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Showing posts from May, 2017


  Morning Bro, My name is RWANDA..Your small bro...This letter is a bit long...anyway, how are You? Hope you are good...Just like Me. Bro, It's long since we talked but this letter is urgent ! You have to do what I say! Bro, in April 1994, the worst happened to Me. After the death of My President, Juvenal Habyarimana, who was a TUTSI, my people went totally crazy! You see, The TUTSI and HUTU were the major tribes that I had...Now, the HUTU were smaller than the TUTSI and the TUTSI had held on to power for so long! And in April, madness began! After a fierce campaign propaganda by the angry HUTUs, who wanted power too, I watched as the HUTU bought 581,000 machetes (pangas) from China. I sadly watched as the HUTU also bought rocket launchers, mortar bombs, grenades and ammunition worth £18M from Egypt. My heart was beating. My soul was scared. I watched, with sadness and fear, the media spreading false propaganda, lies and innuendo to the public! I even watched the CH...


  By Anwar Sadat This weekend was to be a pivot point for Jubilee. After facing intense criticism on how they have handled the higher commodities prices, Jubilee was desperate for that once chance, the opportunity to change the narrative and steer national dialogue away from the Unga prices. That is why Uhuru's trip to Italy was aggressively promoted; packaged as a first time in history, Uhuru's supposed speech at the G7 leaders meeting was to beam live back in kenya. It's was the first time an "African president will be addressing the G7 meeting" went the communique from Statehouse Nairobi, and that president was non other than Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. The pictures of a man, who openly have criticized other leaders for what he calls "Kulamba matako ya wazungu" was to be distributed to all media houses and social media feeds, with illustrious headlines.  Of specific importance was that coveted handshake with the American President. Statehouse was...

This life is a Journey:Christiano Ronaldo's lesson!

When he received one of his awards recently, Ronaldo dedicated it to a certain ... Alberto Fantrau. Then said: "Yes I am a great footballer and all my success is thanks to my friend Alberto" People looked at each other and said, "Who is this Mr. Fantrau?" Then Ronaldo went on: "We played together in a youth team. When Sporting of Lisbon recruiters came to observe us, they told us that the striker who scored the most goals will be recruited into the sports academy. That day we won 3-0. I scored the first goal and then Albert scored the 2nd with the head. And then the 3rd goal was the one that impressed everyone. Alberto started from the wing, then found himself face to face with the keeper, dribbled the goalkeeper and all he had to do was push the ball into the empty goal. In the meantime I was running to his side. And instead of shooting into the empty goal, Alberto decided to pass the ball to me and I scored. This is how I find myself at the Sporting Lisbon Ac...


I have seen from social media networks of an initiative called 'Team Uhuru'. It is a State House project meant to activate grassroots networks for Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election campaign. They say they will comb every village in this country speaking to Kenyans of the great things Uhuru has done, and the reason he deserves another five-year term. I have no problem with it. Since this year began, whenever I am asked to comment on the politics of this country, I am always honest with my audience. You are the one who knows where your shoe pinches. If you are a farmer, in the North Rift, who bought contraband fertilizer from government stores and your crops failed, it is only you who knows the pain. I do not live with you to hear the prayers you send to God every night about your fears in life. If the government you elected has been good to you and your family, vote it back. It is you who feels the pain. Not me.If the plight of the Miraa crop under Uhuruto has improved,then Meria...


“The Art of Public Speaking.” In this lesson we’ll learn how to craft your message, how to keep the audience engaged and how to overcome your fear of public speaking. No matter where you live in the world, public speaking is essential for you to exercise leadership. It’s not enough to have a vision; you have to put that vision into clear, concise, persuasive language. When you speak in front of an audience of one or more people, with a specific purpose, you are speaking in public. It’s something we do every single day, in every country, industry and sector in the world. It’s speaking up in a meeting or at a conference. It’s giving a presentation before a client or potential funder. It’s inspiring an audience to take action on an important issue in your business or in your community. Now, if you’re anxious about public speaking, you’re not alone. It’s one of the biggest fears in the world. But the good news is public speaking is a skill, not a talent! It’s like learning a language or pl...

Activism wins big in kenya

Via Boniface Mwangi The government, through Lands Cabinet Secretary, Jacob Kaimenyi, has issued over 1,000 titles to schools from 15 Counties. How did this happen? The answer to this can be traced back to Monday 19th January 2015 when Langata Road Primary School refused to let a powerful politician grab its playground. The school’s board, comprised of civil servants, had earlier been threatened by senior people in government and its members warned that they stood to lose their jobs, if they persisted in making claims that the land had been grabbed. On Monday 19th January, 2015 we went to Langata Primary School to donate sports equipment and play with the children on the grabbed playground. The police, who were there to prevent us from gaining access to the playground, fired tear gas at the children, but we were still able to bring down the illegally erected wall. Thereafter, the President ordered that the school be issued with a title deed and went on to publicly condemn the police a...


Ideally speaking, courtship or dating is an avenue for two people who fancy each other and want to eventually end up married to come together and see how compatible they are before they take the next step, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, you find that some men hide under the pretext of courtship to deceive and exploit unsuspecting innocent women. They see a good woman, promise her forever, string her along for years, and then, eventually dump her when they are actually ready to get married; leaving the woman stranded, heartbroken and dejected. So I feel that prolonged dating or courtship is overrated, and should be avoided by women who actually have plans of getting married sometime, in the near future, and these are my reasons… 1. MOST MEN KNOW WHERE YOU FIT IN THEIR LIFE PLANS FROM THE FIRST TIME THEY SEE YOU The first impression always matters, this is no lie. When you meet someone for the first time, you almost certainly leave that meeting with an impression of them, so ...

To boost your economy, end corruption

Worldwide more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars are lost due to government corruption.  That’s according to the World Bank, which reports that corrupt governments discourage foreign investment and reduce opportunities for their citizens.  The report offers 10 ways to fight government corruption. While some are targeted to high-level officials, they can be adapted to smaller-scale situations. Which will you use? 1.Become informed. Read up on the many forms of corruption. It’s not just about bribes. Sometimes officials simply waste resources — that can diminish money that pays for government services for the poor. 2.Add the power of the people. Create pathways that give citizens tools to engage and participate in their governments. 3.Cut the red tape. Bring together formal (government) and informal (non-government) processes to change behavior and monitor progress. 4.Use the power of technology. Build dynamic exchanges among government officials, citizens, businesspeople, academics ...

The Secret of Happiness

A son of shopkeeper was sent to the wisest man in the World to learn the secret of happiness. The wise man lived on a beautiful castle high atop a mountain. To reach there the lad had to go through the desert for 40 days. The lad on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to get his attention. The wise man listened attentively and then suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours to get the explanation. “Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something”, said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. “As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill”. The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of th...

The day I discovered the true wealth of Nigeria __It's not all about oil!

By Strive Masiyiwa When I first arrived in Nigeria to set up the country's first GSM mobile network, Econet Wireless Nigeria (now Airtel Nigeria), I had to serve as the company's interim CEO for about six months, until we appointed someone substantive. This meant I practically lived in Nigeria for most of that time. It was a remarkable experience, and one which will remain with me all my life. Nigeria is one of the most exciting countries in the world, and could be the next China before the turn of this century. I just want to share with you one particular incident which led me to that conclusion: As many people know, today Nigeria has over 120m mobile phones users. To imagine that I made the first ever official GSM mobile call in Nigeria on 6th August 2001 seems almost unbelievable... Our company Econet Wireless Nigeria was in a race with MTN Nigeria, the only other operator at the time, to meet a deadline set by the regulator for 8th of August. We beat the deadline and MTN ...


I’ve come to understand that life is valuable, and it’s even more valuable when you understand that each second spent, is a time that can never be replaced — so each second spent is either being invested or wasted. Unfortunately, many people spend their time doing terrible things to themselves, to their minds and to their bodies. This article will focus on the terrible things you should stop doing to your mind. Your mind will always believe and act on what you feed it with; feed it with the right things and it’ll produce the right results, feed it with the wrong things and it’ll produce the wrong results. These are 22 things you stop doing to yourself: 1. Stop trying to be someone else; it’s a waste of who you are. 2. Stop lying to yourself; deceiving yourself is the height of foolishness that will take you nowhere. 3. Stop spending time with people who won’t add value to your life. If you have one life to live, why waste it on people who don’t have purpose, or people whose vision are ...


With each day in the marriage, there are traps that you aren’t even aware of; your words and actions and so many situations regarding your marriage present different kinds of traps, and if you aren’t too careful, you might fall into them and your marriage will suffer the consequence. These are some of the traps every husband should be wary of. 1. TRAP OF BEING TOO BUSY The urge to want to be the man and put food on the table for your family is one that push many husbands away from their wives. Providing for the home is the man’s responsibility, but in spite of it, the man must still find time for his wife. 2. TRAP OF NOT PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION The trap of not paying attention is one many men fall into; a lot of men don’t pay attention to their wives, and attention is one thing every woman thrives on and seriously desire from her man. 3. THE TRAP OF NOT COMMUNICATING As a husband, you ought to communicate with your wife and understand that communication is a vital part of the marriage....

A flood of graduates, a desert of skill

By Anne Mawathe The Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence Project bi-annual technical and advisory meeting held last week brought to light the challenges faced by the region in developing the necessary human resources in certain key areas. The region has been facing a shortage of human resources in potential high-growth areas such as oil and gas, energy, extractives, and railway industry. It is evident that there is a shortage of engineers, geoscientists and technicians. The region must address the deficit through investing in developing the science and technology sector. Financial constraints due to low budgetary allocations to the education sector have led to the downfall in the science and technology subsectors. Most universities and colleges mandated with the responsibility of training the practical-based science and engineering courses lack the necessary equipment to properly give students much-needed practical skills. Still, most of those training i...


People may vote with their pocketbooks, but more often than not, they revolt with their bellies. If you want to predict where political instability, revolution, coups d’état, interstate warfare or regime changes will occur, the best factor to keep an eye on is not GDP, the human development index, or energy prices but the FOOD PRICES. When a citizen cannot have enough money to purchase food and feed his family, definitely that will create a kind of upset with the system. An uncontrollable upset that is dangerous for any establishment. That said, the sky rocketing food prices, if not controlled on time, will be Uhuru Kenyatta’s waterloo. The imminent fall of Jubilee is predictably nigh. History has never been wrong. In the French Revolution in 1773, according to a book: Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, by Linda Civitello, two of the most essential elements of French cuisine, bread and salt, were at the heart of the conflict; bread, in particular, was tied up with the n...


Mistakes are a natural occurrence; mistakes happen all the time and it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world. Have you been making huge mistakes in just about everything? There are some things/facts you should know about making mistakes. 1. Everyone makes mistakes 2. Mistakes give us the chance to learn, and what’s more important are the things you learn from making mistakes. 3. You can learn from someone’s mistakes, because you wouldn’t have the chance to make all the mistakes. 4. Mistakes humble us all and reminds us that we are only humans at the end of the day. 5. Mistakes give us the chance to learn more about ourselves. 6. You wouldn’t know the stuff you are made of until you are given the chance to right your mistakes. 7. Mistakes teach us the value of forgiveness, and you must first learn to forgive yourself. 8. The vital thing about mistakes is that they teach you what works and what doesn’t. 9. Mistakes give us the chance to improve our skill and increase our knowledge....


People talking trash about their partners have become the order of the day in many relationships and even marriages. Husbands and wives trash talk each other and say demeaning things about each other. Saying trash about your partner does more harm than good to your relationship, and below are some of the effects. 1. YOU’D KILL THE COMMUNICATION Love and bitterness can’t live together; one has to give way for the other. When you talk bad about your partner, it’s a product of bitterness, and there’s no way the communication in that marriage/relationship will be smooth when you have given bitterness a chance to creep in. 2. YOU NEVER KNOW THE MIND OF PEOPLE I find it amazing when people go around saying trash about their wives/husbands/partners; they go around saying harsh things to people about their partners. Those words might come back to haunt you because some of those people will use it against you. Some private stuff should be left for you and your partner, and it will best be settl...

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds

Feed your mind with positive, abundant and life prospering thought which can open the channels of miracle creating doors which is divinely constructed for your prosperous and purposeful destined quality of life. As you yourself is script writer, director and controller of your thought as well as best architect of your destiny. So feed your mind with quality thought as it determines your quality of life. The valid truth says, “Your mind is like soil, just plant the quality of seeds inside your inner world for manifesting quality of circumstances in your external world.

Building an Internet business __"The times they are a-changin"...

By Strive Masiyiwa Looking back 150 years ago, if a young man wanted to make a fortune, he had to go to the goldfields of California or Johannesburg. It was called the "gold rush." About 100 years ago, it was all about being in the oil sector somewhere. And 25 years ago (my time), it was about getting into telecoms (GSM). Now there's a new "gold rush" which started since the telecoms revolution gave birth to the rapid expansion of the Internet. Every single day, entrepreneurs across the world, including Africa, are launching tens of thousands of businesses on the Internet! In my last post, I wrote: "Afterthought: When you think about building a business on the Internet, there are five things you should be thinking about: #1. How can I use the Internet to help grow the business we already have? There is no entrepreneurialactivity that cannot benefit from the Internet. Websites, social media platforms, are all platforms that can be used to grow your busines...


Attention is an important part of a relationship; it’s a positive sign when partners give each other attention, and when there’s a lack of attention, the relationship suffers. These are some signs your partner is seeking attention from you and you mustn’t ignore them. 1. THROUGH COMPLAINS As odd as it sounds, a lot of people show they need attention through complain; when a partner complains about something they feel is lacking, it shows they need attention there. For example, if your partner complains you spend too much time with your friends, it means your partner feels you are giving your friends more attention. 2. CALLS AND TEXTS If your partner tends to call you or text you too many times in a day, it’s because that partner wants more of your attention. 3. VIA CERTAIN QUESTIONS Certain questions your partner asks you is because they need your attention. Questions regarding how your partner looks and whether you can spend more time with them also show they need your attention. 4....


Negative energy can be found everywhere; it’s in the things people do, the things they say, the bad habits they form and all the things they complain about. There’s no immunity to negativity and if you aren’t careful, the negativity of people will affect you. Like a popular quote says: “Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them.” This is how to keep yourself from all the negative energy around. 1. ALWAYS SEE THE POSITIVE SIDE OF EVERYTHING There’s always a positive side, and it’s up to you to see the positive side of things. Negative people focus on the negative side while positive people focus on the positive side. Practice positive thinking and negativity wouldn’t have a place to settle in. 2. SPEND TIME WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE “Show me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are,” a popular quote says. The true meaning of this quote lies in the fact that your friendships affect you negatively or positively. Who you choose to spend your time with will go a long way in shap...


Negative energy can be found everywhere; it’s in the things people do, the things they say, the bad habits they form and all the things they complain about. There’s no immunity to negativity and if you aren’t careful, the negativity of people will affect you. Like a popular quote says: “Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them.” This is how to keep yourself from all the negative energy around. 1. ALWAYS SEE THE POSITIVE SIDE OF EVERYTHING There’s always a positive side, and it’s up to you to see the positive side of things. Negative people focus on the negative side while positive people focus on the positive side. Practice positive thinking and negativity wouldn’t have a place to settle in. 2. SPEND TIME WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE “Show me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are,” a popular quote says. The true meaning of this quote lies in the fact that your friendships affect you negatively or positively. Who you choose to spend your time with will go a long way in shap...


There’s this constant attitude of man to always want more, and this attitude has made man a moving force – and this has been man’s blessing and curse. This force of wanting more has made it difficult for many people to appreciate life and the beautiful thing(s) going on in their life. If you have these things in your life, then you have a really beautiful life: 1. LIFE When there’s life, there’s hope and hope is something a lot of people don’t have. When you come to the realisation that life is a gift you didn’t pay a dime for, you’ll love and appreciate life the more. 2. A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD You might not know the importance of having a roof above your head and food on your table until you are left without one. Millions of people around the world are in this state, and having a roof over their head will give them great joy. This is to show that we take certain things for granted. The fact that you are reading this article proves some things – that you are learned (many people can’t r...