__Don’t procrastinate when facts are obvious. To be honest with you, the first time I sold a business, it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my body! Selling a business for the first time is never easy and can leave you emotionally devastated. However, the important lesson of this series is this: The capacity to sell a business is a "rite of passage" to maturity as an entrepreneur! If you’re unwilling to consider selling, let alone actually sell when you have to, then you’re not cut out for the big leagues… Now let's talk: It took me about five years to build my first business. I started building it before I was married and had children. It was everything to me. It was not unusual for me to spend 48 hours at the business non-stop. I was young and bursting with energy, drive, ambition, passion... and I poured it all into my little business. It grew quickly, and soon people heard about me. I had what they call in Africa "a name," and it was because of my ...
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