By Gordon Opiyo
3am Thought
Hidden Treasure
There is something precious in everyone, and it takes someone with a revelation to see that hidden treasure.
I know of a woman who was treated badly in a previous relationship. The boyfriend, and his family treated her like trash. Badmouthing her because she had three children from three different men. She was always made to feel that she did not deserve to be anything. Her life was a mess, and she felt worthless and useless
When she moved on, she met a man who appreciated her, not based on her dark past, but based on what he could see in her. The Lady was made to feel like a Pearl, like someone precious. This other guy looked at the three children as a treasure, and added one of his own. Within one year, she started a business dealing in beauty products and clothing. Since she was talented in talking sweetly ( mdomo tamu) her business prospered and she became a big brand. And made herself rich, and her husband even richer.
The Parable of the hidden treasure speaks about a similar case in Matthew 13 "44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
The man saw the field that 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
You can see that in the first instance, there is someone who had land, but did not see its worth, until someone else came and bought it. Same to the precious Pearl.
There are people or companies that do not see your worth. You can never prosper under them. They will always see the worst in you, instead of the hidden treasure.
Move on and discover your worth. Do not waste time trying to convince someone who sees nothing in you. Someone who sees just your dark past. Someone who calls you conman, someone who calls you Malaya, someone who calls you uneducated.
Move on and discover your worth.
If you are already married, just do your best to bring out the best in you.
But never stay in relationships, in companies, in teams, in associations that see the worst in you. Discover the Pearl inside you by getting the right associations