There has been claims of an emerging possible Meru third force (meru mpya) where Meru Governorship aspirant Mr.Mwenda Mbijiwe is said to be courting Tigania east youthful parliamentary aspirant Mr.Martin Baiyenia Mukenya as his preferred deputy governor in his new political outfit Meru mpya.Mwenda Mbijiwe who enjoys both local and international network which he built while serving in the military is a man to watch in Meru jubilee party nominations where he is expected to square it out with Meru senator Kiraitu Murungi and Kilemi Mwiria. In a quick rejoiner this what Mukenya posted on his social network. "My people just ignore this speculation going a round by some bloggers . We are not in political discussion with my friend Meru county Governor Aspirant mweshimiwa Mbijiwe Mwenda . Think it's wise he source for Deputy governor from Igembe sub counties . If consulted I can bet on Irene Kendi Mwenda Timothy or Haron Abuana . The public demand at my constituency cannot...
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