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By Dr Paul Bundi Human beings are endowed with remarkable resilience, which can only be broken when they choose to give up. Says Viktor Frankl in his seminal book, Man's Search for Meaning; ''it is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future-sub specie aeternitatis. And this is his salvation in thd most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.'' Man's life is primarily driven by the desire for future, the unshakable belief that the future holds promise. We invariably cease to live when we think we have hit a dead end, or that there's nothing more to be had by living. Theoretically, there is no limit to man's achievement, and that is what drives men to wake up and strive day after day. The opposite is spiritual, psychological death, which manifests way ahead of physical death. Lesson? Losing today doesn't mean losing always. You can lose 10 times and win the 11th time. Or, you


Meru senator Kiraitu Murungi has managed to marshal  his political rival and competitor   the current Meru governor Peter Munya.Kiraitu Murungi is running for gubernatorial position on a jubilee party which also sponsoring president Uhuru Kenyatta re-election bid while the incumbent is seeking second term on a PNU ticket.Party of National unity(PNU) is supporting Uhuru Kenyatta for a second term. Considering meru is a jubilee strong it would be an uphill task for anyone to support opposition alliance(NASA)which Presidential candidate is former premier Raila Odinga.Kiraitu Murungi  has  in the past claimed Munya is a NASA sympathizer but governor Peter Munya  has all along maintained he wholeheartedly support president Uhuru Kenyatta re-election bid.It seems senator Kiraitu Murungi strategy of using his cronies to embarrass governor Munya and force him shift his support to NASA may soon bear fruits,by employing this strategy Kiraitu believes he will easily trounce  munya come august.

Today Peter Munya has threatened to withdraw support for President Uhuru Kenyatta following what he claims as continued harassment by some state officials.
Munya, claimed that on Sunday, when he attended the Ushirika day celebrations in Mwichiune, police watched as youths blocked him at Nkubu town.
The visibly angry Munya spoke at Githongo stadium in Central Imenti where he held a rally.
"Is Munya the only one who will be abiding by the law while other are disrupting us? l am telling them that enough is enough. Police should do their work and stop being partisan. Provincial administration should also stop involving themselves with politics so that we can campaign in peace. If that trend continues then l see we will be having a problem," the governor said.
"I am also telling the IEBC to do its work; l cannot have a meeting here while someone put a provocative banner where l am holding a meeting. That is against election rules and is unacceptable," said Munya.
The governor who was accompanied by PNU senatorial hopeful, Lawyer Mugambi Imanyara, Woman representative candidate Elizabeth Kailemia, Tigania West MP David Karithi and several MCAs alleged that police were covering a gang of goons aligned to Munya’s rival.
The governor blamed Abothuguci West MCA Daniel Kiogora for hiring goons to disrupt his rally at Githongo market over the weekend.
Munya told his supporters that he will continue hitting at the government despite the fight "Jubilee administration has on him."
However Kiogora denied having a hand in the hiring of goons during the Githongo rally.
"This ward is Senator Kiraitu Murungi's backyard. The people were provoked by the youths ferried to the venue," said the MCA.
But Munya noted that during Madaraka day celebrations, an administrator "ensured the event was disrupted so that PNU leaders did not address the people."
"Provincial administration has an agenda to disrupt PNU meetings in Meru. But they should know that we have many votes here in Meru. They are joking with the Meru votes and if they continue we can vote for someone else. I am warning them now that if they continue with this business of using state functionaries in Meru to harass my people and disrupt my meeting l will re-think my stand on this politics. We are giving them a warning because l am tired of being followed by administrators, and youth being arrested," Governor Munya said.
During the PNU Githongo rally police had to use teargas to disperse youths singing anti-Munya slogans.

Meanwhile, Meru Senator Kiraitu Murungi has termed as a joke the threat by governor Munya that he may withdraw support for President Uhuru Kenyatta.
"Munya claims that he can withdraw support for President Uhuru Kenyatta's reelection. This should not be taken seriously because it is the people of Meru who support the President and not the governor," Kiraitu said in a presser at his Nkubu residence.
Incase governor Peter Munya goes ahead and execute his threats then this will be a great for Kiraitu Murungi but a great loss for President Uhuru Kenyatta.
