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How to Plan the Perfect Valentine's Day for Your Husband

Celebrate the love you feel for your husband this Valentine's Day by going out of your way to make it just perfect. It doesn't have to be expensive or complicated; rather, a successful Valentine's Day results from thoughtful planning and paying attention to the small details that you know matter to him. A great opportunity to remind one another of the love and companionship you share, Valentine's Day gives you the chance to do things differently for a day, to shake out the humdrum of everyday life. So, seize the opportunity presented by Valentine's Day to warm your husband's heart. Planning Your Own Valentine's Day

  • Be the one to do the wooing.The traditional treatment of Valentine's Day carries an unstated but usually honored belief that it is the man who does the wooing and goes out of his way to make the occasion special. Make a change by taking charge and wooing him instead. It'll surprisehim and he'll enjoy it.
  • Plan a surprise. Romanceis just perfect when it's unexpected. Make a plan as to what you'll do to surprise him, such as having flowers sent to his workplace, packing him an empty lunch and then showing up with his favorite lunchfood, or taking him somewhere for the evening that you know he really enjoys, such as a restaurant, the movies, a walk on the pier, or a ride in the fairground. Do all of the planning so that you're not at a loss for what to do and so that you can make bookings or buy tickets in advance if needed. .If he usually does the Valentine's Day preparations, you will need to subtly let him know that you've "taken care of things" this year. Don't let on; just tell him to be ready. Another excellent way to forewarn him is to produce a formal invitationwith a general, mysterious invite to "spend the day/evening" with you and to ask him to be wearing/bring whatever you feel is appropriate. .If you'd like to surprise him with dinner, focus on what he has said he likes.
  • Build it up.If you're planning a date, you might as well build it up. Leave a note and picture of the two of you in his car the day before saying you're excited. Wake up Valentine's morning and start getting gorgeous immediately. And do something different with yourself, like wearing heelsor a ponytail or curls. And if he doesn’t notice, assume he thinks you’re beautiful all the time, whatever you do!
  • Offer to take care ofeverythingon the day.This means paying, driving, organizing, the lot. You're giving him a day off love duty, with his only responsibility to enjoy the loving and to be loving! But don't emasculate him by blocking his efforts; if he prefers to drive, for example, he won't find it romantic to be forced to sit on his hands in the passenger seat.
  • Dress up.Where appropriate, dress up as much as possible to make it a really special occasion. Obviously, if you're horse ridingor surfing the waves, you'll need to consider clothing changes but for the formal and dressy parts of the date, look your best. Taking care to remind him of how stunning you are is only one part of the dressing up; it's also about feeling your best and about showing you care enough to make the effort for a special occasion.
  • Be spontaneous; be playful. For one day put all your responsibilities out of your head and put your husband at the top of the list. Think back to how things were when you first dated and try to recreate the thrill of initial romance when daily cares weren't interfering the way they do now. It's one day of being dates again! .If you have kids, get a babysitter. It's a little hard to be romantic and spontaneous when the kids are hanging around asking questions and pawing you with chocolate stained fingers. A suddenly frisky mom can be confusing! Free your inner child by letting someone else take care of your kids.
  • Do something that makes your husband blush.There are some things that only he should ever get to see and this can be used to your advantage when thinking up ways to surprise him. Some ideas include: .Get a fake tattoosomewhere really private. Make it something meaningful like his name or a special secret the two of you share. If you're feeling really wild, make it a real, permanent tattoo. Or suggest the two of you get one together! .Get a nude photo portfoliotaken of you by a professional (and reputable) photographer. Classy nude photos of you in an album may be one of the best gifts he's ever received! .Proclaim your love for your husband in public. Hang a banner that says you love him in a place where lots of people get to read it. Ring up a radio show and have them "play your song" along with your words of love. Leave an enormous bunch of flowersat his workplace with a huge loving card attached that just begs to be read by the receptionist. Have a t-shirt printed with his face and words of love written on it and wear it all day. Get balloons printed with his face inside a love heart, have them filled with helium and walk around with them.
  • Give in.If you've found yourself in the habit of suggesting there are things you'd rather he changed, do a turn-about and let him do one or two things that would normally bug you. Fill the cabinet with his favorite drink, dial in junk food, watch his favorite TV series on DVD with him. Let him have that dog he's been pining after for months, or book that flight to the interstate sports gamewith his mates. A few little give-ins pave the way for a long-term constructive relationship in which he'll do the same for you; plus, it reassures him how much you really do care about him.
  • Turn the house into a love zone.If you're staying home for Valentine's Day, make the house festive and suggestive. Get up early and decorate the house to make it Valentine's friendly. Place comfortable cushions, pillows, and blanketsin the sitting area, hang love heart decorations around the house, and place scented candles in suitable places for lighting in the evening. Spray, burn, or plug in a romantic scent and play soft, romantic music in the background. Even better, plan a meaningful playlistthat consists of songs that the two of you share together and have that playing through the day. Set up a massage corner, complete with massage oils, towels, soothing massage tools, and a comfortable place to lie down. Have sweet baking smells waft through the house.
  • Let the world revolve around him for the day.Spend the day hanging on his every word and laughing at his every joke. Or secretly try all day long to find out a few new things to like about him. This might involve trying something new together, like eating oysters, or just browsing the bookstore. Or let him teach you something, how to drive a golf ballor shoot a shotgun. *.Fantasy wishes can be met by companies specializing in such treats as being a racing car driverfor a day or skydiving. Find out from his friends if you're not sure what his fantasy wish is.
  • Go Latin.Romance was invented by Latin culture - the French, the Italians, the Spanish. Going Latin can make it ultra romantic for the day. Buy him gelato, make a heart-shaped pizza, and practice whispering sweet phrases to each other in Italian. Or dance to Hispanic love ballads and proclaim your love in Spanish. Or recreate a Parisian cafe in your home, complete with croissantsand French phrases. Remember, said in a Romance language makes your love messaging sound so much more romantic.
  • Remember to say "I love you".Be the first to get this valuable phrase out into the open and pepper it into conversationthroughout the day. Don't overdo it, though, or he'll cringe every single time you mention it; he may start to take your repetition of the phrase as criticism that he doesn't say it to you often enough. Don't miss opportunities to say "I love you" without words, to add variety to your expression.
  • Get him something he loves, like a favorite movieor a bookor something.Then offer to participate in it enjoying it with him. He will appreciate this and return the favor.
  • Sexual intercourse.Please don't take this wrong, but men like sex. So sexual intercourse should definitely be part of the plan on Valentine's Day. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but try to spice it up, to make it special. Let your hair down, so to speak. Be adventurous, spontaneous, and make it fun for both of you. You might want to try role-playing, dirty talk, or maybe even a pair of furry handcuffs. If you show him a wild night, it's guaranteed that he'll remember it for years to come


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