If you are not confident in yourself, do you honestly believe that others should be confident in you? Well, they would want to believe that you have the full potential to accomplish great things but then sometimes their belief is eventually destroyed because of the lack of self confidence in yourself.
I can remember when I was younger I would be so negative that I would say I won't be able to do this or that and persons would ask, "Why can't you start thinking positive?". Sometimes I would get the feeling that they are ready to give up on me but I was wrong. I sat and asked myself, "What is the point of others thinking that I will be great when I myself do not even believe that I can be. I can tell you it was difficult changing my negative approach at life but I can say that positive things started happening when I started to gain self confidence.
There is a fine line between pride and self-confidence, legitimate self trust is the success. The real test of self-confidence is the spirit to stay open-- to have change and new thoughts irrespective of their origin. Self-assured people are not scared to get their views disputed. They enjoy the mental conflict that enriches minds.
My advise to you is to start thinking positive and gain self confidence or else there is no point of others to believe in you.
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