, you walk away, especially when potentially lives are at stake. The Commission has become a party to the current crisis. The Commission is under siege. It has become increasingly difficult to continue attending plenary meetings where Commissioners come ready to vote along partisan lines and not to discuss the merit of issues before them. It has become increasingly difficult to appear ...

My past made me who I am today

SHOP AT JUMIA “I regret nothing in my life even if my past was full of hurt, I still look back and smile, because it made me who I am today.”  Let go of regret. It is nothing more than a scar. You’ve grown on your path. Honor your past and embrace your journey. You are exactly where you need to be. Relax and breathe. Stay present, understanding that you did the best you could at the time, and you’ll do your best in the future. Reliving past pain again and again, or chronically worrying about the future, do not help you accomplish anything. A self-imposed philosophy of perfection can overwhelm you. There is no contest to win and no race to finish. Simply love yourself and do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. ~ Creig Crippen <a href="


According to NASA coalition there Will be "NO ELECTIONS" unless their so called Irreducible minimums are meant by IEBC,Many have misunderstood NASA call for NO ELECTIONS to mean they Will boycot the forthcoming fresh presidential elections.What is unknown to many is that NASA got legal basis to call for No elections.According to 2013 supreme court presidential petition ruling,the court ruled that incase of invalidation of election of president elect,fresh election Will only involve two candidates who had gathered  most votes and incase one of the candidate dies or one of the candidate reason not withstanding  does not have quest to participate in fresh elections then fresh nominations Will be done.This is where NASA is basing their call for no elections.Now you know Attached an extract from 2013 supreme court ruling.

Wanaume!! Before you MARRY a lady,invite her for dinner, eat together & watch out for the following:-

SHOP AT JUMIA 1. If she starts eating the meat before you it implies that, she will plan for your salary/income b4 you collect it. 2. If she wants to share the meat equally, she won't be obedient to you, she will always question your authority. 3. If she asks for juice and water,I am sorry for you, she is used to hotel quickies and junk food! Meaning... she cant cook like her mother, instead she drinks like her father..That shows that she ain't a wife material. Put her on voice mail. 4. If she has a bigger spoon than u, it means u can't win any argument with her at all and she may end up beating you one day! 5. If her mouth makes noise while eating, it means she can't keep secrets.

Anytime, I would rather be marginalised and respected

By David Ndii Earlier this week, a most ordinary middle-aged man assembled an arsenal of rapid fire assault rifles in a Las Vegas hotel room and in less than 10 minutes, perpetrated a massacre of unprecedented horror , even by the US atrocious standards of mass killings. By the time of writing, 59 people were dead, and 527 injured, a total of 586 victims. As with previous mass shootings, the tragedy will rekindle America’s gun control debate. Chances are, the debate will leave Americans no wiser. Much of the rest of the world, particularly the other western democracies, take a rather dim view of the US obsession with gun ownership. The US has by far the highest rate of gun ownership in the world, with an estimated 112 guns for every 100 people. It is the only country with more guns than people. It also has the highest murder rate in industrialised countries, in the order of 4 murders per 100,000 people, compared with less than one person per 100,000 in most of the other ind...


One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! MORAL : Life is ...


1. Follow Your Curiosity : “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” 2. Perseverance is Priceless : “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” 3. Focus on the Present : “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” 4. The Imagination is Powerful : “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.” 5. Make Mistakes : “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” 6. Live in the Moment : “I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.” 7. Create Value : “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” 8. Don’t be repetitive : “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 9. Knowledge Come...