Tigania east constituency parliamentary race will take shape and begin officially in the month of April .
But before then three political events must be through .
1 - Voter register verification
2- Governor Peter Munya Political direction .
3 - Martin Baiyenia Mukenya official campaign launch or the political realignment he might opt to .
Analyst say this the most dangerous political youth leader followed by many across political divide .
-If he opt to go it alone this will affect other aspirants targeting swing vote from governor Peter Munya Village's and strong hold .That is Karama, Muthara and Thangatha .
-If he reunite with his old political friend Hon Mpuru Aburi then Mpuru will have numbers and retain .
-If he form alliance with 2007 Tigania east constituency parliamentary Loser Hon Kabeabea Gichunge .Then they will have formed tyranny of numbers across the board .
-The last dangerous political bullet is if Former Cdf manager GIKUNDI Ntuara will stepdown for Martin Baiyenia Mukenya or Mukenya stepdown for Ntuara . The two are said to be third class cousins .One from Mikinduri and the other one Muthara/Karama . They are said to enjoy good financial support from their networks . Mukenya having been a close friend to Nairobi county governor cannot be ignored .Through Nairobi Governor the youthful leader as managed to build reliable political network .
Other personalities that will shape Tigania east constituency politics will be wife of Governor Aspirant Dr Kilemi Mwiria .Dr Sarah Kilemi being daughter of the soil cannot be wished a way . Financial Consultant Mwenda Thiribi .NASA Politician Mike Makarina, Eng Thilange (former aspirant) ,Former cdf manager Justin Thuranira and Former mp Adams Karauri .
Going by these either Either Mpuru, Kabeabea, Mukenya or Ntuala can win . We may have other candidates but those will not matter . I have shared with most of these politicians and I know their potentials and mindsets .Some giving handouts everywhere are driven by greed to loot county money .
Analysis by
Morris Mwongo former Tigania east constituency Aspirant 2007 .