By Mugambi Paul Cds
Observation of Kenyan political History.
Reason we need to educate facebook digiatal analysts and facebook lawyers.
what we are all missing to take cognisance of in this nation, is Raila Odinga’s fighting style; he is what is known in wrestling as a grappler; a position he loves assuming, especially when he seems to be losing. In this technique, the wrestler loves to lure you into a winning stance over them and they then take the opportunity to force you into a submission move.
And when they do, be sure you will tap out. Raila is a grappler, be careful when you are about to win against him. In fact, I dare say there is no stronger position for him than to be at the bottom of the canvas, with limited options for that is when he shines.
Judge Mativo seems to have struck at Raila’s jugular and we are all expecting to see the desperate kicks of a dying horse. I opine differently. This is when we must look at Raila with a cursory eye, and pose; will he go quietly into the night? I wager that he won’t. I am very confident that the grappler he is, with his back on the mat, his options waning thin, then he will and must revert to norm, and he will find a submission hold and that submission hold is to force a negotiation.
The day Jubilee opens up to any negotiation is the day Raila wins. And the more Raila seems to be losing the closer he is to his brand of victory. Jubilee therefore need to be very clear with what they want, if Jubilee negotiate they must know what they want, not who they want. Negotiate and know Raila will win, what he wins and whether it is good for our country is a matter we will debate for years to come.
# don 't argue with proven facts.
# ni hayo tu kwa sasa.