Karama Ward has upper & lower zone, for the past few months I have devoted myself to coming up with strategic initiatives that can improve living standards of lower zone.
Midst so many challenges, The area has experienced constant drought and famine over the time.This has greatly affected school going children to a level they have to quit schools for herding, leaving empty classrooms, for the few left in school their performance has been trolling day by day making Karama the poorest performing division in terms of education.
The only sure transformational matrix that can and will see our society grow is through constant investment in young generation through education, as long as this one is not achieved we live to fight "unseen demons"
To address these concerns in my little ways, after continuous engagement with the affected school Management and the parents I have formulated and came up with a sustainable feeding Program for all class eight pupils in Luthie Primary School, Mathiritine Pry school, Mukalamatu Pry school and Mula which we did the whole school feeding Program drive with the friends.
I have involved experts to develop diet for the students and effective today we are going to sustain class 8 pupils of those target schools from now until they complete their KCPE.
We also will be supplying the affected schools with the revision materials and exams familiarize with the main exam by March.
This will be a big boost to Luthie community who their plans to have Luthie Secondary school in place has been curtailed by so many challenges including lack of students to form the quorum.
This project is going to affect over 200 families and to our analysis, the impact is maximum.
To my friends and well wishers you can reach out to support this noble course. We are sanitizing Karama ward politics of hatred and insults to soberness and issue based politics.
Karibu Turangire Karama Na Murangiri.
MCA Karama Ward 2022