By J Mamboleo
This is the actual state of the nation: One out of every five Kenyans is unemployed. Amongst those in employment, their earnings wont last more than just a quarter of a month.
Very few Kenyans can support a development budget out of their salaries or savings. Banks only lend to those Kenyans with money and in most cases, the amounts they lend cannot be sufficient to complete the projects in contemplation. In most cases currently, most heavy private capital investments are being undertaken by national government (A.I.E.) holders or tenderpreneurs or county government staff and and their preferred suppliers.
Every other Kenyan is suffering, professionalism and fidelity to ethic does not pay and is mocked. Everyone is trying to con someone off something. The rulers are ruling arrogantly and the ruled are dying to become rulers. This is the state of the nation: A place where hope of a better tomorrow does not exist, a place where life is brutish, nasty and short.
A man eat man society in which all of us are guilty of one misdeed or the other. The President’s speech today should have been short and simple – “Forgive this my country Father, for we have sinned and fallen short of your glory. Return into us humanness again and grant us the acceptance to seek to begin afresh.”
We need a fresh beginning as a nation. A clean slate – tabula rasa. May God’s grace be sufficient to take us back to that beginning.