Have you ever observed a trapped animal, such as a rat, how it runs around, all confused and panicky? Thats how The Jubilee Administration is right now... They started by accusing #Raila_Odinga, and The CORD Coalition for insecurity in the country.... They ended up looking stupid, when even the perpetrators of terror admitted it was them.... Now they are accusing NGOs of being funded by foreign powers, to destabilise the country. For those who dont know, thats exactly what Moi used to do in the 80s and early 90s.... After they end up looking ridiculous on this one, who will they target next? I bet you they will turn on each other, accusing one another of being used by Raila, CORD, NGOs, and foreign powers, to destabilise the country and the ruling coalition.... After that, since they will have exhausted options, they will turn on their wives and families, accusing them of selling party secrets for sexual favours, from Raila, CORD, NGOs, and foreign powers... Thats when some women will run mad, never to be seen in public again....
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