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By Dr Paul Bundi Human beings are endowed with remarkable resilience, which can only be broken when they choose to give up. Says Viktor Frankl in his seminal book, Man's Search for Meaning; ''it is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future-sub specie aeternitatis. And this is his salvation in thd most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.'' Man's life is primarily driven by the desire for future, the unshakable belief that the future holds promise. We invariably cease to live when we think we have hit a dead end, or that there's nothing more to be had by living. Theoretically, there is no limit to man's achievement, and that is what drives men to wake up and strive day after day. The opposite is spiritual, psychological death, which manifests way ahead of physical death. Lesson? Losing today doesn't mean losing always. You can lose 10 times and win the 11th time. Or, you...

YOU COULD BE THE CAUSE OF THE TERRORISM THAT IS HURTING US!!! *E*very one of us has gone through the evils that go on in the government offices or the other places of work. It is only the baby’s and the newcomers to this world who can not know these. This is because they haven’t seen it, but they will soon witness it unless something happens to change the situation. What we are talking about is the misuse of power in the high offices and the rampant graft that happens every where, and sometimes, it happens while the weak people in the society or the common man, as many may understand it, witness helplessly. The misuse of power is usually accompanied with pride of the immunity against the law that these office staff or leaders enjoy. When they display the power given to them by the country’s constitution to the common man plus the immunity against the law that goes with the offices that they hold and use it as a shield to defend themselves against the evils that they do to the weak people, it is against the ethics and everyone knows that. So, when all the means of defense for the common man are blocked, what would you expect to provide justice for them? The network spreads from one office to the other, from one department to the other and it goes on up to the courts of law, what do you think could provide justice for the common man anyway?? When you think a case in the court of law will provide you with the justice and protection that you need very much, you are shocked to learn that it is them again and your complain has been given a deaf ear. In the end you have no where to go apart from going back to your house in the village and living like that for the rest of your life. You live in despair; you can’t plan your future or invest in long term projects because you are not certain with your life and the leadership in your country. Because of these, every able bodied man will always want to have their rights watched.
