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Of the “New Non-ethnic Political Narrative” Converts and the Call to Run for President of the Republic of Kenya.

#Iam4aNewPoliticalNarrative and #Profwainaina4President hashtags have been doing rounds on social media. This is not the first time my readers and followers are asking me to run for President. Over the last year, I have received numerous and consistent calls to run for President, some more genuine than others but all suggesting that I should run.

I am humbled by those who consider me worthy of that high calling and responsibility. But more importantly, I am encouraged that after a year of blogging and pushing the call for a “new non-ethnic political narrative”, many Kenyans have come to accept that it is not only possible, but also necessary if not urgent. They also think and believe that I should be the voice for that narrative.

With deep gratitude and awareness presented by the trust many of you have shown in me, I would consider running for the presidency of our great nation Kenya, guided by certain fundamental principles and lessons from our history.
The missteps of yesteryears

To start with, it is not enough to say that we need to remove the current degenerate, visionless and tribal political class in Jubilee and NASA. That need is obvious, critical and very urgent. It is the only way we can liberate our country from the shackles of negative ethnicity, exclusion of youth and women and corruption. The more pressing question for me would be:

“What do we replace the current political class with in terms of a long-term vision for the next generation of the Kenyan citizenry”.
Here we should learn from history.
Even though the 2002 general elections were touted as the best since the advent of multi-party politics, it is worth noting that they fell short in a significant way. The political class that had fallen out with Moi took advantage of the unpopularity of Moi and KANU to push a “Moi must go” agenda. Unfortunately,they did not give us a concrete vision for the Country post-Moi. All they had was a power-sharing formula for themselves that became the center of controversy soon after the people sent Moi home. Five years later, the Country was in civil war from which it has never recovered. Since Moi left, it has been quarrels, battles and divisions. We must never repeat the mistakes of 2002 by replacing an unpopular political class with a clueless and visionless one. The political class is busy again with power-sharing formulas. We do not need another power-sharing formula among tribal kingpins in Kenya, what we need is a new vision for the future and for our children to inherit.

A new vision for Kenya’s future
What should be the character of this new vision and dispensation for the future?
First, I need to re-emphasize that is must be non-ethnic. In my well-considered opinion the reason is simple. We cannot beat the ethnic kingpins in Jubilee and NASA and their ethnic political narrative at their game. They are the masters of tribalism and politics of dynasties. Replacing an ethnic narrative with another ethnic narrative is futile. We therefore must strive to remove all barriers and situations where ethnic identity can be invoked to deny people their God-given and constitutional rights.

Secondly, the new dispensation must not only deal with the present dilemmas facing Kenya as a nation but it must also be futuristic and recognize that nation building is inter-generational. We currently have a tribal political class both in Jubilee and NASA which is not only stuck in the past where they all belong, but one that is totally incapable of imagining a Nation beyond the next general election.

We cannot build a Nation in five year cycles!
There must be a paradigm shift and a pressing need to imagine an intergenerational vision that recognizes that the youth are the engine and drivers of transformation. To this end, we must provide them with the foundation they need to unify, modernize and rekindle the Kenyan spirit and a sense of purpose. We cannot allow the youth to face a future riddled with uncertainties. They must instead be at the center of any new vision for the future of Kenya.

The Participation of the People
The participation of the people will be important in the imagining, defining and realization of the new vision for Kenya. While the new vision needs a leader, it is ultimately the responsibility of every Kenyan to define their role in such a dispensation.

We all agree that the Nation is under the grip of a corrupt, mediocre and tribal political class that has divided us and continue to do so for no other reason than to keep or to grab power. We have been reduced in our political engagement to discussion about “the lesser evil” and the “devil I know”. When did we let evil and devils rule over us? Can we expect a peaceful, prosperous Nation when leadership has been reduced to “the lesser evil?” As Kenyans, we deserve better and it cannot be a choice between the lesser of the two evils. We must rise up, be counted and resolve to do something about the direction our nation is going to take.

Every generation in history has had to come to its own, take on its assignment and leave its footprints in the sands of time. Our generation has come to such a time. If we remain silent and let the Country be divided by the tribal Kingpins, we will have to answer to our children when they ask us, “When they divided the Nation with tribal hatred, when they turned Kenyan against Kenyan, when they squandered our future, WHAT DID YOU DO?”. We cannot remain silent and continue putting our trust in tribal kingpins and political dynasties. We must take back our Country. We must start the journey to mend the moral fabric and free Kenya again!

Even with the call that I should be the voice of the new non-ethnic political narrative and a new generational vision for Kenya by running for the office of the President of the Republic of Kenya, we need to engage each other on the roles that each of us see ourselves playing in ushering and realizing a new dispensation. If my role is to be the face and voice of the new non-ethnic political narrative,what do you see as your role in the new dispensation?

If you believe that as a nation we are on the wrong track and that we need to take our destiny in our own hands, if you are not prepared to remain silent in the face of great evil and great persecution of ordinary Kenyans by a degenerate and tribal political class, if you know and believe that you have a duty of giving this Country a new direction and a new vision, if you know we are the change that we have been waiting for, if you will not remain silent in the midst of misrule and looting by the political elite, then this is your time. It is time for us to take back our Country!

Announcing my candidature for President of the Republic of Kenya.
In pursuit of this noble course, I hereby want to heed the call by many Kenyans who have requested me to vie for the Presidency and be the voice of a new non-ethnic political narrative in Kenya. I will be officially announcing my candidature for the President of the Republic of Kenya onSaturday, 29thApril 2017, 10 -11 amat Ufungamano grounds.  I will be running as an Independent Candidate.

I shall lay out what my vision for a united prosperous Kenya is and what we must do in order to prepare the youth for modernization and prosperity. Furthermore, I will share with all Kenyans the foundational and guiding principles that will inform a new non-ethnic political narrative. I am inviting all Kenyans of goodwill, looking to take part in something new and something different and a fresh start for this Country to join me and other like-minded Kenyans at Ufungamano grounds for the official announcement of my candidacy for President.

Fellow Kenyans, the time to renew our commitment to recapture our destiny is NOW. Destiny is what we choose for ourselves, fate is what happens if we don’t. We cannot leave the future of the Country to fate. The task ahead is huge and it will require all of us working together and to carry this message of renewal and  a new dawn all across Kenya. Remember to join us onSaturday, 29thApril 2017at Ufungamano grounds for the momentous occasion. You are all invited.

My Campaign Media and Communications team will stream the announcement live from Ufungamano grounds, Mamlaka Road, Nairobi Kenya on Saturday 29th April, 2017 from 10:00 am on the following campaign social media platforms.
Facebook page: @ProfMichaelWainaina
Twitter: @YouthifyKenya
YouTube channel : Youthify and Modernize Kenya
Google plus :Youthify and Modernize Kenya
You are welcome to watch the event and participate by asking live feed questions or compliments. Your questions and compliments will be appreciated.

God Bless Kenya!



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