Advancement in technology today has seen Most financial institutions migrating to digital platforms offering almost all banking services to their customers e.g. Money transfer services, loans, settling Bills, Buying goods and services both online and over the counter etc. Access to the digital platforms is either through
USSD, mobile application, Internet banking, Debit/ Credit cards, ATM, etc.
User registration is required to be able to access your account via any of the technology named above. Upon successful registration, the client is issued with one time PIN number -Valid for a specified period of time e.g.24 hrs (optional)- and has to be changed after successful login.
NOTE: the PIN is only KEY between you and Your Money. Therefore to stay safe, your are advised:
1.NEVER set your PIN As Your year of birth.
Cyber Criminals are aware of this trends and from Social networks I.e Facebook they are constantly looking for these details. In case they are unsuccessful, social engineering is there next course of action. Here, the cyber criminal will make a phone call pretending to be Customers service agent and try to lure you to give your PIN. Sometimes they will ask you to give the last two digits of your PIN e.g 81. Now armed with this, one just need to try 1981 and the account is compromised.
2. NEVER set your PIN similar to a sequence of Digits found in your ID card or Mobile phone no.
Through social engineering, cyber criminals can be able to obtain either the last or First 2 digits of your PIN and they will always compare to your personal information to a get a clue.
3.NEVER Write down your PIN.
Cyber Criminals are scavengers by nature. Anything written down is useful DATA. They are smart enough to know a four digit number is PIN.
4.NEVER share your PIN.
This the Key /Gate to your Money
5. Download banking application ONLY from your device application store. E.g. Google play store for Android, Windows store for Windows phone etc
6. INSTALL Antivirus software if your device supports
7 . Devise a PASSWORD policy I.e change passwords every 3months.
Please note: Hacking is a process and time is a factor.
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Compiled by:
Nelson Murithi Kinyua(Head ICT department)
(Information Systems Experts)