Nyamira County Assembly Leader of Minority Jackson Mogusu believes President Uhuru Kenyatta will trounce Cord leader Raila Odinga easily even without the embattled IEBC commissioners in office.
Mr Odinga has accused the electoral body of being biased and corrupt and so cannot oversee the 2017 polls.
And now Mr Mogusu has bashed the Cord leader arguing that he has ‘sensed’ defeat hence reverting to intimidating the IEBC officials.
“I don’t really think Mr Odinga is fighting the IEBC because of alleged working relationship with the government. He has actually sensed defeat in the 2017 polls and that is why he has subjected the commissioners to unwarranted torture,” he said.
“He cannot beat President Kenyatta even without the current IEBC as constituted. The President has done exemplary well in initiating development projects across the country among them infrastructure and the economy is stable warranting him a re-election,” he added.
Mogusu also made a reference to the ‘tyranny’ of numbers saying pro-Uhuru regions have registered in large numbers Raila's strongholds.
“Still the tyranny of numbers factor will apply because we have many voters from regions where Kenyatta enjoys support than where Odinga is popular. Jubilee is also making entry to Western Kenya and parts of Nyanza, traditional regions for opposition. That alone will give JAP an outright victory,” he said.