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Hon. Dr. Kilemi Mwiria deeply concerned on the organization of JP activities in Meru


Subject:  Hon. Dr. Kilemi Mwiria deeply concerned on the organization of JP activities in Meru

I belong to Jubilee Party (JP) because it is the party of HE President Uhuru Kenyatta and my aim is to ensure that Uhuru retains the popularity he has continued to enjoy among the Ameru.

However,  my supporters and I and indeed supporters of many other aspirants who are in JP, are not happy  with the  way a team of individuals  calling themselves KIKALI are going about the  business of  popularizing the Party. They have been portraying JP as a KIKALI outfit and in the process they have isolated all the other aspirants who are in JP but not in KIKALI.   Of late there has been an exodus of aspirants to PNU and DP who are also gaining popularity in Meru.

It is for this reason that I am calling for a round table meeting of all JP aspirants who are as concerned as I am, in order to chart our way forward to avoid a situation where opposition is taking advantage of the dissatisfaction and confusion that is being created by a few selfish individuals. Invitation to the  meeting will be sent to those who are interested and therefore if you are interested in attending the meeting please send your confirmation to the

There are instances where aspirants who do not belong to the KIKALI have been subjected to humiliation and embarrassment by being refused to address voters in functions. Others have been told openly that the train has left the station and there is no room for them in KIKALI. Such irresponsible utterances from those who are supposed to bring people together to vote for Uhuru have not and will not contribute to building any form of unity of purpose within JP. I am aware of the fact that HE the President and DP have promised that the JP nominations will be free and fair. However, when the leading coordinator of JP activities in Meru, who is also an aspirant, continues to let everybody know that he is not as foolish as he looks to have forgotten to secure a bed room for himself within JP, then one is left to wonder how the free and fair nomination process will be realized. It is on this premises  that I am calling for an urgent meeting of all aspirants who are as concerned as many of us are,   in order to chart the way forward and thereafter inform the President accordingly. The meeting will take place as soon as possible  and details will be communicated to those who will have confirmed  their attendance. We are committed to supporting reelection of our President and we are not about to sit around and watch as selfish individuals are masquerading as his mouth piece.

Days of anybody dreaming to be the king of Meru are over because Meru has a wealthy of decent and able leaders who are capable of not only moving the county to greater heights of development but also promoting unity among all the Ameru.

My supporters and I are for a united Meru and a united vote for HE Uhuru Kenyatta come 2017, and this promise ,  I will keep.

Hon. Dr. Kilemi Mwiria


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