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Showing posts from September, 2013

If you could understand the power of your words,you would be careful about what you say. You would constantly use positive affirmations. TheUniverse always says yes to whatever you say, no matter what you choose to believe. If you choose to believe that you are not enough, and life will never be any good, and you will never get anything that you want, then the Universe will respond, and that is exactly what you will have. The moment you start to change, the moment you are willing to bring good into your life, the Universe will respond in kind.

So you say you have a merciful god who blesses you huh? You get a new car and home and god did it for you huh? You selfishly say that bullshit thinking its all about you and you don't think about others plight and what your god allowed to happen to them. Maybe you just live in the richest country on earth and it allows you material things, how bout that??? Maybe you live among a blood sucking nation of people who sucked the blood/life out the VOICELESS and gave it to you ?? HOW DARE YOU THINK LIKE THAT, WITH YOUR GOD OF FAVORITISM. DON'T EVER SAY GOD IS BLESSING YOU AGAIN WHILE NUMBERLESS ARE SUFFERING .

POEM Of Love The one who says – “I Love You”– is a sad fiddler– who has lost his song. Only if Love itself– had a tongue! A thousand– blissful hoopoes– laugh inside of your eyes. Thousands of silent canaries– stay still in my throat; If only Love itself– could have a word! -.-.- The one who says– “I Love You”– is a sorrowful midnight– that looks for its moonlight; Only if Love itself– could have talked! Thousands of suns– smile in your tread. Thousands of gloomy stars– cry in my yearning; If only Love itself– could be speaking!

The word beautiful bySohrab Sepehri (1928 – 1980):The Word BeautifulThe word beautiful–what does it mean if not–an interpretation made of love–only love, of shapes?And isn’t it right–that love, truly only love,can get you used to the warmth–of the intimacy with a mereapple?And love, only love,took me to the width–of the sorrow filling lives,and carried me away, away–to the possibility of -being abird–and of becoming a healing to thehurt.

WHITEMAN SOWED THE SEEDS OF POVERTY IN AFRICA According to most African economists, the main cause of poverty in the global south is the disruption of the economic systems of these states with the introduction of free market by the colonialists from Europe. In addition, developing world scholars emphasize the role of capitalism and globalization as causes of increasing income inequality. The overall argument is that even though slavery and colonialism are over, the system of slavery is still as alive as before. The effect is that as the wealth increases in the developed world, the developing world gets poorer.Kenya is an example of how the system set up during colonial times has not helped steer the country out of poverty and underdevelopment. Even though the British left Kenya in 1964, the structure that they had set stayed. These structures supported a system that was based on acquisition of profit, technological advancements, individual empowerment, and respect for personal property. In many ways, this system was day and night to African culture. Instead of profit, Africans traded to meet the immediate needs, Africans had no private property, property was communal, there was nothing like individual empowerment, the individual was a part of the society. The Maasai community perhaps exemplifies the nature of African economic system. The Masaai’s collective responsibility for the land has been interfered with by the new system of private ownership. The Maasai have thus surrendered to poverty and underdevelopment.It is apparent that globalization has become a threat to the poor rather than an opportunity for global action to eradicate poverty. The concept of absolute freedom that underlies the rationale for globalization is the same notion used to justify slavery and colonization. It is anchored on the belief that the strong, however, defined, should be free to exercise their strength without moral or legal limitations that protect the weak. The result of globalization is essentially antagonism between the developed world, and the developing world where a large majority of the populace live in misery.In my view, it is another form of mental slavery where a sort of cultural imperialism seeks to enslave the mind of the poor, leaving in it a cultureless, or culturally disoriented people. Eventually, the colonized mind has nothing to offer but to depend on the colonial master as the only thinking man. How would the Maasai survive? Will the Maasai survive the cultural erosion as well as have a sustainable culture?With the opening up of the global market, most of the African farmers lost their local markets because the consumers decided to go for the cheap clothes imported from abroad- mainly USA and Europe. The resulting effect was a great loss of jobs for millions of people who were employed in the cotton industry. Within no time, millions of people were hit by massive and aggressive poverty. Schools were closed and the governments lost millions of revenues in the formerly lucrative cotton industry. Within a decade, a tone of industries was closed. Most governments lost tonnes of revenues, unemployment skyrocketed and corruption thrived. Economic liberation and World Bank/ IMF strategies had failed the poor nations. Most of the countries ended being indebted instead of being free from debt, structural adjustment policies became a white elephant. By clif kidero

UWEZO FUND The government today launched the Uwezo fund in an elaborate, well orgarnized state function at the University of Nairobi. In the launch the president and his deputy came out boldly encouraging the youth and women to take advantage of the fund to spur development through start up of new business ventures and empower themselves. They reiterated that the Jubilee government will ensure 30% of government procurement will be tendered by the youth and women.- The reiteration by the president that his government will empower youth and women by ensuring it procures 30% from the two groups of persons is a constitutional requirement and not a fulfillment of the Jubilee manifesto as portrayed.- The disbursement of the loan will be done through the same channel of CDF. This leaves the fund open to the manipulation of politicians and can be exploited for political gain at the expense of national development.Having put the fund into perspective , it's imperative that the youth take up the fund and embark on projects that will empower them. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

MY COUNTRY KENYA: It's on the equator, both the president and vice president have to appear before International Criminal Court at the Hague, starting Tuesday 10th September. In this country, when its citizens meet abroad, the first thing they ask each other is "which tribe do you belong to"?Its the country with 349 members of parliament each taking home a cool $10,000 monthly without paying tax and on top many, many freebies including Ksh. 400,000 pocket money to accompany William Ruto to Holland, a loan for a huge villa and SUV, while their policemen live with their families in round metal huts of 2m diameter in temperatures that can go way beyond 35 degrees Celsius and earn less than $250/month.In this country, drivers not only kill pedestrians and passengers and get away with it everyday, they also kill other drivers in traffic disputes without regard for law. In this country, governors slap their fellow female elected MP's in public, senators are walking around in bling-bling and drug barons are regarded as successful role models.I was born in this country, where the dead are forgotten and left behind for everybody wants to be associated with the powerful killer, society is chasing for money, and money is now the law. You can use it to buy women, babies, justice and power and the more you have, the more respect you get.If someone doesn't respect you, you hire killers, hire police criminal investigators, doctors who will conduct postmortems, They will fiddle with any documents forensic evidence and if the case gets to courts, files will disappear witnesses recant their testimony in memory loss or the officers involved die mysteriously. It happens all the time.This is Kenya, the country we love so much. No rule of law, no justice and no respect for human life.

YOU COULD BE THE CAUSE OF THE TERRORISM THAT IS HURTING US!!! *E*very one of us has gone through the evils that go on in the government offices or the other places of work. It is only the baby’s and the newcomers to this world who can not know these. This is because they haven’t seen it, but they will soon witness it unless something happens to change the situation. What we are talking about is the misuse of power in the high offices and the rampant graft that happens every where, and sometimes, it happens while the weak people in the society or the common man, as many may understand it, witness helplessly. The misuse of power is usually accompanied with pride of the immunity against the law that these office staff or leaders enjoy. When they display the power given to them by the country’s constitution to the common man plus the immunity against the law that goes with the offices that they hold and use it as a shield to defend themselves against the evils that they do to the weak people, it is against the ethics and everyone knows that. So, when all the means of defense for the common man are blocked, what would you expect to provide justice for them? The network spreads from one office to the other, from one department to the other and it goes on up to the courts of law, what do you think could provide justice for the common man anyway?? When you think a case in the court of law will provide you with the justice and protection that you need very much, you are shocked to learn that it is them again and your complain has been given a deaf ear. In the end you have no where to go apart from going back to your house in the village and living like that for the rest of your life. You live in despair; you can’t plan your future or invest in long term projects because you are not certain with your life and the leadership in your country. Because of these, every able bodied man will always want to have their rights watched.

KENYA WILL STAY IN ICC WHETHER UHURU KENYATTA AND WILLIAM RUTO LIKE IT OR NOT.These illiterate MPs led by Dualeought to read the Constitution ofKenya. The National Assembly has no constitutional capacity to pull Kenya out of the ICC. Only the people can pull Kenya out of the ICC in a referendum. Article 255 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya says ‘a proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be enacted in accordance with Article 256 or 257, and approved in accordance with clause (2) by a referendum, if the amendment relates to any of the following matters - (a) the supremacy of this Constitution;’ etc. The article on supremacy of the constitution is Article 2 which states‘ (5) The general rules of international law shall form part of the law of Kenya. (6) Any treaty or convention ratified by Kenya shall form part of the law of Kenya under thisConstitution.Kenya ratified the Rome Statute,which is a treaty. The country can therefore only withdraw from the Rome Statute by Kenyans voting in a referendum to pull out. Furthermore, the Rome Statute commits Kenya to respect general rules of international law, which include protection of people from crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes. Parliament has absolutely no power to alter our commitments in the Rome Statute.Kenya belongs to all Kenyans, not to Uhuru or Ruto. If they committed crimes against humanity, then they deserve to be in prison. If they are innocent, they have nothing to fear and they will be acquitted. We must oppose Jubilee Coalition plans to pull Kenya out of the ICC, a very important institution for international law beneficial to Kenya now and in posterity. If they want Kenya out of the ICC, let us have a referendum for all Kenyans to decide whether to stay in ICC or not. I'm confident Kenyans will vote overwhelmingly to stay in ICC.