TAKE UNLIMITED PAID SURVEYSIf you find a Mother in labour on the streets, instead of screaming and taking videos;
Put the Mother on the ground or a steady surface, like the back seat of a car. Make sure she is as comfortable as possible. Remind her to try to pant, or only push very gently with the contractions.
Get a cloth.
As the baby's head becomes visible, place your hand on the head with the cloth and provide it with support to keep it from popping out or hitting the ground. Cold can kill a new born baby.
Gently Guide Baby Out
Do not pull on the baby's head or body. Let the baby and labor contractions do the work. You may gently guide the baby out.
Clean babys nose.
Once the baby comes out, gently stroke downward on the baby's nose to help expel the excess mucus and amniotic fluid. Place the baby skin-to-skin on mom, with the baby's head slightly lower than its body (to help facilitate draining the mucus). If the newborn inhales mucus or amniotic fluid this could block its lungs and make it have breathing problems.Cover both of them with dry blankets or towels.
The placenta will likely deliver itself it the next 30 minutes. If it is born, before help arrives, place it next to the baby. Do not cut the cord. Cutting the cord without proper items to the could lead to bleeding.
Facilitate transfer to the nearest hospital.
You could save lives.