This is meant for those asking me why Jubilee and Not Cord!
It is all a gamble,whether in Cord or Jubilee,Hakuna Guarantee kwa Siasa! Mapambano all through and I love it that way.
A fighting chance is all I ask for and from past experience Jubilee has been more consistent in offering its Aspirants a much more fair fighting chance for their Party ticket both during the last General election and the by-elections that have followed.
The same cannot be said of CORD,I challenge anyone to provide evidence to the Contrary and I will present evidence to support that Jubilee has more internal democracy and attempts and puts more effort into conducting free and fair Party Primaries/Nominations for the Various positions on offer as Compared to their CORD colleagues.
That to me is very important.
Secondly other than in the manner they Conduct their Party Primaries another Notable sign of more internal Democracy is how Jubilee are at times able to take opposing positions within the same Coalition on such important matters as Corruption.
A good example was the Ann Waiguru NYS saga when hon. Kabando wa Kabando and other like minded Leaders in Jubilee Openly joined the calls for her resignation.
I am yet to see Cord Condemn one of their own for Corruption. The only attempt was by Hon.
Bonny Khalwale when he Publicly accused Kidero of bringing down Mumia’s in a Presidential meeting in Western Kenya,probably more out of the realization that all Politics is local and that such a message would go well with an Audience from Western region than out of the need and urge to fight Corruption and pursue the culprits involved.
It’s called Political expediency.
How it ended after Kidero took Khalwale to Court is even more telling as reliable sources have it that the Party Lesdership intervened in the matter and an amicable “out of Court” Settlement of the matter was reached.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what actually transpired in this “out of Court settlement” of the matter.
This is Not the approach we expect from people who on a daily basis purport to be fighting Corruption by Jubilee.
An unholy conspiracy of silence on matters Corruption is evidently being applied in the CORD Coalition side of the Political divide whenever corruption involves “one of their own.”
To them it’s only Corruption when it involves Jubilee and Not one of their Own.
That’s Not how to do things if you want to brand and market yourself as the alternative,the govt in Waiting,the change that we all yearn for.
Another good example is how the Ababu Namwamba Scam as PAC Chmn was handled or the Wetangula BAT scam,the same Conspiracy of silence was applied.
It’s see No evil,Hear No evil,Know No evil when it Comes to one of their own for CORD.
Imagine how it would be were they to be in Govt!
If you have gone through my earlier Posts I have given my history with Wiper in the last general election.
Wiper Party Leader and Leadership went out of their Way to Suppress my Candidature for Governor on a Wiper Ticket which I had gotten through due process as established by the Elections Act and the Wiper Party Constitution.
I paid the 150k Wiper was charging for the Position of Governor,was unopposed by the time we got to the deadline for Party Nominations and was thus the Automatic Candidate for Governor on a Wiper ticket.
I had even accepted to work with Kidero in a Joint Candidature under the Cord Coalition agreement as he had also secured the ODM Party ticket for Nairobi governor.
It is at this Point that the Wiper Party Leadership developed interest in the matter and started sidelining me on the negotiations which had now gone top level only to later learn that they were pushing for Mueke to be Kidero’s Running mate instead of me.
Due to the threat of dividing the Cord vote my Candidature would have posed to the Kidero/Mueke ticket thus jeopardising their Victory,the Wiper Party leadership committed to ensuring that i dont get the Physical Party Ticket though i was legally the Wiper Governor Candidate for Nairobi County having gone through the due democratic Process as established by law.
I tried to appeal that I was even willing to go for nomination with Mueke if need be even though the deadline had passed but the Wiper Leadership was determined to suppress and oppress me and my Candidature in all ways,rule of Law Notwithstanding.
They did not want to risk a Nomination between Mueke and I as Mueke had not even declared interest in the seat,leave alone Campaigning for it.
The only reason they ever gave was that I should go back and work with Jubilee(then PNU) where i had been all along.
Just so that you know,I was a staunch Kibaki Supporter from 1997 when I voted for the 1st time ever and through his 2 terms as President.
I am still very proud of it especially considering his legacy as President!
Even in 2007 when Kalonzo 1st vied for President on an ODM-K ticket,I stuck with Kibaki as I deeply believed that Fitina and Ukabila aside,and going by what we had been used to under Moi’s 24 year Presidency,Kibaki’s 1st term had earned him re-election.
Am still convinced I was right.
It is in the 2007 election when i got the opportunity to work with other Young Great Kenyans whom we had shared Convictions about Kibaki Deserving another term under the Vijana Na Kibaki lobby group,the youth wing of the Kibaki Tena Presidential Re-Election Campaign Secretariat and easily the most Visible face of Kibaki’s 2007 re-election Campaign.
This is the time i met and worked with great future Kenyan Leaders who were then Youth and some are still in their Youth even today although some of Us have since gracefully transited,the likes of hon. Sakaja,Senator Martha Wangari,hon. Kanini Kega,Nais Karia,Ben-Ben Karuga,Joseph Kioko,Alex Wachira,Mutuma Nkanata,Thomas Mbewa Ndede Fwamba Nc Fwamba,George Nyongesa, Kefa K. Abong’o,Beryl Oyier, etc etc
Back to the Wiper story,it shows that someone never forgave me for not Supporting Kalonzo in 2007 or someone used that as an excuse to Suppress me though I had since joined the Wiper Party after Kibaki’s retirement and was legally a bonafide member by the time we were going for the 2013 elections.
I had actually campaigned for Wiper Party throughout Nairobi City holding meetings with Wiper supporters in all the former 8 Constituencies of Nairobi County.
Another reason that was given was that Mueke had vied for Westlands MP with the then ODM-K in the 2007 elections and thus was more deserving to be “rewarded” with the Position of Nairobi Deputy Governor,Democracy and Due Process aside!
“It is time to reward those who have been loyal to the Party” seemed to be the Clarion call by the Wiper Party Top Leadership.
It was also loudly rumoured that Mueke’s Dad,a Prominent and Wealthy Kenyan Medical Doctor who was at one time head of the WHO in Africa based in Abuja,Nigeria was among the Key Financiers of the Wiper Party besides having their origins from Kitui County,same as Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo and Chairman David Musila who are also from Kitui County.
Am told that either one of the above or a combination of all of the above was the main reason behind their refusal to support me as the Wiper Candidate and offer me as Kidero’s Running Mate.
It did not matter to them that I was the legally bonafide Wiper Party Candidate for the Position.
All that is Water under the bridge,it’s just that I am trying to give you a perspective of where i am coming from so that it is easier for you to understand why I have chosen the Political Path I have chosen as we get closer to the 2017 elections.
I believe I came out of the whole experience a much stronger and more experienced Politician.
That’s the silver lining!
When it became clear that Wiper was determined Not to give me the Wiper Party Nomination Certificate,I took my Case to the Letangule led IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee which ruled in my favor,that Wiper ought to give me the Cert.
Unfortunately Wiper Party was so determined and adamant to lock me out in favor of Mueke that they went in outright Contempt of the Ruling by the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee and refused to give me the Party Nomination Cert.
I was forced to go back to the High Court where i obtained orders instructing the IEBC to clear me as the Wiper Candidate for Nairobi Governor whether i had the Wiper Party Nomination Cert or Not!
That’s how I ended up in the Ballot.
It’s Worth Noting that at all this time the Wiper Leadership never even once attempted to talk to me to try and find an amicable Solution on the matter,Such was the extend of Contempt from them.
That’s another remarkable difference between Jubilee and CORD,while in Jubilee Negotiations are held whenever there is need for Consensus on anything,e.g (Gatundu by-election incident),in CORD it’s either the Way of the top leadership or the Highway!
Those who have dared challenge that are treated like outcasts with No rights whatsoever,all civility and pretence to decency is discarded and thrown through the Window.
It is a fact that most of the cases before the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee were from Cord Strongholds as Compared to Jubilee strongholds.
The William Oduol saga in Siaya County was one of the most Prominent cases of gross and outright violation of the people’s Right to choose in a free and fair election when he flatly beat Oburu Odinga for the ODM ticket for Siaya Governor only for the whole exercise to be declared null and void and Cornel Rasanga Annointed and imposed as the ODM candidate.
Even as we fight for the disbandment and reforming of the IEBC,my view has always been that we also ought to seriously look at how to streamline and put order into our Political Party Primaries popularly known as Party Nominations as it is at this stage that the most gross,outright and blatant Violations of the electoral Process and the Peoples right to a free and fair Choice takes Place.
On this I hold the view that Cord is more Guilty.
I would rather put my Bet with Jubilee on them at least giving me a fair fighting chance at the Party Nominations than with Cord.
I don’t need more evidence on this than my experience in the last election unless I am a fool,which I am Not.
Lastly,all the above have made me come to the realisation and Conclusion that the redemption of this Country from its Current Woes will Not Come from the current Crop of Political Leaders,both in the Govt or in the Opposition.
Not to say that they are Not Important,Not at all!
The Point is that they have done their bit in bringing this Country to where it is Currently and we should celebrate them for it.
The 1st Generation of independent Kenya bequeathed on Us independence from Colonialism and established the 1st African State And Govt.
The Kapenguria 6 and the MAUMAU come to my mind in this category.
The 2nd Generation of Kina Matiba, Kibaki,RAO,Orengo,Anyona,DR. Khaminwa,Imanyara,Martha Karua,Koigi,Muite,Charity Ngilu,Rubia, etc etc gave us the 2nd liberation of the Country that ushered in Political Pluralism/Multi Partyism.
The 2nd Liberation is what culminated in the passing of the 2010 Katiba when even the Johnny Come Latelies of the Reform Movement and Struggle,Uhuru Kenyatta,Kalonzo Musyoka,Johnson Muthama,Musalia Mudavadi,Moses Wetangula,the late Hon. Mutula Kilonzo,Ntimama,Sally Kosgey,Henry Kosgei etc,etc had already joined the Reform bandwagon.
My opinion is that when this generation of leaders stopped drawing clear lines as to who were pro-reforms and who were Pro-establishment and status quo and all Joined Govt in 2002 under the all inclusive NARC and again in 2008 under the Forced Grand Coalition Govt,they became too compromised to take Kenya beyond the 2010 Katiba.
They all developed vested interests that make them Not want to genuinely change our bad and old way of doing things,as with time they have all in one way or the other become beneficiaries of our dirty System.
It is upon Us the younger Kenyans to start identifying the leadership that will take this Country to the next level.
In my honest opinion the leaders we should now start identifying are those that believe in the Sanctity and Centrality of The 2010 Katiba passed by Wananchi with an overwhelming majority in guiding all our engagements as Kenyans.
We have to FOCUS on entrenching Constitutionalism as our Generations Contribution to the betterment of this Potentially Great Country called Kenya.
We have to ensure that Kenya indeed becomes Great in our lifetime.
Constitutionalism will end impunity,Corruption,tribalism and all the other ills affecting our Nation and Continously hindering its much needed progress.
I believe that we Young Kenyans stand a better chance of making our Mark and Showcasing our Political Prowess and determination of Shaping the Political Future of this Country in Jubilee more than in Cord.
This is because Cord is still dominated by the Old guard who are used to doing things the Old way while Jubilee is dominated by relatively Young political Personalities starting from the very Top.
Just Compare the ages of the official Political leadership of Jubilee in both Houses,National Assembly and Senate so that You get a Picture of what I am trying to put across.
In Jubilee,where we are Sure that the President will be retiring in 2022 throwing the Leadership Contest open as much as the DP Ruto will be the frontrunner,there is better room for us,my generation to align ourselves where we have the room to carve out our niche and fight out for the top leadership when Uhuru retires,at worst a Running Mate in the 2022 election.
We should start focusing and working around an arrangement that will place us at the Centre of this Country’s National leadership when we still have the vigour,determination,dedication and Commitment that comes with Youthfulness.
Look at the Cord Leadership and tell me when you think they will start thinking of mentoring,leave alone handing over the top leadership to the next generation?
If I am not wrong,I will be in my 80’s by the time the 3 CORD principals finish their turns of 2 terms on the Presidency,assuming that Cord wins the 2022 General election.
I don’t have that kind of Patience to wait before meaningfully nursing realistic ambitions and aspirations of forming part of the Country’s top Political Leadership.
Least of all,Not when I don’t believe in the ability of the people at the front to bring any meaningful change to my Country beyond what we already have.
I hope it’s now clear why it’s going to be Jubilee all the Way!
I have good,well thought through and reflected upon reasons for choosing Jubilee.
Don’t mistake me at all,I am aware they are not anything close to being angels,Neither are they worse Devils than the CORD brigade,metaphorically Speaking!
Tukutane ground, Mwananchi ndio Kusema!
Kindly excuse any spelling/tense error you might come across if any.
Sorry for the relatively long post,it’s the best I could do in summarising my Points.
Hope the read was worth your time!
Aspirant for Nairobi Senator’s Position on a Jubilee Ticket.
It is all a gamble,whether in Cord or Jubilee,Hakuna Guarantee kwa Siasa! Mapambano all through and I love it that way.
A fighting chance is all I ask for and from past experience Jubilee has been more consistent in offering its Aspirants a much more fair fighting chance for their Party ticket both during the last General election and the by-elections that have followed.
The same cannot be said of CORD,I challenge anyone to provide evidence to the Contrary and I will present evidence to support that Jubilee has more internal democracy and attempts and puts more effort into conducting free and fair Party Primaries/Nominations for the Various positions on offer as Compared to their CORD colleagues.
That to me is very important.
Secondly other than in the manner they Conduct their Party Primaries another Notable sign of more internal Democracy is how Jubilee are at times able to take opposing positions within the same Coalition on such important matters as Corruption.
A good example was the Ann Waiguru NYS saga when hon. Kabando wa Kabando and other like minded Leaders in Jubilee Openly joined the calls for her resignation.
I am yet to see Cord Condemn one of their own for Corruption. The only attempt was by Hon.
Bonny Khalwale when he Publicly accused Kidero of bringing down Mumia’s in a Presidential meeting in Western Kenya,probably more out of the realization that all Politics is local and that such a message would go well with an Audience from Western region than out of the need and urge to fight Corruption and pursue the culprits involved.
It’s called Political expediency.
How it ended after Kidero took Khalwale to Court is even more telling as reliable sources have it that the Party Lesdership intervened in the matter and an amicable “out of Court” Settlement of the matter was reached.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what actually transpired in this “out of Court settlement” of the matter.
This is Not the approach we expect from people who on a daily basis purport to be fighting Corruption by Jubilee.
An unholy conspiracy of silence on matters Corruption is evidently being applied in the CORD Coalition side of the Political divide whenever corruption involves “one of their own.”
To them it’s only Corruption when it involves Jubilee and Not one of their Own.
That’s Not how to do things if you want to brand and market yourself as the alternative,the govt in Waiting,the change that we all yearn for.
Another good example is how the Ababu Namwamba Scam as PAC Chmn was handled or the Wetangula BAT scam,the same Conspiracy of silence was applied.
It’s see No evil,Hear No evil,Know No evil when it Comes to one of their own for CORD.
Imagine how it would be were they to be in Govt!
If you have gone through my earlier Posts I have given my history with Wiper in the last general election.
Wiper Party Leader and Leadership went out of their Way to Suppress my Candidature for Governor on a Wiper Ticket which I had gotten through due process as established by the Elections Act and the Wiper Party Constitution.
I paid the 150k Wiper was charging for the Position of Governor,was unopposed by the time we got to the deadline for Party Nominations and was thus the Automatic Candidate for Governor on a Wiper ticket.
I had even accepted to work with Kidero in a Joint Candidature under the Cord Coalition agreement as he had also secured the ODM Party ticket for Nairobi governor.
It is at this Point that the Wiper Party Leadership developed interest in the matter and started sidelining me on the negotiations which had now gone top level only to later learn that they were pushing for Mueke to be Kidero’s Running mate instead of me.
Due to the threat of dividing the Cord vote my Candidature would have posed to the Kidero/Mueke ticket thus jeopardising their Victory,the Wiper Party leadership committed to ensuring that i dont get the Physical Party Ticket though i was legally the Wiper Governor Candidate for Nairobi County having gone through the due democratic Process as established by law.
I tried to appeal that I was even willing to go for nomination with Mueke if need be even though the deadline had passed but the Wiper Leadership was determined to suppress and oppress me and my Candidature in all ways,rule of Law Notwithstanding.
They did not want to risk a Nomination between Mueke and I as Mueke had not even declared interest in the seat,leave alone Campaigning for it.
The only reason they ever gave was that I should go back and work with Jubilee(then PNU) where i had been all along.
Just so that you know,I was a staunch Kibaki Supporter from 1997 when I voted for the 1st time ever and through his 2 terms as President.
I am still very proud of it especially considering his legacy as President!
Even in 2007 when Kalonzo 1st vied for President on an ODM-K ticket,I stuck with Kibaki as I deeply believed that Fitina and Ukabila aside,and going by what we had been used to under Moi’s 24 year Presidency,Kibaki’s 1st term had earned him re-election.
Am still convinced I was right.
It is in the 2007 election when i got the opportunity to work with other Young Great Kenyans whom we had shared Convictions about Kibaki Deserving another term under the Vijana Na Kibaki lobby group,the youth wing of the Kibaki Tena Presidential Re-Election Campaign Secretariat and easily the most Visible face of Kibaki’s 2007 re-election Campaign.
This is the time i met and worked with great future Kenyan Leaders who were then Youth and some are still in their Youth even today although some of Us have since gracefully transited,the likes of hon. Sakaja,Senator Martha Wangari,hon. Kanini Kega,Nais Karia,Ben-Ben Karuga,Joseph Kioko,Alex Wachira,Mutuma Nkanata,Thomas Mbewa Ndede Fwamba Nc Fwamba,George Nyongesa, Kefa K. Abong’o,Beryl Oyier, etc etc
Back to the Wiper story,it shows that someone never forgave me for not Supporting Kalonzo in 2007 or someone used that as an excuse to Suppress me though I had since joined the Wiper Party after Kibaki’s retirement and was legally a bonafide member by the time we were going for the 2013 elections.
I had actually campaigned for Wiper Party throughout Nairobi City holding meetings with Wiper supporters in all the former 8 Constituencies of Nairobi County.
Another reason that was given was that Mueke had vied for Westlands MP with the then ODM-K in the 2007 elections and thus was more deserving to be “rewarded” with the Position of Nairobi Deputy Governor,Democracy and Due Process aside!
“It is time to reward those who have been loyal to the Party” seemed to be the Clarion call by the Wiper Party Top Leadership.
It was also loudly rumoured that Mueke’s Dad,a Prominent and Wealthy Kenyan Medical Doctor who was at one time head of the WHO in Africa based in Abuja,Nigeria was among the Key Financiers of the Wiper Party besides having their origins from Kitui County,same as Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo and Chairman David Musila who are also from Kitui County.
Am told that either one of the above or a combination of all of the above was the main reason behind their refusal to support me as the Wiper Candidate and offer me as Kidero’s Running Mate.
It did not matter to them that I was the legally bonafide Wiper Party Candidate for the Position.
All that is Water under the bridge,it’s just that I am trying to give you a perspective of where i am coming from so that it is easier for you to understand why I have chosen the Political Path I have chosen as we get closer to the 2017 elections.
I believe I came out of the whole experience a much stronger and more experienced Politician.
That’s the silver lining!
When it became clear that Wiper was determined Not to give me the Wiper Party Nomination Certificate,I took my Case to the Letangule led IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee which ruled in my favor,that Wiper ought to give me the Cert.
Unfortunately Wiper Party was so determined and adamant to lock me out in favor of Mueke that they went in outright Contempt of the Ruling by the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee and refused to give me the Party Nomination Cert.
I was forced to go back to the High Court where i obtained orders instructing the IEBC to clear me as the Wiper Candidate for Nairobi Governor whether i had the Wiper Party Nomination Cert or Not!
That’s how I ended up in the Ballot.
It’s Worth Noting that at all this time the Wiper Leadership never even once attempted to talk to me to try and find an amicable Solution on the matter,Such was the extend of Contempt from them.
That’s another remarkable difference between Jubilee and CORD,while in Jubilee Negotiations are held whenever there is need for Consensus on anything,e.g (Gatundu by-election incident),in CORD it’s either the Way of the top leadership or the Highway!
Those who have dared challenge that are treated like outcasts with No rights whatsoever,all civility and pretence to decency is discarded and thrown through the Window.
It is a fact that most of the cases before the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee were from Cord Strongholds as Compared to Jubilee strongholds.
The William Oduol saga in Siaya County was one of the most Prominent cases of gross and outright violation of the people’s Right to choose in a free and fair election when he flatly beat Oburu Odinga for the ODM ticket for Siaya Governor only for the whole exercise to be declared null and void and Cornel Rasanga Annointed and imposed as the ODM candidate.
Even as we fight for the disbandment and reforming of the IEBC,my view has always been that we also ought to seriously look at how to streamline and put order into our Political Party Primaries popularly known as Party Nominations as it is at this stage that the most gross,outright and blatant Violations of the electoral Process and the Peoples right to a free and fair Choice takes Place.
On this I hold the view that Cord is more Guilty.
I would rather put my Bet with Jubilee on them at least giving me a fair fighting chance at the Party Nominations than with Cord.
I don’t need more evidence on this than my experience in the last election unless I am a fool,which I am Not.
Lastly,all the above have made me come to the realisation and Conclusion that the redemption of this Country from its Current Woes will Not Come from the current Crop of Political Leaders,both in the Govt or in the Opposition.
Not to say that they are Not Important,Not at all!
The Point is that they have done their bit in bringing this Country to where it is Currently and we should celebrate them for it.
The 1st Generation of independent Kenya bequeathed on Us independence from Colonialism and established the 1st African State And Govt.
The Kapenguria 6 and the MAUMAU come to my mind in this category.
The 2nd Generation of Kina Matiba, Kibaki,RAO,Orengo,Anyona,DR. Khaminwa,Imanyara,Martha Karua,Koigi,Muite,Charity Ngilu,Rubia, etc etc gave us the 2nd liberation of the Country that ushered in Political Pluralism/Multi Partyism.
The 2nd Liberation is what culminated in the passing of the 2010 Katiba when even the Johnny Come Latelies of the Reform Movement and Struggle,Uhuru Kenyatta,Kalonzo Musyoka,Johnson Muthama,Musalia Mudavadi,Moses Wetangula,the late Hon. Mutula Kilonzo,Ntimama,Sally Kosgey,Henry Kosgei etc,etc had already joined the Reform bandwagon.
My opinion is that when this generation of leaders stopped drawing clear lines as to who were pro-reforms and who were Pro-establishment and status quo and all Joined Govt in 2002 under the all inclusive NARC and again in 2008 under the Forced Grand Coalition Govt,they became too compromised to take Kenya beyond the 2010 Katiba.
They all developed vested interests that make them Not want to genuinely change our bad and old way of doing things,as with time they have all in one way or the other become beneficiaries of our dirty System.
It is upon Us the younger Kenyans to start identifying the leadership that will take this Country to the next level.
In my honest opinion the leaders we should now start identifying are those that believe in the Sanctity and Centrality of The 2010 Katiba passed by Wananchi with an overwhelming majority in guiding all our engagements as Kenyans.
We have to FOCUS on entrenching Constitutionalism as our Generations Contribution to the betterment of this Potentially Great Country called Kenya.
We have to ensure that Kenya indeed becomes Great in our lifetime.
Constitutionalism will end impunity,Corruption,tribalism and all the other ills affecting our Nation and Continously hindering its much needed progress.
I believe that we Young Kenyans stand a better chance of making our Mark and Showcasing our Political Prowess and determination of Shaping the Political Future of this Country in Jubilee more than in Cord.
This is because Cord is still dominated by the Old guard who are used to doing things the Old way while Jubilee is dominated by relatively Young political Personalities starting from the very Top.
Just Compare the ages of the official Political leadership of Jubilee in both Houses,National Assembly and Senate so that You get a Picture of what I am trying to put across.
In Jubilee,where we are Sure that the President will be retiring in 2022 throwing the Leadership Contest open as much as the DP Ruto will be the frontrunner,there is better room for us,my generation to align ourselves where we have the room to carve out our niche and fight out for the top leadership when Uhuru retires,at worst a Running Mate in the 2022 election.
We should start focusing and working around an arrangement that will place us at the Centre of this Country’s National leadership when we still have the vigour,determination,dedication and Commitment that comes with Youthfulness.
Look at the Cord Leadership and tell me when you think they will start thinking of mentoring,leave alone handing over the top leadership to the next generation?
If I am not wrong,I will be in my 80’s by the time the 3 CORD principals finish their turns of 2 terms on the Presidency,assuming that Cord wins the 2022 General election.
I don’t have that kind of Patience to wait before meaningfully nursing realistic ambitions and aspirations of forming part of the Country’s top Political Leadership.
Least of all,Not when I don’t believe in the ability of the people at the front to bring any meaningful change to my Country beyond what we already have.
I hope it’s now clear why it’s going to be Jubilee all the Way!
I have good,well thought through and reflected upon reasons for choosing Jubilee.
Don’t mistake me at all,I am aware they are not anything close to being angels,Neither are they worse Devils than the CORD brigade,metaphorically Speaking!
Tukutane ground, Mwananchi ndio Kusema!
Kindly excuse any spelling/tense error you might come across if any.
Sorry for the relatively long post,it’s the best I could do in summarising my Points.
Hope the read was worth your time!
Aspirant for Nairobi Senator’s Position on a Jubilee Ticket.