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Showing posts from October, 2014

Backwards Budgeting: How Doing It Backwards Leads to Everything You Want

Most people are taught to budget by looking at what they have and then deciding what they can spend. But this is one rule that is meant to be broken. I've discovered that my clients have benefited tremendously from "backwards budgeting" and it’s what we teach in our Money Map course. Backwards budgeting starts from a place of total clarity around what you want — you must allow yourself to explore the far edges of your desire. Look beyond one level of what you want, and dive deep from your "minimum to be happy" all the way out to your "no limits" lifestyle. Once you are clear on the range of your desire, you can then begin putting dollar amounts on all of it. This will enable you to calculate how much you need to earn to have the lifestyle you want, instead of having it be constricted by what is in your bank account. Budgeting backwards frees you from the ideas of "living outside your means" because instead, you let your desired life dictate y...

Tips For Tech Entreprenuers

1. Embark on something you like. The entrepreneurial path is not easy. In fact, those of us who are experienced in this can safely say that is the most difficult of all. If you’re going to start a business, do it in an area you enjoy and do work you’re passionate about (we can’t all be CEOs or General Managers). That way, when the blows start falling (and believe me they will) and you have to work many more hours than others, at least you will do it willingly and it will be pleasant. 2. Focus. The popular saying is very clear: “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” I’ve met dozens of entrepreneurs who think they can handle 2 or 3 projects simultaneously and in the end are successful at none. I recommend that you focus on one and save your other ideas for later. Of course you can change what you’re doing as you go. What you can´t do is everything at the same time, especially when you’re new to all this. 3. Look to create something important, not money. Most modern entrepreneurs look t...

Secret behind starting a business

Being a startup founder is an exercise in a strange and almost inexplicable physics. We are taught not to believe in magic, but when you look at how founders create and what happens when they do what they do, you realize that incredible and almost inexplicable things frequently happen. Recall the familiar shape of a hurricane on the weather report: We can see the round spot at the center where the air is relatively motionless, while the force of motion around that center is remarkable and far- reaching. How does this process get started, and where does the power come from? It is clear to see that there is something invisible at work — literally at the center — a cause with a far-reaching effect. When we are talking about people, or more exactly, founders, they are much like the center of that storm. They exert influence and guide the trajectory and behavior of things. Founders influence money, customers, employees, partners, material goods, where people live, how people commute to work...

Things you shouldn't hide during courtship

Once your in a courtship,dont be tempted to hide some not saying you should be an open book.but some issues carry alot of weight and if not handled during courtship they will remain a thorn in your entire should not hide the following: If you were married before. If you have a baby with another guy If your pregnant Your age If you were married before and you walked out of marriage or you were kicked out explain.that not have not eaten anybody's goat.if you had married and your angel was chased by your parent explain and assure your new catch how you will handle the same is better your partner to hear this from you than to hear it from is not fair for your man to get message threatening to kill him for stealing and confidence will fade away in your marriage. If you have a baby with another woman or a man say so.your partner wont slap you,if he or she does so during courtship outsmart David Rudisha.if your partner r...

Who Will Jubilee Goverment Accuse Next

Have you ever observed a trapped animal, such as a rat, how it runs around, all confused and panicky? Thats how The Jubilee Administration is right now... They started by accusing #Raila_Odinga, and The CORD Coalition for insecurity in the country.... They ended up looking stupid, when even the perpetrators of terror admitted it was them.... Now they are accusing NGOs of being funded by foreign powers, to destabilise the country. For those who dont know, thats exactly what Moi used to do in the 80s and early 90s.... After they end up looking ridiculous on this one, who will they target next? I bet you they will turn on each other, accusing one another of being used by Raila, CORD, NGOs, and foreign powers, to destabilise the country and the ruling coalition.... After that, since they will have exhausted options, they will turn on their wives and families, accusing them of selling party secrets for sexual favours, from Raila, CORD, NGOs, and foreign powers... Thats when some women will ...

The heart of a teacher

A young man, a student was taking a walk with a professor who was known for his kindness. As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed belonged to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day’s work. The student turned to the professor, saying: “Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind bushes, and wait to see his confusion when he cannot find them.” “My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich and can give yourself much greater pleasure this way . Put a coin into each shoe, and We watch to see how the discovery affects him.” The student did so and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feel...

EACC summons cord leaders over karen land scandal

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission is out to intimidate any politician who will come out and point a finger at the government. Through its chairman, EACC has written letters dated 21st October 2014 to Boni Khalwale, James Orengo, Johnstone Muthama and Elizabeth Ongoro summoning them to the commission headquarters to explain their utterances regarding the 134 acre Karen land which has apparently been grabbed. The grabbed land which has sucked key Jubilee leaders is a testament to the level of corruption in this government. Deputy President William Ruto was mentioned by the CORD leaders as one of the beneficiaries of the deal. He was reported to have visited while acting as President. The key beneficiary of the fraud is said to be the Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu. She has managed to reward key politicians across the political devide with parcels of land to buy their silence over the matter. It is rather surprising that Charity Ngilu is claiming that she doesn’t know the owner...

Shujaa Tom Mboya

There was no fanfare for politician Tom Mboya when he made a six-hour stopover at Orly Airport in Paris in August of 1960. No visits to the Foreign Office on the Quai d’Orsay. No informal meetings with Government officials. France was busy entertaining the newly minted Cameroonian Head of State Ahmadu Ahidjo with these very honours and was not about to break protocol to meet a firebrand leader from a British colony. Not even for a leader by then being touted by international news magazines as "a sure bet to be Prime Minister" of Kenya when the wind of change sweeping across Africa was done. One nation eager to make sure they had the right friends as the balance of power changed in Africa had no such qualms. During Mr Mboya’s wait for a connecting flight, he was kept company by a lone American official, eager to be of use to a man seen as "America’s strongest ally" in Kenya. This simple fact says plenty about how Mboya’s meteoric rise came to be seen by his political...

In God We Trust

Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband’s employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely. As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts. St...

what incredibly productive people do

1. They Make To-Do Lists All productive people swear by their to-do lists. They help you organize your day and understand what you need to accomplish. There are many different ways to execute a to-do list, from electronic apps to scraps of paper. It is important to figure out which method works best for you and to run with it. You should also try to choose a method that keeps your lists all in the same place. If you use an app, choose one that can be used on multiple devices. If you are more traditional and use a notebook, make sure you carry it with you wherever you go! You want your to-do list to always be within reach so that you can add to it or change it. 2. They Are Realistic Productive people are also realists. When they create their to-do lists, they put down small actionable steps that they know they can accomplish. Rather than write, "Plan Vacation," they write, "Call Travel Agent at 11 a.m." They don't write, "Prepare For Meeting," but rathe...


By Dikembe Disembe 1.Amend Article 203 of the Constitution to delete 15 per cent and replace it with 45 per cent of latest Exchequer Accounts. 2.Strengthen the role of Senate by making it an Upper House with concurrent legislative powers with the National Assembly, but with a final say over matters touching on Counties, while creating a consultative mechanism to give effect to Article 96(1) of the Constitution on the role of the Senate on representation. 3.Separate Gazettement of laws between the National and County Government. 4.While maintaining National command structure, create a role for counties in security matters at the county level. 5.Clarify the role of counties in management of environment, forestry, land and natural resources. 6.Ensure that recall/impeachment of elected leaders is based on a uniform law, that respects due process. 7. Create a clearing house for legislation that will determine the character of the law and indicate THE process it has to go through for it’s en...


1.Amend Article 203 of the Constitution to delete 15 per cent and replace it with 45 per cent of latest Exchequer Accounts. 2.Strengthen the role of Senate by making it an Upper House with concurrent legislative powers with the National Assembly, but with a final say over matters touching on Counties, while creating a consultative mechanism to give effect to Article 96(1) of the Constitution on the role of the Senate on representation. 3.Separate Gazettement of laws between the National and County Government. 4.While maintaining National command structure, create a role for counties in security matters at the county level. 5.Clarify the role of counties in management of environment, forestry, land and natural resources. 6.Ensure that recall/impeachment of elected leaders is based on a uniform law, that respects due process. 7. Create a clearing house for legislation that will determine the character of the law and indicate THE process it has to go through for it’s enactment so as to av...


How to strive for wholeness In order to get the most out of your pursuit for wholeness, the following are some key things to do in your daily life: Embrace rather than avoid life’s adversities. Laugh at your mistakes and learn from them. Joke about your troubles and gather strength from them. Have fun with the challenges you face and then conquer them. Rather than shutting out or suppressing negative emotions, allow yourself to really feel them, so you can deal with them. Take full, unhindered control of your emotions, so your emotions do not control you behind your back. Find peace with yourself and your past. Rather than remaining angry or hurt throughout your life, choose to forgive yourself and others, and try to actually appreciate the experiences for what they have taught you. Proactively identify knowledge gaps in your life experience and take steps to fill them, even if it requires you to stretch your comfort zone. Shift some of your attention away from what you want, and refoc...

Raila Odinga asks the world and USA in particular to STOP giving advisory warnings to its citizens willing to visit Kenya

Raila Odinga in his engagement with the International Community from Yale University said quote; "You are TEN TIMES safer in Nairobi than in Chicago and 100 TIMES safer in Kenya than in Israel or Egypt. Why double standards? Terrorism is a GLOBAL PROBLEM." He asked the world and United States of America in particular to STOP giving advisory warnings to its citizens willing to visit Kenya.On global economy, trade and investment, Raila said quote; "The Asian Tiger has danced for far too long. The African Lion is roaring and positioning itself to take its rightful place."


In seasons greetings ladies and gentlemen......... In the recent past I have taken time analysing Kenyan politics across the political divide comparing the current leadership with the past regimes and giant democracies, to be able to understand the relationship between politics and development. In my analysis I have taken into consideration rhetorics from politicians regarding development. What's the relationship between politics and development? The Jubilee administration is fond of making this political rhetoric "sisi ni maendeleo tunataka sio siasa". The statement is a complete paradox since the statement is made by a politician in a political rally doing politics. So what makes the statement distinct from ordinary political innuendos? Today kenya has become a fundraising nation for the past 10 years of Kibaki regime our nation had forgotten the monster fundraiser which was a Nyayo political philosophy which crippled our economy and rendered us poppers. Our currency wa...

Building Wealth Is For Anyone

Building Wealth is a creative process meant to obtain results and make your dreams become reality. Everyone is born with the capacity in creating their dream life and financial rewards. And, trust me when I say this, Building Wealth is all about expanding and growing to realize the results and circumstances you want. If you want to achieve financial freedom, become wealthy, and have any desired riches in life, you must docertain things, in a certain way. All of the great wealth builders throughout time have understood how to use the mind to achieve their desires and earn tons of money. Plain and simple, your financial results will improve with direct proportion to your personal growth! Building wealth, whether financially, relationally, physically, mentally, or spiritually comes down to one single factor, Results. Are you getting the results you want financially? If no, great! Put it behind you and lets get ready to improve. If yes, great! Lets make it a point to move out of your comfo...

Best Time In Your Life To Start A Business

Starting a business is an intimate process that requires execution at the right time.

Malala Yousafzai, the World’s Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani girl who first gained international attention for being shot in the head and nearly killed by the Taliban, has won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. As the global spokesperson for girls’ education, Malala has relentlessly advocated on behalf of her cause, continuing to speak out (despite increased Taliban threats) and even traveling to the United States to meet President Obama(and his family) in 2013. She has co-founded the Malala Fund, which invests in early stage girls’ education initiatives or small organizations in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya and Jordan. Here are 10 other compelling facts about this remarkable Nobel Peace Prize recipient: 1. She’s a minor.At 17 years old, Malala is is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize since its inception in 1901. 2. She’s been advocating for girls’ education since she was 11.In 2009, Malala started blogging about living under Taliban rule for the BBC. She later became a national figure in he...

When Doing What You Love Backfires

By Colleen Egan “Do what you love and the money will follow,” is perhaps the most popular piece of career advice. You can find Maya Angelou on Pinterest saying, “Don't make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” Or Oprah Winfrey: “If you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come.” The problem is, no one tells you exactly how much money actually will follow. Will doing what you love earn you enough to cover rent, health insurance and retirement contributions? Or will you have to work two other jobs to scrape by? No one wants to be a dream crusher, but economic realities have a way of putting aspirations into perspective — even those that don’t seem far-fetched. Take me, for example: I’ve been pursuing my dream of a career in journalism since my days on the high school yearbook staff, and now I’m a professional writer and editor. I love what I do, but I hate the unce...

What Is Financial Independence and Why Does It Matter?

Women have been told since time immemorial that they need a man to provide for them — that they can’t do it on their own. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1960s that a married womancould open up a bank account without her husband’s “permission,” and not until 1974 that a single, widowed or divorced womancould apply for credit without a man cosigning. So I suppose it is understandable why some women fall into a patriarchal trap when it comes to money. And given the economic realities of divorce, the newly single are particularly vulnerable. Statistics for divorcing women are sobering. Maintaining your pre-divorce lifestyle could cost you 25 to 50 percentmore given that one household is now split into two, and typically, a woman’s standard of living following a divorce plummets 27 percent, while a man’s increases by 10 percent. So out of the ashes of divorce, you have a choice: Rely on a new man and possibly repeat the same behavior that got you into this mess in the first place, or commit t...

president uhuru is intelligent

My belief that I Uhuru Kenyatta is incompetent to initiate tangible economic development programmes in the country is unchanged. However, I do submit that I Uhuru Kenyatta is intelligent. How on earth he has marshalled the entire Africa continent support though most of his colleagues in his rank have criminal records is amazing. Back in the country he has shown great tolerance to his opponents that no single oppositionist can comfortably tell the personal ills of the son of Jomo. This has disarmed his enemies. The talks of who and how many are going to accompany him to the Hague is yet another strong sign of his intelligence. It is a plus to the country conscience as it shows how Kenyans can be united against a common enemy. Given the funds I would join the entourage.

president uhuru is intelligent

My belief that I Uhuru Kenyatta is incompetent to initiate tangible economic development programmes in the country is unchanged. However, I do submit that I Uhuru Kenyatta is intelligent. How on earth he has marshalled the entire Africa continent support though most of his colleagues in his rank have criminal records is amazing. Back in the country he has shown great tolerance to his opponents that no single oppositionist can comfortably tell the personal ills of the son of Jomo. This has disarmed his enemies. The talks of who and how many are going to accompany him to the Hague is yet another strong sign of his intelligence. It is a plus to the country conscience as it shows how Kenyans can be united against a common enemy. Given the funds I would join the entourage.