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By Anthony Kibagendivia FB
Sometime back, during the Kibaki regime, Hon. Raila Odinga sensationally claimed the govt had hired some MAMLUKIS from some Eastern European country to harass and assasinate opposition leaders, what happened after were press conferences and rallies by the police and PNU politicians to deny this, however, the truth came to known by all Kenyans afew months or years later.
In 2015 he again spoke about the NYS scandal, we all know how it went with the president, his deputy and other barking dogs who are biting their tongues now,after that he said IEBC commissioners are agents of the Jubilee Govt and they should all resign, ofcourse Jubilee tried to defend them but the will of the people was too strong, we also know about the embezzled EUROBOND, The Ministry of Health Scandal, The Tunnels of Death, just to name afew.
Myself, and other opposition leaders with the help of our Party Leader have been stating clearly that we have over 2 Million ghost voters in the voters roll, thisbhas been denied by those in govt, we have also given evidence that its not possible for one tribe in Kenya to be so lucky, to have more than half of their population as voters, it doesnt happen anywhere in the world, they disputed.
We demanded biometric voter identification, they refused and changed the law using the brutal police force. Recently Raila claimed that foreigners are being registered as voters using old uncollected IDs, the agikuyu and kalenjin communities were up in arms calling Raila a mad man, before the dust could settle, a Jubilee MP from Busia was arrested in Uganda procuring foreigners to come and register in her constituency, then we had a unique Alshabaab Attack somewhere in Northern Kenya where they dint kill anyone, dint steal any weapon, but the Stole BVR kits????? A ragtag militia group, that already knows how to use a BVR kit!!!!!!
When Raila and Kalonzo claimed their ID numbers are double regisered, The Commission that is barely a week into office claimed that was a small mistake. The former commissioners overstayed in the office after being forced out to help prepare rigging grounds for Jubilee, but Jubilee refuted the claims. When RAILA himself decided to scritinize the register the other day, he noticed again one ID number had registered numerous people as voters, people who come from one region, Central Kenya, ofcourse IEBC and Jubilee denied, one media house, Nation Media through their investigative journalist decided to do further investigations, you all know what the outcome was President Daniel Moi’s ID has registered about 10 mburus, njoroges and muthonis, President Kibaki’s ID has registered almost the same number, and the list goes on and on, this is wha they have been calling the TYRANNY OF NUMBERS, fake figures, fake everything, as it stands, we have an illegitimate President and Deputy who were elected through vote stuffing in mainly Central Kenya by non existent voters which they claimed was tyranny!!!!!
IEBC is not a referee in this, they are the 12th player for the JUBILEE administration, reason is, they have again come up with some very high targets for voters to be registered in various regions, with the knowledge that these targes are not achievable in other regions, but will be achieved in areas that they will manipulate with the double registrations like in Central Kenya and North Eastern Province, ask yourself, why has IEBC gone back to giving us figures according to provices that do no exist in the current constitution, instead of breaking it down to Counties? Then they claimed KISII COUNTY has registered a paltry 3400 voters only in two weeks, yet we had registered 5288 in the two weeks!!!!!
You have all wittnessed how this govt has embezzled our resources, you have all seen thwir high handedness, you have all seen the pride and arrogance, you have all seen the way they focus on AMINA MOHAMED spend hundreds of millions, while people die of hunger, spending days in Ethiopia while our soldiers have been butchered in SOMALIA, do we deserve this rubbish, dowe deserve such mediocrity, do we deserve such incompetence just because they were ‘elected’ by non existent voters?
RAILA ODINGA and the entire opposition, we know you are not angels, you are not perfect, you are not the best, but, we want you people to lead us from the front to get rid of these greedy and irresponsible tribalists, whatever it takes my people, whatever it takes. Kenyans from all walks of life MUST now become conscious that we have a serious enemy, an enemy that must be defeated by any means possible. Let us unite and change this country. 



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